| - According to a post on Itskimo's Facebook page by Stardancer (kimo's sister), Kimo passed away in early July. Kimo was the number one ranked folder in evo for a few months in autumn/winter of 2010. He had been a member of Anthropic Dreams and Go Science, and was an active member of FoldeRNA when he died. He will be missed for his cheerfulness, optimism, willingness to teach, and his ambitious work here on the wikia. His Foldit page can be found here: Hand Folding Techniques -- Folding is a feel the force thing. Be sure to follow those feelings as to what to run or do next. Often it is your intuition that is the best guide. Listen to your little voice, Feel the force. If it feels good for you, Just do it. There are many different styles and ways of hand work. Here on the foldit wiki, you can read all the latest new methods by lots of top players, learning tricks and techniques, enabling you to play at your highest Foldit level. See The New Foldit Labs for the latest papers on folding written by many of the top foldit players. Main Index is a Index of the almost all the pages on the wiki. Enjoy ! Creative Concepts -- Poetry -- Short Stories Creativity is developed through thought. So is being a great folder. This is a creative workshop for players. Please read, add to, and share the Poems and Short Stories writen by many talented players. Enjoy. Alt TOC . . and > Techniques For Players