| - Nev Reoh was a male Bajoran who lived in the 24th century. Nev was born during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor and grew up in a resettlement camp on Shunt. He was briefly in the Bajoran Resistance before becoming a Vedek. However, he eventually stepped down from his religious position and joined Starfleet. Nev attended Starfleet Academy from 2366 to 2370. During his third year, he was roommates with Moll Enor. The other members of their quad were Elma, T'Rees, Bobby Ray Jefferson, Jayme Miranda, Starsa Taran, and Hammon Titus. He was also friends with fellow Bajoran cadet Sito Jaxa. He graduated in 2370 and was assigned to work as an ore examiner for the Beltos IV mining colony. While there he befriended an Orion slave woman named Meesa and smuggled her and twelve other Orion slave women off the station. In doing so, he allowed Starfleet to arrest their owner, who agreed to help Starfleet shut down the slave trade in the Beltos system as part of a plea agreement. Nev received a commendation for his actions. In 2371 Nev served as a geophysicist on the Enterprise. However, he was uncomfortable serving aboard a starship -- he had to request interior quarters without windows, and he avoided going to Ten-Forward because the large observation windows made him nervous. After the Enterprise-D crashed on Veridian III, he requested reassignment to Starfleet Academy where he was an assistant professor of geophysics. In 2372 he accompanied Starsa Taran back to her homeworld for medical treatment after she began to go through puberty. While there, their friendship developed into a romantic relationship. After Taran graduated from Starfleet Academy, they were both posted to Deep Space 9. (TNG novel: The Best and the Brightest)