The -moz-border-radius-topleft Mozilla extension property is used in CSS and certain HTML elements to create a rounded border on the top left corner of a particular object. The -moz- prefix specifies that its effect can only be seen in browsers which use Gecko as their web engine, like Mozilla Firefox, as moz stands for Mozilla. It will only create a border if there is a specific background-color/image on the object. For functionality on other browsers, use the border-radius property. To specify a border radius to the other individual corners, use the Choose as Type
Attributes | Values |
| - -moz-border-radius-topleft
| - The <b>-moz-border-radius-topleft</b> Mozilla extension property is used in CSS and certain HTML elements to create a rounded border on the top left corner of a particular object. The -moz- prefix specifies that its effect can only be seen in browsers which use Gecko as their web engine, like Mozilla Firefox, as moz stands for Mozilla. It will only create a border if there is a specific <a href="/mediawiki/Background-color" title="Background-color">background-color</a>/<a href="/mediawiki/Background-image" title="Background-image">image</a> on the object. For functionality on other browsers, use the <a href="/mediawiki/Border-radius" title="Border-radius">border-radius</a> property. To specify a border radius to the other individual corners, use the <a href="/mediawiki/-moz-border-radius-t
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| - The <b>-moz-border-radius-topleft</b> Mozilla extension property is used in CSS and certain HTML elements to create a rounded border on the top left corner of a particular object. The -moz- prefix specifies that its effect can only be seen in browsers which use Gecko as their web engine, like Mozilla Firefox, as moz stands for Mozilla. It will only create a border if there is a specific <a href="/mediawiki/Background-color" title="Background-color">background-color</a>/<a href="/mediawiki/Background-image" title="Background-image">image</a> on the object. For functionality on other browsers, use the <a href="/mediawiki/Border-radius" title="Border-radius">border-radius</a> property. To specify a border radius to the other individual corners, use the <a href="/mediawiki/-moz-border-radius-topright" title="-moz-border-radius-topright">-moz-border-radius-topright</a>, <a href="/mediawiki/-moz-border-radius-bottomleft" title="-moz-border-radius-bottomleft">-moz-border-radius-bottomleft</a>, and <a href="/mediawiki/-moz-border-radius-bottomright" title="-moz-border-radius-bottomright">-moz-border-radius-bottomright</a> properties. To specify a border radius which applies to all corners, use <a href="/mediawiki/-moz-border-radius" title="-moz-border-radius">-moz-border-radius</a>.