| - Ok, so lets discuss our first job. First I want to know if we are going to have one big table for each day's battles (like Tutles current table) or separate tables for each fight (like my and Herme's current one) 22:06, March 7, 2012 (UTC) Well, that depends. If separated looks better, we should go with that. If together looks better, we should go with that. Right now, I'm thinking the together looks pretty good. 22:09, March 7, 2012 (UTC) I support the separated, because we can write the aftermath after each fight, like the Guild War page. 22:11,3/7/2012 We already have fight pages which each event can be linked to, no real need for redundancy. Although I'd be fine with separated if that's what's decided. 22:13, March 7, 2012 (UTC) With separated tables we would also avoid "empty" or "unknown" spaces when a battle didn't occur yet in that day. 22:16,3/7/2012 That much I do agree with. 22:17, March 7, 2012 (UTC) Well, we wouldn't have to have empty spaces, we can just not include them. 22:22, March 7, 2012 (UTC) This much, I now also agree with. 22:24, March 7, 2012 (UTC) lol 22:27, March 7, 2012 (UTC) Me too, although the table will look like slightly uncomplete, and in separated tables we could put more info and details, for example if something unexpected occurs. 22:28,3/7/2012 No it won't, but it might look incomplete. 22:34, March 7, 2012 (UTC) Are you sure? 22:38,3/7/2012 No one uses uncomplete! It's not even recognized by spell check. 22:43, March 7, 2012 (UTC) Since we're having a parallel discussion, I want to ask, we are four, what will happen if we have a draw in a voting? 22:48,3/7/2012 Idk, ask the Team leader. 22:49, March 7, 2012 (UTC) We'll leave it to the community 22:53, March 7, 2012 (UTC) Lol, no it won't look either incomplete or uncomplete 22:44, March 7, 2012 (UTC) I just tried to see if it'd look incomplete and it doesn't. Look at my nest to see it 22:54, March 7, 2012 (UTC) Indeed it doesn't. 22:56, March 7, 2012 (UTC) Well I still think that separated could be more detailed... But together will work finely too. 23:00,3/7/2012 (double edit conflict) How about this: we all finish up what the way we are doing it right now and when we are done we choose which one looks best. Once we choose it, we all contribute to finish up the one we chose 23:04, March 7, 2012 (UTC) Gotcha, just answer me one thing: What's "(double edit conflict)"? 23:05,3/7/2012 It means I was interrupted twice by you when I was publishing my edit 23:11, March 7, 2012 (UTC) Reli's plan sounds the best. 23:07, March 7, 2012 (UTC) Well Herme needs to go now. See ya tomorrow. 23:09,3/7/2012 Bye Herme-chan. 23:13, March 7, 2012 (UTC) Lol. 00:29, March 8, 2012 (UTC) I decided to make two templates to make it easier for people to add information for the tables. Check them out and tell me what you guys think xD Also made this one for individual tables xD 02:49, March 8, 2012 (UTC) I like the first two, not really feeling the third one. 02:57, March 8, 2012 (UTC) I made the third one to replace this part of the page. 03:03, March 8, 2012 (UTC) O_o I'm not really seeing how it's going to fit there. 03:06, March 8, 2012 (UTC) Something like this? It's so colorful xD 03:12, March 8, 2012 (UTC) Oooooo I see. XD. 03:16, March 8, 2012 (UTC) Again, one mission at a time my young ninja Tutle 20:26, March 8, 2012 (UTC) So is everyone done with theirs? 23:40, March 10, 2012 (UTC) I think so. Though I think that people should make their works into templates so the inexperienced users can still use them... 23:44, March 10, 2012 (UTC) lol first we have to discuss which one we are going to keep since we can only use one design in the real page 23:49, March 10, 2012 (UTC) Great. Let the community decide! Though I personally think that yours is too shiny xD 23:51, March 10, 2012 (UTC) First I want to know if everyone is ready, then if we can decide between ourselves which one we are keeping then there is no need for a community discussion, but if we can't agree, then we'll do it 23:55, March 10, 2012 (UTC) I'm ready to decide, and I'm pretty sure we can handle it amongst ourselves. well to make it easy to decide among ourselves, I think we should kinda list the pros and cons with each one. For example, though I used the fight's image on one of mine, I don't think they are such a good idea anymore since not all fights get good-sized images to be put in the kind of tables we are making. 04:42, March 11, 2012 (UTC) Well I think all of the tables we created look good, however, I think size-wise, they are a bit of a problem. The first day's fights alone take up a huge amount of space on our tables and then we are going to have five days. Five days and there are four matches each day so that's a grand total of 20 matches meaning 20 of these huge tables......the page would be enormous. So I think these tables should all be made collapsible somehow. Though to address your concern, I think the fight images can stay since Mashima is doing the face-off images for all of the Grand Magic Game Tournament fights. true, that's also another thing I was thinking about, the size of the tables. Let me try and see if I can make mine collapsible 04:50, March 11, 2012 (UTC) Ohhh mine looks even better with Arial. Also, Rai, maybe it's just me but your tables seem like the letter are too oversized 04:56, March 11, 2012 (UTC) It does, and which ones? the one with oversized letters XD 05:06, March 11, 2012 (UTC) Lol, no slowness, are you talking about the collapsible header of the templates or the actual templates themselves. I'm not sure, maybe both. I just have this feeling like it's too big, again, maybe its just me. 05:14, March 11, 2012 (UTC) I'll reduce it and you tell me what you think. Look at the first version and tell me if that's better. not now. It's past midnight and my eyes can't keep open. Good night 05:26, March 11, 2012 (UTC) G'Nite! I'll try improving mine before you guys decide tomorrow. 05:44, March 11, 2012 (UTC) Oooooohhh much better Rai! 12:04, March 11, 2012 (UTC) I'm ready too, just need to add the collapsible header and some colors. 15:50,3/11/2012 Done, waiting for discussion. 16:23,3/11/2012 So discuss! 02:46, March 12, 2012 (UTC) Thanks Reli-chan. I said discuss! XD How will the discussion start? 03:39, March 12, 2012 (UTC) Wouldn't the easiest method be for all of us to vote for the one we like best? Everyone will choose their own but sure, why not. Everyone vote for the one they like best! I pick my second one File:Sleep.gif 03:43, March 12, 2012 (UTC) XD, I pick my first one, and lol, I was just about to tell you I was sleepy. A 3 and 1/2 hour trip back from NO will do that to you, Nite Reli. Good night. By the way, I still think fight images are a bad idea... Imagine how big the Erza vs. Mirajane fight image will have to be XD 03:53, March 12, 2012 (UTC) Why will it have to be big? If you're sleepy you can just reply in the morning. I am and I was about to head to bed since it's been such a long day... I'm just about to finish something I've been doing 03:58, March 12, 2012 (UTC) Lol, avoid my question then, it's cool... I like my second one. Yours are kinda hard on the eyes (or maybe it's just me?) 06:10, March 12, 2012 (UTC) @Rai: Soory, forgot to reply XD. For example, if the image is a full page long, not squared, or maybe if it's stretched out too much, then it'd look weird. @Tutles: it is? maybe we see it differently. Can you take a screenshot of how you see it? 19:09, March 12, 2012 (UTC) I won't have much time today and tomorrow, so I'll just say that I pick my only one (lol) and I think that fight images could work finely on the tables.21:34,3/12/2012 ok so we have two that picked one with images and two that don't... 21:47, March 12, 2012 (UTC) @Reli, Ooooo, I see what you mean, but as I said, that won't be a problem for the GMG fights because Mashima is providing the face off images before every battle. Also, lol, the problem you foresaw happened, well, how about we redo this vote, and this time no one can vote for their own template, lol. yeah, but just because he's done it until now it doesn't mean he'll do it for all of them, and if that happens then we'd have to change them again to ones that don't have it. Anyway, I vote for Tutle's second 23:02, March 12, 2012 (UTC) I think it's almost guaranteed that he'll continue them, seems weird to do it for the first four matches and say "screw the rest." My vote is for Herme's. I don't think any non-wiki related fan would notice that Mashima has done that 23:15, March 12, 2012 (UTC) Mashima, however, would no obviously. The stare off scene fits in with the tournament theme. And if the stare off scenes aren't included we can always use a picture from the battle, and if no suitable picture from the battle arises we can just switch from a picture template, if one is chosen, and use a non-picture template. do you have a solution to everything? 23:22, March 12, 2012 (UTC) Of course, I wouldn't be the father of all you bitches if I didn't. so offensive... File:Upset.gif 23:27, March 12, 2012 (UTC) BUT, I'm offensive out of love so it doesn't really count as offensive at all. #FuckedUpLogic lol the color told me it wasn't a link but I had too anyway XD 23:39, March 12, 2012 (UTC) XD. Herme (on chat) picks my second one 00:19, March 13, 2012 (UTC) You mean he picks my second one, liar. I knew that was the reason you went to chat... 00:40, March 13, 2012 (UTC) That actually wasn't, it was to snap on Herme for always having someone do his work for him when he's on chat, but Herme sent me a private message and told me so... I choose Rai's second one since it reminds me of mine xD (Though I would still pick my second one if I can xD) 11:18, March 13, 2012 (UTC) Traitors... ok, then I guess we'll be working with Rai's second one. Is there any improvements you guys think can be added to it? 19:15, March 13, 2012 (UTC) Woo hoo! And nope, I can't. If I could I would have already had them on there. Hmmm.. I think the header's font type should be changed. Bold Impact looks bad in my opinion 19:30, March 13, 2012 (UTC) Really? Looks fine to me. Though that's to be expected, I'll wait to see what Bojangles and Herme have to say. Buuuuutttt in the meantime, can you take a screenshot? I just want to make absolute sure we are looking at the same thing. Evidence and Evidence 19:45, March 13, 2012 (UTC) O..... we see it differently, but only slightly. The only difference I see between mine and yours is that on yours there's no holes in the A's on your computer and there is on the ones on mine. And XD. and that's why I said it looks weird... so... can you try not bolding it? 19:55, March 13, 2012 (UTC) It's never been bolded... Wait. Can I change my vote to reli's second one? Just realized that Rai's doesn't look even. 20:00, March 13, 2012 (UTC) yes you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 20:01, March 13, 2012 (UTC) Of course you can. but now we are stuck again File:Disappointed.gif 20:03, March 13, 2012 (UTC) So we're now back to square 1. We have 1 for Tutles, 1 for me, 1 for Reli, and one for Herme. Which means we should probably have the community vote. You can change your vote to mine Rai xD 20:04, March 13, 2012 (UTC) Of course I will!.......after you change your vote back to mine. :) just wondering, does everyone see mine like this? 20:07, March 13, 2012 (UTC) Why yes, yes I do. Yes Reli. That's why I said its kinda hard in the eyes xD 20:11, March 13, 2012 (UTC) It is? It seems fine to me 20:14, March 13, 2012 (UTC) So Tutles-boy managed to make it a community voting... Yes Reli we see yours like that. Also I think we should have a padronized color for the tables, don't you think? 00:05,3/14/2012 We all did that by not coming to a consensus and it's not necessary 02:53, March 14, 2012 (UTC) We had concensus for a little while. But Bojangles ruined it lol 03:02, March 14, 2012 (UTC) Ok, so Rai's second one was chosen. Is there any improvements you guys can think for it? I think you should unbold impact 19:47, March 17, 2012 (UTC) Lol, for the fifteenth time. It's not bolded! The font is just naturally a bold font. Though I could really care less if we keep it one way or the other so if Bojangles and Herme are fine with it changing, so am I. yes it's bolded! See the difference Not bold Bold. I guess I'll go do it myself 20:00, March 17, 2012 (UTC) Fixed 20:02, March 17, 2012 (UTC) Well if it is bolded which it's not then it wasn't my intention so feel free to unbold it. You're late. I fixed it already 20:06, March 17, 2012 (UTC) Well, I had no bold tags, and thus, it wasn't bolded in my eyes, and thus, I'm not wrong, and I'll never be. sounds like something that someone that was wrong would say 20:19, March 17, 2012 (UTC) I say that we should change the background of the titles...I mean, the entire page has light colors, then you scroll down a bit and see four enormous black titles (And damn you guys stop talking through the Edit Summary, use the Chat!) 22:49,3/17/2012 lol, but I actually like the black background, but if more people wanted changed then... 22:54, March 17, 2012 (UTC) I think it should be #1E90FF 22:57, March 17, 2012 (UTC) File:Support.png Support - 23:00,3/17/2012 Yeah! We need uniformity! (Also, that's the color of my first table xD) 23:01, March 17, 2012 (UTC) Yeah uniformity! (that's mine too lol) 23:03,3/17/2012 ok I reverted the colors of the border and the background. Do you guys think it looks better now? 23:03, March 17, 2012 (UTC) I think it's fine. 23:05, March 17, 2012 (UTC) Yeah, now what do you think about changing the text color to black? 23:06,3/17/2012 Lol. Mine is ready! We don't need to make a template for Rai's. Just rename mine xD 23:07, March 17, 2012 (UTC) eww black? no. Besides everything else in the page uses white letters, not black 23:09, March 17, 2012 (UTC) Fine, just a suggestion, I think it's good now 23:14,3/17/2012 Uh, Dear Bojangles and Herme, GIVE IT UP! Jakuho's won. Suck it. Won what? The only winners are those who visit the page and find a decent way to show information Why only me and Tutles-boy? Reli lost too! And give what up? 23:40,3/17/2012 Such what exactly!?! (If you answer this with something inappropriate, I'll kill you!) 23:43, March 17, 2012 (UTC) Your constant attempts at replacing my sexy table! Jakuho reigns supreme bitches! Muwhahahaha! I don't like yours, it's too shiny and it clashes with the template xD Mine is great xD Simplicity is the best! xD 23:51, March 17, 2012 (UTC) Lol, you are the only person who has a problem with shininess. That's because it doesn't go well with my individual table design! XD 23:55, March 17, 2012 (UTC) Lol ok, if no more suggestions are made by tomorrow then it will be put in the actual page 03:04, March 18, 2012 (UTC)