| - Published in StoryStar 2015 Scores of dazed negro citizens in the area whispered " It's been going on for years and nothing is ever done about it. they were right for over 100 years white have been lynching colored folk and no one , and I mean no one ever lifted one little finger to put an end to it . No one cared for the po black man. " A good Nigger is a dead nigger." was the general feeling . While I do not share their racist opionin or care for the N word myself it is still very much alive throughout the Southern states especially in Louisiana and Mississippi. Mack Charles Parker was arrested for the kidnapping and rape of June Walters. one section of the population, the white section believed the negro was guilty and would be convicted and executed . The non white, non predominantly racist sectors beleved Mack Chares Parker would be wrongly convicted and executed because he was a negro.Sadly the non white , non racist population were right ' dead right ' Poplarville, Mississippi is the home of the wealthy influential Senator Theodore G. Bilbo who once proposed the United States give every negro a dollar and boat passage back to Africa . The theory behind thisKlu _Klux _Klan philosophy is if you give the Niggers a dollar and passage back to Africa the Jewish population would follow them for their dollar. Again I do not uphold any of the KKK rhetoric. In late March Jimmy Walters , his wife June and their four year old daughter were traveling on Black Creek Ford's Road when they experienced car trouble . Jimmy walters left his wife and daughter with the dodge sedan while he walked the seven miles into Lumberton to get help. While June and her daughter Debbie sat in the car surrounded by pitch blackness and the sounds of woodland creatures a car with five young negro men stop to investigate the ' abandoned Dodge Sedan' All five men were returning from an evening of hevy drinking ( illegal white lightning -moonshine ) at Slims an illegal establishment operated and protected by the Pearl River County Sheriff's Ofice . Mack Chares Parker left his four friends in the car while he investigated the Dodge . When he returned to his vehicle Parker allegidly told his friends about the woman and child in the car . the four said it was Parker who jokingly suggested they go back and get some o that white stuff. Mack said his four friends were the one's doing the jiking . According to Parker he told the four to stop kidding like that ; it was best they leave the white woman, and child alone. Did the moonshine lower the inhabitions of one of the five friends enough to where one of them returned to the abandoned dodge and raped the young white woman . If so which one Norman Malachy , David Alfred, Curt Underwood , or Tommy Grant to return to the abandoned car ? Did moonshine compel one of these men to kidnap June Walters and her Daughter ? Did Mack Charles Parker kidnap, and rape June Walters ? Or was Mrs. Walter's raped at all ? Is it possible, Mack Parker returned to the Walter's vehicle and offered to repair the car ? as Parker claimed in his statement to the deputies who arrested him . He swore he never raped June walters . Parker's story from the beginning was the Walters car was beyond his ability to repair so at the request of Mrs. Walters he drove her to a friends house where she and her daughter could be protected and feel safe .When she was taken to the unnamed friends house , is it completely out of the question that this friend could have been Mack Charles Parker ? consider for a moment, just a moment, that it wasn't rape but, consensual sex between a white woman, Mrs June Walters, and a black man, Mack Charles Parker. could the two Parker and Walters have met and had consensual sex ? Seveal annoymous witnesses came forward to say June Walters left her husband's car with her lover , The ' kidnapping' and the 'rape ' were consensual . Is it possible , the allleged lover was not white as the annoymous witnesses have allowed us to believe. While it isn't a pleasant thought for many of you try as to consider the remote possibility that Parker is telling the truth June Walters never identified her attacker by name or by detailed description. The only information she was able or willing to provide was the attacker was a black man in his early to mid twenties. I ask you for a moment , take the victim's words a black man in his early 20's how many black men in Lamar County are in their early 20's ? How many black men here in Pearl River county are in their early 20's . Now how many black men are their in Poplarville who are in their early 20's Do we arrest every black man in his early 20's on the testimony of one woman ? Parker was picked up on an annomous tip provided by the Reverend Alfred , the father of David Alfred . Is it possible that the Baptist Preacher suspected or, perhaps, he knew his son David had been somewhere he shouldn't have been . Could it be , the Reverend was pointing the finger at Parker to save his own son ? How much credibility are we suppose to give the testimony of a black Southern Baptist Preacher who's son was with the accused the night before. who's son was not only in the car with Parker drinking but took part in the conspiracy to "get them some _0_ that white stuff " In a lineup June Walters identified her attacker by pointing at Parker and saying ' I think he could be the one ' Deputies arrested Mack at his mother's Lumberton home . Even though he claimed he was innocent the deputies drug Parker from his mother's home and beat him in front of her , his younger siblings, and his nephew. One of the deputies unstrapped his service revolver and turned his back telling Jimmy Walters , " I won't say a word if you want to take care of this right here, right now. " Mister Walters refused saing " June is not sure who assaulted her " Mack's mother Eliza Parker gasp in fear when the deputies arrested her son for the "alleged rape of a white woman ' She was in fear as the deputies drug her son onto the lawn and began to beat him . Mrs. Parker was in fear when the deputy turned his back telling the ' allleged victims husband to " Do what must be done " Eliza Parker was afraid and confused her son, the sole provider of her clan of five was being arrested , chrarged with kidnapping and rape . She feared her son would not get a fair trial not in Poplarville . Shortly after the arrest the Lamar county deputies in Luberton , arranged to have the Mississippi State Troopers transfer Parker to Hinds County Jail in Jackson, Mississippi. The deputies feared for Parker's safety . So many citizens were proposing they skip the trial and lynch the black rapist . An analysis of the tire prints suggested the tracks could have possiby been made by Parker's Chevrolet but were to inconclusive. The finger prints also failed to implicate Parker in the crime . Several polygraph test also came back in conclusive One would think . Since Parker had enlisted in the service , he had served his country , and as a result of disobedience to his superiors Parker spent time in a federal prison and was released someone somewhere had his fingerprints and would have easily made the match ; if Parker were guilty ? The same fingerprint evidence should have cleared him ; if he were innocent ? To further confuse the issue Deputies , as well as the police searched Parker's vehicle and home no gun was ever found neither was any gun ever linked to him . Was June Walters abducted at gun point as she originally said ? Mrs. Parker tried to hire a white lawyer for her son . Not one lawyer in Lumberton or Poplarville Mississippi would take the case . She finally secured the services of R Jess Brown one of Mississippi's four black attorneys . On April 13, 1959, Mack Charles Parker was indicted by a Pearl River County grand jury for one count of rape and two counts of kidnapping . The Arraignment was set for April 17, before Judge Sebe Dale Jr. Parker was represented by his attorney R,Jess Brown, a known civil rights advocate . At 12:15 AM April 25, two days before the trial date , a vigilante mob of eight men led by Deputy Jewel Alford, Crip Reyer, James Floren Lee( a relative of mine ) his son J.F. Lee ( also a relative of mine ) Herman Scholtz , Arthur Smith, and J.P Walker. a deputy who would be elected sheriff November , 1963. Jewel Alfred unlocked the cel door granting the seven eight men access to Mack Charles Parker's cell. these eight men beat Parker who cried out to the other inmates for help . The deputies threatened to shoot the first inmate who made a move to interfere in the deiiverance of ' justice' the deputies placed a logging chain around Parker's neck and drug him from his cell . the beating was so severe Parker left a blood trail and bloody palm prints on the steps of the courthouse . Parker was beaten , lynched , and shot before the eight dumped his body in the muddy Pearl River near Bogalusa , Louisiana . There was a rumor that June Walters fainted when the deputies infomed her of Parker's death . As she crumpled to the foor some say she said " He should have stood trial "