Dinotigermon is an Ancient Beast Digimon and a carrier of the X-Antibody whose name and design are derived from "Terrible" (δεινός Deinos?) and the Smilodon (Smilodon californicus), colloquially known as the saber-toothed lion or tiger. Injured Digimon have become its prey. It took in the metal elements of the earth, super-hardened its whole body, and digivolved from one of the few SaberLeomon which have repeated and survived endless battles, where the weak are food for the strong. Its movements are not swift compared to SaberLeomon, but it possesses almost twice as much tough flesh and physical strength, and with its big, sharp, sword-like fangs, it forcibly brings down even Digimon larger than itself and which possess thick skin or armor. Other Digimon fear Dinotigermon, who possesses da
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| - Dinotigermon is an Ancient Beast Digimon and a carrier of the X-Antibody whose name and design are derived from "Terrible" (δεινός Deinos?) and the Smilodon (Smilodon californicus), colloquially known as the saber-toothed lion or tiger. Injured Digimon have become its prey. It took in the metal elements of the earth, super-hardened its whole body, and digivolved from one of the few SaberLeomon which have repeated and survived endless battles, where the weak are food for the strong. Its movements are not swift compared to SaberLeomon, but it possesses almost twice as much tough flesh and physical strength, and with its big, sharp, sword-like fangs, it forcibly brings down even Digimon larger than itself and which possess thick skin or armor. Other Digimon fear Dinotigermon, who possesses da
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| - Dinotigermon is an Ancient Beast Digimon and a carrier of the X-Antibody whose name and design are derived from "Terrible" (δεινός Deinos?) and the Smilodon (Smilodon californicus), colloquially known as the saber-toothed lion or tiger. Injured Digimon have become its prey. It took in the metal elements of the earth, super-hardened its whole body, and digivolved from one of the few SaberLeomon which have repeated and survived endless battles, where the weak are food for the strong. Its movements are not swift compared to SaberLeomon, but it possesses almost twice as much tough flesh and physical strength, and with its big, sharp, sword-like fangs, it forcibly brings down even Digimon larger than itself and which possess thick skin or armor. Other Digimon fear Dinotigermon, who possesses daring and wild predatory instinct, and do not approach.
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