| - Inter gravissimas was a papal bull issued by Pope Gregory XIII on February 24, 1582. The document reformed the Julian calendar and created a new calendar which came to be called the Gregorian calendar, which is used in most countries today.
- Inter gravissimas is a papal bull issued by Pope Gregory XIII on February 24, 1582. It is the founding document for the Gregorian calendar, which is used in most countries. This bull declares that:
* October 4, 1582 will be followed by October 15, 1582 (paragraph 7);
* these 10 missing days will not be counted in calculating end days of loans, etc. (paragraph 8);
* centennial years, such as 1700, 1800, and 1900 will not be leap years, but years that can be divided by 400, such as 1600 and 2000 will be (paragraph 9);
* Easter will be computed via new Paschal tables (paragraph 10).
- [[Afbeelding:Gregorianscher Kalender Petersdom.jpg|thumb|right|De invoering van de Gregoriaanse kalender, praalgraf Paus Gregorius XIII in de Sint-Pietersbasiliek in Rome]] Inter gravissimas (Nederlands: Onder de zware (plichten)) is de pauselijke bul waarmee paus Gregorius XIII op 24 februari 1582 de kalender invoerde die later bekend zou worden als de Gregoriaanse kalender.
| - Inter gravissimas is a papal bull issued by Pope Gregory XIII on February 24, 1582. It is the founding document for the Gregorian calendar, which is used in most countries. This bull declares that:
* October 4, 1582 will be followed by October 15, 1582 (paragraph 7);
* these 10 missing days will not be counted in calculating end days of loans, etc. (paragraph 8);
* centennial years, such as 1700, 1800, and 1900 will not be leap years, but years that can be divided by 400, such as 1600 and 2000 will be (paragraph 9);
* Easter will be computed via new Paschal tables (paragraph 10). The name of the bull consists of the first two words of the bull, which starts: "Inter gravissimas pastoralis officii nostri curas " ("Among our most serious pastoral duties "). Attached to the bull were six canons which enabled the computation of the new Gregorian Easter and two calendars listing saints' days, one for the last 2½ months of 1582 and another for the entire new Gregorian year. The bull, canons, and calendars were reprinted as part of the front matter of the principal book explaining and defending the Gregorian calendar, Christoph Clavius, Romani calendarij à Gregorio XIII. P. M. restituti explicatio (1603), which is tome V in his collected works Opera Mathematica (1612), available in the microfiche collection Landmarks II monographs.
- Inter gravissimas was a papal bull issued by Pope Gregory XIII on February 24, 1582. The document reformed the Julian calendar and created a new calendar which came to be called the Gregorian calendar, which is used in most countries today.
- [[Afbeelding:Gregorianscher Kalender Petersdom.jpg|thumb|right|De invoering van de Gregoriaanse kalender, praalgraf Paus Gregorius XIII in de Sint-Pietersbasiliek in Rome]] Inter gravissimas (Nederlands: Onder de zware (plichten)) is de pauselijke bul waarmee paus Gregorius XIII op 24 februari 1582 de kalender invoerde die later bekend zou worden als de Gregoriaanse kalender. De nieuwe tijdrekening verving de juliaanse kalender en werd in de katholieke landen vrijwel meteen ingevoerd. Pas later (in Republiek der Nederlanden bijvoorbeeld pas in 1700) volgden de protestantse landen. De nieuwe kalender (met bijbehorende tabellen) zorgde ervoor dat - althans de katholieke - christenen voortaan Pasen op dezelfde dag vierden, een kwestie die al sinds het Eerste Concilie van Nicea (in 325) de gemoederen bezighield. De bul zelf was overigens een uitvloeisel van het Concilie van Trente (1545-1563). Het Vaticaan had vervolgens nog twintig jaar nodig om een werkend systeem te vinden. Gregorius vond dat toen hij uit handen van de broer van Aloisius Lilius, die de feitelijke bedenker van deze tijdrekening was, het manuscript ontving waarin de nieuwe tijdrekening stond uitgewerkt.