| - "Near and Far" is a classic Sesame Street routine performed by Grover. This sketch involves Grover running back and forth, demonstrating the difference between "near" and "far." To make sure the viewers understand, he repeats this to the point of exhaustion. Grover once performed this act with Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show in the 1970s. This sketch was first performed during the first season by the character who had not yet been established as Grover, voiced by Jim Henson. It was later remade in the early 1970s. (EKA: Episode 0787) Sometime during the 1970s, there was another "near and far" sketch recorded, with Kermit the Frog instructing Grover to demonstrate. (EKA: Episode 1040) Grover also demonstrated near and far during the song Over, Under, Around, and Through. In a parody of the "Bo Knows" commercials, Grover briefly re-enacted this bit with "Bo knows near and far." In another sketch, Grover demonstrated the concepts on a surf board. Grover also briefly referenced this act in the "My ABCs" episode of Scrubs. The bit is referenced on Grover's official page on Sesamestreet.org. Grover re-enacted the bit in an official Sesame Street Vine video.