| - 1.0
- 180.0
- 3.0
- 4.0
- 4.418064E8
- 4.73364E8
- 5.049216E8
- 7.0
- 8.0
- 9.0
- --06-14
- 305.0
- A female English/Japanese voicebank with a strong Scottish accent.
*Name: 黒鋼音ハルカ
*Model: AWB 01
*Gender: Female
*Age: 20
*Blood Type: O
*Height: 162cm
*Weight: 45kg
*Voice Range: Untested
*Character Item: Kempelen's speaking machine
*Likes: Scotland
*Dislikes: Japan
- ,a proposed female UTAUloid, who will most likely be able to sing in English only. However If the author does make the UTAUloid , she'll probably have more than 1000 sounds due to the reclist the author plans on using.
- is a female UTAUloid created by Deniisu. She's a really tall, deep voiced, gender-blender gynoid with love for shotas, ham and electricity; is going to have a genderbent called RAIMEI. She is still on recording phase.
- *Name Definitions/Etc: Aoi = Blue, and Hi = Flame, representing her love for fire, and her surname is the kanji for blood and song combined, so basically, her name is Blue-Flame Blood-Song.
*Model Number: N/A
*Gender: Female
*Voicebank: Japanese, however extras like the 'l's', 's', 'k' and a hard 'r' set have been added in to assist with her speaking 'Engrish'
*Age: 17
*Item: Small gas lighter
*Likes: Fire, Scaring others, Sweets
*Dislikes: Idiots, Water, Cats
*Vocal Range: Unknown, but it's a lower pitch female
- 4.41806405E8
- 's voicebank is currently being worked on by Sailor-Pikmin from Deviantart. Her voicebank will be released around December or January. She is a very shy girl, but once you get to know her, she becomes much friendlier. She loves music and has a crush on Miku Hatsune. She has an older sister named Umi Yamine.
*Model #: EY216
*Gender: Female
*Sexuality: Lesbian
*Age: 14
*Height: 5'6
*Weight: 115 lbs.
*Nationality: Japanese/Vietnamese
*Signature item: Undecided
*Color scheme: Undecided
- First Utau in Nekoloids project/set.
Full list:
- likes to sing of course. She looks up to Teto Kasane,who is her inspiration, and Kaisa,her friend. She is very kind, but like mischievous acts. She tries to be cute but ends up falling on her face. She is a fun person to be around and loves to jump around and draw on walls.
*Age: 16
*Character item: Large Paintbrush
*Likes: various stuff, especially drawing
*Dislikes: Nothing
*Colour scheme: Undecided
*Voice source: 1brat2007
- , is an UTAU created by Kiyoraka-Suzimaya on Deviantart. His concept art can be viewed here. His orientation is unknown although it is noted that he seems to have an attraction to Ted Kasane. His name is a parody of the word Josei-no which means to be feminine So far he is a "romaji-reading" Japanese singer.
*Item: Kiwi
*Age: 17
*Likes: Rock Music, Long dress-like Shirts, Ted Kasane
*Dislikes: Miku Hatsune, Dorks
*Number: K-04
- , she is the 76th model. She is from a planet in the Andromeda Galaxy. She was designed to take over planets by hypnotizing them with her singing and taking out weapons in her battle mode. But when Astra came to Earth, her memory core was damaged in the landing and all she can remember is how to sing. A strange anomaly happened causing her to have emotions. She will sometimes go into her battle mode when she is angry. When in battle mode her bun becomes a missle and her clothes and hair become battle armor and a helmet. Her headphones act also as speakers. She also has speakers attached to her sides. Her model number is on her tongue.
*Name: A.S.T.R.A. M76
*Model: 76
*Gender: Female
*Age: Unknown
*Height: 5'4 ft
*Weight: 130 lb
*Voice Range: Unknown
*Character Item: Toaster
*Likes: Unknown
*Dislikes: Unknown
*Color Scheme: Pink, Green, Grey, and Black
- ,a single language UTAU, planned to sing only in Japanese. Due problems with the UTAU program, Mimi's voice bank has been accidentally erased and needs to be completed again. She is the first Danish UTAU to be made.
- Formally named Keisuke Paciano Sotone , he is an upcoming UTAU Voicebank under the POLYGLOID-UG banner. He is the immediate younger brother of Riza Sotone and the older brother to Bonnie and Clyde Sotone. His official debut is from a chance story recounting the hypothetical fall of Tei Sukone from a fanfic written in DeviantArt. He will be voiced by Orochi Herman, much to his reluctance, but was suggested by his girlfriend Nauko Oblivion and a fellow UTAU enthusiast, Hankyou.
Like the POLYGLOID line, characters have names patterned after significant Filipino people. Paciano's name is based on Jose Rizal's elder brother, Paciano Rizal. This is ironic, since in this case, Paciano is the younger sibling and Riza, based from Jose Rizal, is the elder sibling.
Staying true to the storyline that Bonnie and Clyde FEARS his Neco Arc Chaos and Norio Wakamoto impression, Paciano will have one of the deepest voice range for any UTAU voicebank capable of multiple languages.
- *Brand: AbFloid
*Gender: Male
*Voice Provider: Vahkahron
- is an UTAUloid who was designed and is going to be voiced by Youtube's Hikarufoxeh. She is intended to be only Japanese-speaking but her voice bank has not been created yet. Her most interesting feature is the pair of antennae on her head. These very antennae are dangerous to touch. Any electricity in her body that built up from friction is stored in the two tiny balls on the end of each antennae. If someone other than her touches any part of the antennae, it releases an elecric jolt varying in power .
*Name: Chintou Haru
*Age: 23
*Motto: "A person is like a blueberry--regular on the outside, but there is only a thin skin seperating that self and their true selves, whether they be sweet or sour."
*Likes: Blueberries, cleanliness
*Dislikes: Uncleanliness, wasting blueberries, people touching her antennae
*Color scheme: Dark blue
*Signature Item: Blueberries
*Signature weapon: Forks
*Looks: Brown hair pulled up into a high ponytail, gray eyes
*Personality: Very calm and collected, hardly ever shows massive amounts of emotion, though she does show surprise and sadness if she drops a blueberry, and happiness when she sees something cute. She does have a secret liking of cute things, but even alone she doesn't gush emotion. Though quiet, she is very sensitive and is insulted easily. The only emotion she almost never expresses is anger. People tend to leave her alone because she acts cold sometimes, but if you take the time to talk to her she is actually very kind.
- is a shy, happy girl who likes eat dulce de leche. She's on a very early development stage. Her voice is childish, but rough.
*Age: Unknown
*Height: TBA
*Weight: TBA
*Signature Item: Dulce de Leche
*Color Scheme: Brown
*Model Number: DL-00
*Voice: Puripuri
- *Gender: Female
*Age: Apparently 20
*Height: 195cm
*Weight: Apparently 70kg
*Signature item: Large ham
*Color scheme: Dark teal, golden, black and white
*Concept art: deviantART: UTAULOID-KAMINARI
- An UTAUloid currently in planning stage. It will be voiced by Dragonite Princess and will hopefully support several different languages. It has a character design, but no gender or personality
- Her name roughly means 'Dear Flower'. She is meant to sound like a child.
- likes to use the name Gwendolynn rather than Gwen and is AE03 in the Single Voice Challenge UTAU set by Aërendyll. Voicebank is being prepared for release.
- will be an English UTAUloid. Duronne , has nothing to do with the Japanese 'ね' for sound and it should be pronounced as Duron or Duroni, depending on the language mentioned in.
*Age: ??
*Gender: Male
*Height: As tall as a male horse.
*Weight: Fat like 4 anorexic women together.
*Appearance: A tall old gentleman that looks younger than you'd think.His face looks familiar...
*Hair color: Light Brown which is starting to get white.
*Eye color: Dark brown
- Another UTAU from Chile voiced and designed by Carlitax and programmed by Canfex/vodKata. She's a 16-year-old girl who wears in a black/white costume with stripes. She'll able to sing in Japanese, English and Spanish . Her surname means 'Stripe sound' and her first name comes from 'Carla', the name of the creator.
*Age: 16
*Dislikes: UNKNOWN
*Number: UNKNOWN
- This Utauloid is currently in the process of having a voice bank created. She only has one concept art up, and it is not colored as of yet. Her Voice Bank will be released for beta testing in the Spanish language by the end of 2010, but hopefully by mid 2011 a full voice bank with the additional languages of French, Japanese, English, and possibly German will be released. There is a possibility that she will come with two voice banks. Her item is not a guitar. More information will be added we get closer to New Years. Her name is subject to change.
- An UTAU who's voicebank was supposedly made from this. It is also made up of "a", "e", "i", "o", and "u" clips copy-pasted. The voicebank supports both romaji and hiragana.
*Name: Kurushiine Jin
*Age: 20
*Signature Item: Unknown
- An UTAU currently in the design stage, mostly unknown. Her name means "Enchant Odd Sound", because her voice source and creator is uncreative. Also, her creator does not have access to a microphone for a while, so she'll be on hold indefinitely until she gets on. She's 14. Everything else is currently being decided on, but it is likely that she will be finished before the end of 2012.
- is a shota Utau that is currently being developed by the same creator as Yuki Hyo. His voice is in the works until it sounds right and has him singing smoothly.
*Age: 12
*Height: TBA
*Weight: TBA
*Signature Item: Cow Bell
*Gender: Male
*Color Scheme: Black, White, Sky Blue
*Singable Languages: Japanese
- , is the 3rd member of the UPSaD , he is created + voiced by SaiffyChan.
*Gender: Male
*Age: 17
*Model: UTAU-03
*Height: 5'8
*Weight: 118 lbs
- ,her name is means "girl witch" or "wicked girl". She has no definite age yet, her character item is a black ball with a yellow star on it. She is a fairly cocky and confident female, over confident in everyone and strives to do her best in everything. She enjoys pranking people and thinks role models are stupid, like trying to shape your image after someone. She doesn't like males, nor females and she believes in all mythical creatures and is fairly superstitious. She wishes to have a little brother.
Her design is a WiP, but I know she has short, deep purple hair, yellow eyes and a black dress with a witches' hat, a small cat button pinned to it. She calls herself a witch but she just likes to dress up as one. The strange curls coming from her hair are her 'whiskers' which she uses to pick up radio signals.
*Name Meaning: "girl witch" or "wicked girl"
*Gender: Female
*Age: Unknown
*Character Item: Black ball with yellow star
*Model Number: 04
- The first UTAUloid created by TempestSwallow YouTube in 2009. A tomboy with a determined and rather somewhat abrasive personality, Nari is a female who isn't afraid for her voice to be heard or break a few limbs to get her view across. She comes off as cool, and can be extremely rude and uncaring. She doesn't like it when someone mentions her crush or tries to pry romantic feelings from her.
*Name Meaning: "Hoshii" meaning "want, desire"; "Nari" meaning "thunder" or "sound" respectively.
*Gender: Female.
*Age: 17.
*Model Number: Unknown.
*Color Scheme: Yellow, marigold, white, black.
*Character Item: Pair of Sai.