| - A common source of conflict for a set of married protagonists (or a couple of Star-Crossed Lovers) is for the couple to be of different races among very unaccepting folks. They will be pressured to divorce by family, bullied into leaving a community, ostracized, threatened and maybe even attacked. Their children will be likewise persecuted, perhaps more so than the parents, for being a Halfbreed. Even if the adults are fine, other Kids Are Cruel after all. Expect the child to eventually pop the question about why they don't look like mommy or daddy, or why mom and dad don't look like each other. And of course, sometimes it's not a mixed race marriage, but a mixed species marriage. All of the above applies plus Fantastic Racism. On the plus side, the kid is likely to be The Chosen One, a Half-Human Hybrid, a Dhampyr, or perhaps even a Hybrid Monster with really cool powers. That makes up for it, right? Some examples of interracial marriages that earn disapproval can be found in Asian Gal with White Guy, Black Gal on White Guy Drama and Where Da White Women At?. For mixed species marriages, see also Vampire-Werewolf Love Triangle. In Real Life, mixed-race marriages can be everything from completely accepted to something you only do if you've got a death wish. Thankfully, in most places it's skewed towards the "completely accepted" end of the spectrum, and a great way for someone to reveal himself as a severe jackass is to show bigotry towards a mixed couple. Mixed-race marriages seem to be one of the last bastions of racism. Many opponents of interracial marriage will claim to oppose all other forms of racism and have friends of other races. Their most common argument is that mixed-race children are subjected to prejudice and identity crises. In general, mixed-race children tend to have about the same level of trouble that their parents have, or less if they look like one race or the other instead of an obvious mixture. Mixed-race children are also likely (though not guaranteed) to be considered beautiful, due to having features both sides can find attractive. In stories that take place before race became a defining factor in classifying humanity (as well as some that take place afterward, for that matter), a "mixed marriage" could mean many other different things: mixed ethnicity ("ethnicity" here being vaguely synonymous with "nationality"), mixed religion, or mixed class. Due to Values Dissonance, many of these other "mixed" marriages tend to be Dead Horse Tropes in fiction, though they do surface occasionally: consider My Big Fat Greek Wedding, which mines humor from the "scandal" of a (white) Greek-American woman choosing a (white) Anglo-American man as her husband. Truth in Television, of course, as there are still people who feel this way. Examples of Maligned Mixed Marriage include: