| - Confessional, Jack: I wouldn't be surprised if I was the last survivor on this team. Confessional, Rebecca: My first confessional, C-O-N-F- (The camera cut Rebecca off) Confessional, Maverick: I don't see why we need teams in the first place. I work better by myself anyways. I think that going solo is the only way a person can truly learn to become independent in life. And boy, did I learn that the hard way... "Alright, now that that's settled, it's time for your first challenge," Chris announced. "Now, I was planning a totally awesome battle to the death, but the producers told me that I'm held responsible if any of you die. And since our budget was cut, we have no place for you guys to sleep. So, in today's challenge, you and your teammates will be building your own shelter, where you will be living for the duration of the game. You also have to make sure it is built well, because I don't want a roof falling on you in your sleep. Not because I care for your safety, but because it comes out of my pay cheque. The winner will be determined on how well the shelter is created, and the prize their new sleeping home, along with another secret gift, while the losing team will be snoozing in sleeping bags, right here in scenic nowhere. There will be tools located in an old shed east from the emergency hut. Everybody ready? Go!" The camera panned over to the Screaming Survivors. "Alright, now if everyone would lend an ear to what I have to-" Joshua said before being cut off by Angie. "Don't you think frills would make the blankets so much better?" Angie said with a giggle. Joshua hushed Angie. "If we're going to get this challenge done, we need someone with astute brain power, like me." Joshua proudly said. "Maybe we should get explosives!", Daniel chanted. "In what way would explosives help us out here, Daniel?" Chastity said, annoyed. "What's your point?" Daniel questioned Chastity. Confessional, Chastity: (Chastity begins painting her nails) Sure, I'd pretty much like to eliminate all of my so-called teammates right now, but there are some I'm saving for something special. And if I want, I could take any guy I wanted right now to do anything for me. I'm just that good. The camera panned to the Killer Corpses, pondering on how they should complete the challenge. "I'll go get so tools over at the shed," Alice proclaimed, running off. "Wait, was that Alice or Ann? Either way, they both dress adorably!" Alexandria said happily. Confessional, Chelsea: How are we supposed to build a shelter when nobody on this team can make a sandwich? "Well, why doesn't Steve come up with something? He's seems like an interesting character for my fanfiction," Arthur said with a smile. "Ehhh, I got nothing," Steve said looking away. "Sheesh, you might just be more anti-social then Maverick," Raye blurted out. "What's that supposed to mean?" Maverick shot back. "I'm just saying that were in danger of constantly losing in the future if we don't start working as a team," Raye said, crossing her arms. "Oh, and I should start listening to you just because you're titled as a psychic? You know what? Forget this, I'll be waiting by elimination zone if you need me," Maverick shouted, walking off. Raye sighed. "Looks like our team's gonna end up losing." The camera then panned to Milo, who was carrying a large supply of wood and tools. "Can't... go on... any... longer..." Milo panted, dropping the supplies on his feet. "Yowwwwch!" Chastity walked up to Milo and put a hand on his face. "Let's get to work, I don't want to see you getting voted off," Chastity said sweetly. "Uh... wood?" Milo questioned nervously. Confessional, Milo: Wood? Wood? That's all I could think of?! Daniel then lit a hammer on fire. "Yes, fire, fire, fire!" Joshua then stomped on the hammer, dousing to flame. "If you're going to be on this team, you're going to have to stop being such a nuisance." "Alright, alright, can I at least keep the matches?" Daniel asked with a soft tone. "Very well then, I will let you keep your favorite tools of oxidation if you promise not to use them in inappropriate situations, such as this one," Joshua responded. Jack then walked over to Daniel. "Why do you let me hold on to them? I'm positive they'll be safe with me," Jack explained with a large grin. "Well, alright, but take good care of them," Daniel said, handing the matches over here. "Looks like the competitions getting heated," Jack said with a large, powerful laugh. The camera then panned over to Maverick, sitting by himself on a rock. Raye then walked up to him. "Hey," Raye simply said. "What do you want?" Maverick angrily said. "Look, I wanna apologize to you," Raye said. "I know you aren't really comfortable with the teams or teammates to begin with, but all of us are putting our faith in each other to get the challenge done and win in the end. I know you've probably gone through a lot, but if were ever going to end up happy, we're going to have to work together. Are you in?" Raye held out a hand for Maverick. Maverick then half-smiled, and walked past Raye. "Let's just win this challenge." The camera then showed the Killer Corpses beginning to saw, hammer, and set up the shelter. "Ooooh, I want to try to make the blue prints! I've seen plenty of anime, I know how these blue prints work," Kasumi said, as she began to map out the area. "Uh, Kasumi, are you sure you know what you're doing?" Raye said, scratching her head. "Relax, I've dealt with this before," Kasumi then began to draw all over the blue prints. "Finished!" Kasumi presented blue prints with a large komodo dragon on the front. Raye then slapped her palm in her face. "What? Don't you think dragon's are kakkoi??" Kasumi said, poking at Joshua. "We've gotta spirit, yes we do, we've got spirit, and we'll beat you!" Rebecca cheered, presenting the Screaming Survivors who have started to make progress. "Where does this go?" Angie said, holding up a hammer. "Sweetie, that's not part of it, okay?" Chastity exclaimed in a sweet, yet arrogant tone. "Oh, so I can get rid of it?" Angie asked, throwing the hammer behind her head and hitting Milo in the crotch. "Augh!" Milo shouted in pain. "It's time to quit the dawdling and start working," Joshua said, making blue prints of how to build the shelter. Haley then put her arm around Joshua. "What's the plan, Stan?" "It's Joshua, and I would appreciate if you got your grimy paws off my shoulder," Joshua snapped, upsetting Haley. The teams began to work hard, and soon after, Chris stopped the challenge. "Time's up!" Chris announced. "Let's see what the Killer Corpses have." Raye then presented her team's shelter, equip with four bunk beds, a bureau with several draws, a large mirror, and a few wall paintings. "Looking good, Corpses!" Chris said. "I'd say you have a pretty solid chance of winning, but let's see what the Survivors' have to offer." Chris then walked over to the Screaming Survivors' shelter. "Hm, looks pretty nice on the outside." "It still would've looked better with a dragon..." Kasumi frustratingly said. Chris then began to turn the knob. "Let's just see what the inside looks-" suddenly, there was a large explosion. Chris then propelled backwards as the rest of the Screaming Survivors took cover. "What the..." Milo began to say. "What the devil happened?" Joshua shouted, followed by him walked over to Daniel. "I knew I shouldn't have kept those matches in your possession." "But I don't have them, Jack does," Daniel nervously said. "If I had them, then why would they be in your back pocket?" Jack said with a cheesy smile. Daniel then reached in his back pocket and found the matches. "But guys, I swear I didn't light the fire. Honest!" "All I know right now is that the Killer Corpses are the winner of the challenge," Chris said in pain, followed by a large cough. "Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Alexandria chanted, with the rest of the Corpses cheering in the background. "But, since I'm going to need medical support for my toasted skin, everyone's safe tonight," Chris said, being carried off by two interns. "You're lucky this time, but be warned, Daniel, this isn't the end," Joshua said as the rest of the Screaming Survivors walked off. Confessional, Daniel: (Daniel began lighting paper on fire) Sure, I love setting stuff on fire, burning stuff down, and even igniting my sister's clothes, but I'd never sabotage my team's chances of winning. I know Jack has something to do with this... The sky then turned dark, as the Maverick leaned on the door of the Corpses' shelter. Raye then walked up to him. "Maybe this shows that you're not such a whiner after all," Raye said with a half-smile. "Shouldn't you be meditating or some crap?" Maverick snapped at her. Raye then kissed Maverick on the cheek and walked off, and Maverick gave a small, but warm smile. The camera the panned over to the Screaming Survivors. Chef then approaches them. "Here's your sleeping bags. Extra crusty, courtesy of Sargent Hatchet," Chef proudly said. "But there are only seven sleeping bags here," Milo said confused. "Yup, everyone except Mr. Fire Hazard gets one," Chef said, pointing at a notably upset Daniel. As most of the contestants fell asleep, Daniel was left alone, secluded on a rock. Chastity approached him. "I just want to let you know that I'm sure you didn't do this," Chastity said, sitting close to Daniel. "Thanks, I'm glad to see someone believes me," Daniel said, igniting a lighter. "I just know that all of the rest are going to vote me off first." "Haven't you ever seen this show, Danny?", Chastity asked. "These people have no knowledge of playing the game. I've studied this show carefully and I know how it works. I'm not going to sit here and watch a perfectly harmless contestant get eliminated. I have my own ways of taking down the members of our team. And I know they're going happen." Chastity then hugged Daniel from behind and walked off, with an maniacal grimace on her face. Confessional, Jack: None of these people know what I have planned for them. They may have signed up for this show, but this is my world, and I'll gladly take down anyone I can. If I go down, this whole show goes down with me. The camera then went to static as the episode ends.