| - Character who joins the party temporarily. If this happens early in the game, they'll be much more powerful than you. If you're lucky, maybe you can unequip a Disc One Nuke from them. But if you buy them equipment, beware of So Long and Thanks For All the Gear! If you see them again, it will probably be as an enemy; however, if they join your party again, they will seem a heck of a lot weaker. Unfortunately, what removes them from your party may well be their getting killed after you've gotten used to having them around. Examples of Guest Star Party Member include:
| - Character who joins the party temporarily. If this happens early in the game, they'll be much more powerful than you. If you're lucky, maybe you can unequip a Disc One Nuke from them. But if you buy them equipment, beware of So Long and Thanks For All the Gear! If you see them again, it will probably be as an enemy; however, if they join your party again, they will seem a heck of a lot weaker. Unfortunately, what removes them from your party may well be their getting killed after you've gotten used to having them around. But that's not to say they have to all be killed. A Guest Star Party Member may be Exactly What It Says on the Tin...a guest star. They may actually just leave the party of their own accord, become a Secret Character or a Bonus Boss. They may also just be removed from the plot for other reasons, such as simply deciding that they're done or being incapacitated. Another time, a Guest Star Party Member may leave the party or be killed, and actually be replaced with a permanent character who is either equal to or greater than them or sometimes less. Despite there being little incentive to keep this character in your party for gaming reasons (lack of weapons sold for them, etc.) it's popular in gaming fandom to force these characters back into your party via cheat codes or Game Shark. Compare with Crutch Character and Awesome but Temporary. Contrast And Now for Someone Completely Different, where an existing party member takes over as the viewpoint character temporarily. Examples of Guest Star Party Member include: