| - Welcome to the Prophecy Chatroom! To log in, type in a prophecy that you know about or a part of. Enjoy! Prophecy- __________________________________ ~Skywatcher has logged on~ Skywatcher- Yes! Jayfeather actually believed me!! I guess he doesn't know I am not Skywatcher. I am... Thistleclaw!!! Now, let me go around and cause MORE chaos!!!!!!! Wahahahaha!!!! Skywatcher- Whoops, I shouldn't have said that. ~ Skywatcher has deleted his posts~ ~Jayfeather has logged on~ Jayfeather- I can't believe that Leafpool tried to kill me! ~Leafpool has logged on~ ~Leafpool has changed her status to I'M INNOCENT~ Leafpool- Who told you that? Jayfeather- Skywatcher, whoever he is ~Squirrelflight has logged on~ Squirrelflight - Leafpool, I knew you shouldn't have mated with Bramblestar. His "mean disease" must have passed to you. Leafpool- I didn't mate with him ~Leafpool has changed her status to EMBARASSED~ ~Lionblaze has logged on~ Lionblaze - Jayfeather, you still like My Little Pony? Jayfeather - What? (Looks at profile) LIONBLAZE!!! Lionblaze - What? Anyway, I'm done with this chatroom, and I like Facebook better. I posted a photo of Heathertail and I playing together. ~Bramblestar has logged on~ Bramblestar - Leafpool, WHY DID YOU MATE WITH ME????? Squirrelflight - That's solid proof. Leafpool - No it isn't. Jayfeather - Lionblaze, stop posting stupid pictures on my profile! Lionblaze - What are you talking about?? ~ Lionblaze has logged off ~ Jayfeather - Who needs him anyway? Hey, maybe I should try Facebook. ~Jayfeather has logged off~ Leafpool- Crowfeather was right. I should have ran away with him. *sigh* ~Leafpool has logged off~ Squirrelflight- Bramblestar, our fight isn't over yet! I'll claw your ears off as soon as I log out! ~Squirrelflight has logged off~ ~I'm gonna run away and hunt for the Clan before Squirrelflight shreds me to pieces. ~Bramblestar has logged off~ ~Dovewing has logged on~ Dovewing- Yes! I have the chatroom all to myself! ~Skywatcher has logged on~ Dovewing- Uh... maybe not Dovewing- Hey, Skywatcher/Thistleclaw! I know what you're up to! I'll save the Clans from your treachery! Skywatcher- How did you know?????? Dovewing- Cuz I know everything! ~Dovewing has changed her status to I"LL GET YOU, SKYWATCHER!!!~ ~Dovewing has made her new status visible to only Skywatcher.~ ~Dovewing has logged off~ Skywatcher- Stupid prophecy! I never should have told Firestar about it. ~Skywatcher has logged off~