Fan communities create their own acronyms and abbreviations, to make it easier to speak about the works they love. An AaAO is when this is taken so far that it is downright confusing. For example, ff you have visited online gaming communities, you've likely Seen It a Million Times. You simply cannot defeat the BBEG, so you use the 'tubes to find a FAQ for how to get to the PoPL so you can LG your MP to godly levels and mess him up. And the FAQ is composed entirely of shorthand, rendering it illegible. Examples of Acronym and Abbreviation Overload include:
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| - Fan communities create their own acronyms and abbreviations, to make it easier to speak about the works they love. An AaAO is when this is taken so far that it is downright confusing. For example, ff you have visited online gaming communities, you've likely Seen It a Million Times. You simply cannot defeat the BBEG, so you use the 'tubes to find a FAQ for how to get to the PoPL so you can LG your MP to godly levels and mess him up. And the FAQ is composed entirely of shorthand, rendering it illegible. Examples of Acronym and Abbreviation Overload include:
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| - Fan communities create their own acronyms and abbreviations, to make it easier to speak about the works they love. An AaAO is when this is taken so far that it is downright confusing. For example, ff you have visited online gaming communities, you've likely Seen It a Million Times. You simply cannot defeat the BBEG, so you use the 'tubes to find a FAQ for how to get to the PoPL so you can LG your MP to godly levels and mess him up. And the FAQ is composed entirely of shorthand, rendering it illegible. When used in media (as opposed to being used in talking about media), it tends to feature in an Expospeak Gag or aiding the resident Motor Mouth. Or both. Not to be confused with Fun with Acronyms, because that trope is about acronyms that are humorous rather than accurate, as opposed to simply having too many acronyms to remember, or acronyms that you'd have to be an insider of the community to know. When writers include an overload of acronyms, they usually do so in the hope that you'll end up R.O.T.F.L.O.L.Y.F.A.O. Occasionally they'll thrown in some acronyms that refer to Deadly Euphemisms along with more benign euphemisms in the hopes that you'll do a mental Double Take and think O.M.F.G.! Examples of Acronym and Abbreviation Overload include: