Future Police Urashiman(未来警察ウラシマンMirai Keisatsu Urashiman) is a science fiction anime series by Tatsunoko Productions, created in 1983. It ran from January 9 to December 24, 1983, on Fuji TV. It was later released in Germany as Rock'n Cop, in France as Super Durand (roughly, "Super Jones" or "Super Smith"), and in Italy as Ryo, un ragazzo contro un impero ("Ryo, a boy against an empire").
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| - Future Police Urashiman(未来警察ウラシマンMirai Keisatsu Urashiman) is a science fiction anime series by Tatsunoko Productions, created in 1983. It ran from January 9 to December 24, 1983, on Fuji TV. It was later released in Germany as Rock'n Cop, in France as Super Durand (roughly, "Super Jones" or "Super Smith"), and in Italy as Ryo, un ragazzo contro un impero ("Ryo, a boy against an empire").
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| - Science Fiction/Cop Drama
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| - Future Police Urashiman(未来警察ウラシマンMirai Keisatsu Urashiman) is a science fiction anime series by Tatsunoko Productions, created in 1983. It ran from January 9 to December 24, 1983, on Fuji TV. It was later released in Germany as Rock'n Cop, in France as Super Durand (roughly, "Super Jones" or "Super Smith"), and in Italy as Ryo, un ragazzo contro un impero ("Ryo, a boy against an empire"). Saban Entertainment planned to release the series in the United States as "Rockin' Cops" but did not do so. It was eventually given an English translation by fan subbing group Anime Classics. A film version was in the works, but was also abandoned.