| - One of the most distinguishing aspects of the Daleks of the New Paradigm was the introduction of a significantly different variation on the Dalek casing: Much larger and bulkier than any other version, the color-coded casings introduced by the New Dalek Paradigm mostly retained the traditional structure, but deviated drastically from the standard proportions: The "skirt" and base sections were significantly larger and broader, while the midsection did away with the shoulder slats in favor of two smooth, sloped bands vaguely reminiscent of the design first encountered by the Doctor in his first incarnation. Said midsection was colored grey, as were the neck, base and sensor globes (with the exception being the Eternal Dalek, whose globes were colored black). (TV: Victory of the Daleks) Addi
| - One of the most distinguishing aspects of the Daleks of the New Paradigm was the introduction of a significantly different variation on the Dalek casing: Much larger and bulkier than any other version, the color-coded casings introduced by the New Dalek Paradigm mostly retained the traditional structure, but deviated drastically from the standard proportions: The "skirt" and base sections were significantly larger and broader, while the midsection did away with the shoulder slats in favor of two smooth, sloped bands vaguely reminiscent of the design first encountered by the Doctor in his first incarnation. Said midsection was colored grey, as were the neck, base and sensor globes (with the exception being the Eternal Dalek, whose globes were colored black). (TV: Victory of the Daleks) Additionally, the Dalek eyestalk of the new officer class seemed to contain an organic, bloodshot eyeball. The most drastic changes, however, were the replacing of the grating in the "neck" region with four tapered discs, the replacement of the rear sensor globes with a broad, protruding compartment that gave the new designs a hunchbacked appearance in comparison to previous and subsequent designs. These larger casings initially served as the sole design, though they were ultimately reserved for officer classes when the more-traditional bronze designs returned to ubiquity as the most common variety. Regardless of these superficial changes, however, the nature of the New Paradigm Daleks remained utterly unchanged from the standard Dalek mindset: Utterly convinced of their own superiority, and consumed by hatred for all non-Dalek life. Their ruthless obsession with racial purity even extended to the annihilation of fellow Daleks whom they deemed "impure" - as was the case with the three Ironside survivors: Despite having been responsible for the birth of the Paradigm, the new, pure Daleks recognized that the trio had been created from impure DNA, and obliterated their predecessors seconds after they had served their purpose. The older Daleks offered no resistance, as they too believed that their impurity rendered them unworthy of life. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)