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[Source] Esterad Thyssen (born 1211) was the king of Kovir, Poviss, Narok, Velhad, and Talgar during the second war with Nilfgaard. He was the son of Baldwin and Blanka of Malleore. He was tall, strong and good-looking. Later in life, he was said to look a mere 45 when he was in fact 56 years old. Because of this, Esterad spent most of his youth in exile in Talgar. Although Kovir was officially neutral, Esterad helped the Northern forces by granting royal pardon to the prisoners in his kingdom, many of which later formed the Free Company led by "Adieu" Pangratt.

  • Esterad Thyssen
  • Esterad Thyssen
  • Esterad Thyssen
  • Esterad Thyssen
  • Esterad Thyssen
  • Esterad Thyssen
  • Esterad Thyssen gehört der Thyssen Dynastie an und ist der Sohn von Baldwin Thyssen aus der Ehe mit Blanka von Malleore. Esterad war groß, stark und sah gut aus. Es heißt als er 55 Jahre alt war, sah er noch so jung aus wie mit 45. Die meiste Zeit seiner Jugend verbrachte er im Exil in Talgar. Sein Vater hat während seiner Regierungszeit erhebliche Schwierigkeiten gehabt, seine Macht zu behaupten. Während einer Revolution verlor sein Vater die Krone an Idi. Die Familie musste fliehen. Sein Sohn Esterad blieb jedoch nicht untätig. Er zog verschiedene Pläne in Erwägung, wie die Macht zurückzugewinnen sei. Er suchte nach Vertrauten und schmiedete Bündnisse und Pakte. Dann war die Zeit reif für den entscheidenden Schlag. Esterad konnte die Krone zurückerobern. In einer Nacht, die in die Geschi
  • Esterad (et son père Baldwin avant lui), vivait durant une période très difficile pour Kovir et la Maison Thyssen en particulier. Le sang fut versé pour la première fois lors de la sécession de Poviss, quand le roi Rhyd déclara son autonomie. Il gagna son indépendence tout comme la Marche de l'Est (qui fut plus tard divisé en plusieurs duchés et royaumes, pour finalement s'unir à la soit-disant "Ligue Hengfors"). Mais le pire était encore à venir - une révolte eut lieu et Baldwin perdit le contrôle de la couronne de Idi, et pour la première fois de l'histoire de la Maison, les Thyssen furent forcés de fuir. Durant la fuite, le roi Baldwin décéda brusquement, probablement à cause d'une rupture d'anévrisme.
  • Esterad (e allo stesso modo suo padre, prima di lui) affrontarono un periodo estremamente difficile per Kovir e in particolare per la casata di Thyssen. La prima di numerose e sanguinose lotte di potere si verificò con la scissione di Poviss, quando re Rhyd prese il controllo della regione, rendendola autonoma. Così facendo ottenne l'indipendenza, proprio come la Marca Orientale (la quale in seguito si divise in numerosi regni e ducati finchè non si unì nella cosiddetta Lega di Hengfors). Ma il peggio doveva ancora arrivare: il padre di Esterad, Baldwin, fu costretto a cedere la corona ad un nuovo regnante, Idi, e per la prima volta nella storia della casata, i Thyssen furono costretti a fuggire. Durante la fuga Baldwin perse la vita, probabilmente a causa di aneurisma cerebrale.
  • Esterad Thyssen byl králem Koviru, Povissu, Naroku, Velhadu a Talgaru v období druhé války s Nilfgaardem. Jeho rodiče byli Baldwin a Blanka z Malleore. Byl svalnatý a vysoké postavy, také dobře vypadal - ve svých šestapadesáti letech vypadal stěží na pětačtyřicet. Because of this, Esterad spent most of his youth in exile in Talgar. Although Kovir was officially neutral, Esterad helped the Northern forces, by granting royal pardon to the prisoners in his kingdom, many of which later formed the Free Company led by "Adieu" Pangratt.
  • [Source] Esterad Thyssen (born 1211) was the king of Kovir, Poviss, Narok, Velhad, and Talgar during the second war with Nilfgaard. He was the son of Baldwin and Blanka of Malleore. He was tall, strong and good-looking. Later in life, he was said to look a mere 45 when he was in fact 56 years old. Because of this, Esterad spent most of his youth in exile in Talgar. Although Kovir was officially neutral, Esterad helped the Northern forces by granting royal pardon to the prisoners in his kingdom, many of which later formed the Free Company led by "Adieu" Pangratt.
  • Brown
  • Brown
  • Esterad Thyssen
  • King of Kovir, Poviss, Narok, Velhad and Talgar
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Male
  • Esterad Thyssen byl králem Koviru, Povissu, Naroku, Velhadu a Talgaru v období druhé války s Nilfgaardem. Jeho rodiče byli Baldwin a Blanka z Malleore. Byl svalnatý a vysoké postavy, také dobře vypadal - ve svých šestapadesáti letech vypadal stěží na pětačtyřicet. Esterad (a před ním i jeho otec) žili v období velmi složitém jak pro Kovir, tak i pro dynastii Thyssenidů. The first of several bloody power struggles occurred with the secession of Poviss, when king Rhyd declared himself autonomous. He gained independence as did the East March (which later split into several duchies and kingdoms, only to finally unite as the so-called "Hengfors League"). But the worst was yet to come - there was a revolt and Baldwin lost control of his crown to Idi, and for the first time in the history of the house, the Thyssens were forced to flee. During the escape of King Baldwin died suddenly, probably due to brain aneurysm. Because of this, Esterad spent most of his youth in exile in Talgar. But he did not bide his time unproductively. Esterad considered various plans, gathered his strength, gained adherents, including forging secret pacts and alliances. Finally, he struck back and decisively. One night, known ever since as the "Night of knives and torches", Idi, Rhyd and their entire families were killed. The Thyssen dynasty was restored. Although Kovir was officially neutral, Esterad helped the Northern forces, by granting royal pardon to the prisoners in his kingdom, many of which later formed the Free Company led by "Adieu" Pangratt. He met his future wife and queen, Zuleyka, while in exile. Their children (in birth order) are: Gaudemunda, andHeloiza and Tankred. He was killed on the stairs of his own palace by assassins, choosing to stay and protect Zuleyka instead of fleeing.
  • Esterad (e allo stesso modo suo padre, prima di lui) affrontarono un periodo estremamente difficile per Kovir e in particolare per la casata di Thyssen. La prima di numerose e sanguinose lotte di potere si verificò con la scissione di Poviss, quando re Rhyd prese il controllo della regione, rendendola autonoma. Così facendo ottenne l'indipendenza, proprio come la Marca Orientale (la quale in seguito si divise in numerosi regni e ducati finchè non si unì nella cosiddetta Lega di Hengfors). Ma il peggio doveva ancora arrivare: il padre di Esterad, Baldwin, fu costretto a cedere la corona ad un nuovo regnante, Idi, e per la prima volta nella storia della casata, i Thyssen furono costretti a fuggire. Durante la fuga Baldwin perse la vita, probabilmente a causa di aneurisma cerebrale. Esterad fu dunque costretto a trascorrere gran parte della sua giovinezza in esilio a Talgar, ma lì il ragazzo non sprecò il suo tempo. Esterad elaborò numerose strategie, raccolse forze militari e seguaci, stipulò accordi segreti e alleanze. Alla fine colpì e in modo decisivo. Una notte, conosciuta da allora come la "Notte dei pugnali e delle torce", Idi, Rhyd e tutti i loro familiari vennero uccisi. La casata dei Thyssen venne allora restaurata. Anche se Kovir si mantenne ufficialmente neutrale, Esterad aiutò gli eserciti del Nord, garantendo la libertà ai prigionieri che in seguito avrebbero formato la Libera Compagnia guidata da Adam Pangratt. Incontrò la sua futura moglie e regina, Zuleyka, in esilio e da lei ebbe tre discendenti: Gaudemunda, Heloiza e Tankred. Esterad venne ucciso da alcuni assassini sulle scale del suo stesso palazzo, scegliendo di proteggere Zuleyka invece che scappare.
  • Esterad Thyssen gehört der Thyssen Dynastie an und ist der Sohn von Baldwin Thyssen aus der Ehe mit Blanka von Malleore. Esterad war groß, stark und sah gut aus. Es heißt als er 55 Jahre alt war, sah er noch so jung aus wie mit 45. Die meiste Zeit seiner Jugend verbrachte er im Exil in Talgar. Sein Vater hat während seiner Regierungszeit erhebliche Schwierigkeiten gehabt, seine Macht zu behaupten. Während einer Revolution verlor sein Vater die Krone an Idi. Die Familie musste fliehen. Sein Sohn Esterad blieb jedoch nicht untätig. Er zog verschiedene Pläne in Erwägung, wie die Macht zurückzugewinnen sei. Er suchte nach Vertrauten und schmiedete Bündnisse und Pakte. Dann war die Zeit reif für den entscheidenden Schlag. Esterad konnte die Krone zurückerobern. In einer Nacht, die in die Geschichte als die Die Nacht der Messer und Fackeln einging, gelang der Umsturz, wobei Idi und Rhyd sowie deren Familien ausgelöscht wurden. Die Thyssen Dynastie war somit wieder hergestellt. Esterad wurde König von Kovir und Poviss einschließlich der Regionen Velhad, Narok und Talgar während des zweiten Nilfgaard Krieges. Obwohl Kovir neutral war, half Esterad den Streitkräften der nördlichen Königreiche, in dem er die Freie Kompanie aufstellte, die von Adam Pangratt befehligt wurde. Im Exil lernte Esterad seine zukünftige Frau Suleyka von Talgar kennen. Sie hatten drei gemeinsame Kinder: Gaudemunda, Heloiza und Tankred. Esterad Thyssen hat in Pont Vanis residiert. Rittersporn war dort oft zu Gast am Hofe von des Königs. Esterad Thyssen erscheint in den Romanen "Die Zeit der Verachtung" ("Czas pogardy"), sowie "Der Schwalbenturm" ("Wieża Jaskółki") und wird im Roman "Das Erbe der Elfen" ("Krew elfów") erwähnt.
  • Esterad (et son père Baldwin avant lui), vivait durant une période très difficile pour Kovir et la Maison Thyssen en particulier. Le sang fut versé pour la première fois lors de la sécession de Poviss, quand le roi Rhyd déclara son autonomie. Il gagna son indépendence tout comme la Marche de l'Est (qui fut plus tard divisé en plusieurs duchés et royaumes, pour finalement s'unir à la soit-disant "Ligue Hengfors"). Mais le pire était encore à venir - une révolte eut lieu et Baldwin perdit le contrôle de la couronne de Idi, et pour la première fois de l'histoire de la Maison, les Thyssen furent forcés de fuir. Durant la fuite, le roi Baldwin décéda brusquement, probablement à cause d'une rupture d'anévrisme. A cause de ça, Esterad passa sa jeunesse en exile à Talgar. Mais il ne resta pas pour autant improductif. Esterad considéra différents plan, rassembla ses forces, gagna des appuis, en l'occurrence en forgeant des pactes secrets et des alliances. Finalement, il contre-attaqua de façon décisive. Une nuit, connue sous le nom de "Nuit des couteaux et des torches", Idi, Rhyd et sa famille entière furent assassinées. La dinastie Thyssen fur restaurée. Bien que Kovir était officiellement neutre, Esterad aida les forces du Nord en accordant un pardon royale aux prisonniers de son royaume, dont plusieurs formèrent plus tard la Compagnie Libre menée par "Adieu" Pangratt. Il rencontra sa future femme et reine, Zuleyka, pendant son exil. Leurs enfants (par ordre de naissance) se nommaient Gaudemunda, Heloiza et Tankred. Il fut tué sur les marches de son propre palais par des assassins, choisissant de rester et de protéger Zuleyka plutôt que de fuire. ---- Catégorie:Personnages dans les romans Catégorie:Humains
  • [Source] Esterad Thyssen (born 1211) was the king of Kovir, Poviss, Narok, Velhad, and Talgar during the second war with Nilfgaard. He was the son of Baldwin and Blanka of Malleore. He was tall, strong and good-looking. Later in life, he was said to look a mere 45 when he was in fact 56 years old. Esterad (and his father, Baldwin, before him), lived through a very difficult period for Kovir and the House of Thyssen in particular. The first of several bloody power struggles occurred with the Secession of Poviss, when Rhyd declared himself King of Poviss and thus autonomous. He gained independence as did the East March (which later split into several duchies and kingdoms, only to finally unite as the "Hengfors League"). But the worst was yet to come - there was a revolt and Baldwin lost control of his crown to Idi, and for the first time in the history of the house, the Thyssens were forced to flee. During his escape, King Baldwin died suddenly, probably due to a brain aneurysm. Because of this, Esterad spent most of his youth in exile in Talgar. But he did not bide his time unproductively. Esterad considered various plans, gathered his strength, and gained adherents, forging secret pacts and alliances. Finally, he struck back, and decisively. One night, known ever since as the "Night of Knives and Torches", Idi, Rhyd and their entire families were killed. The Thyssen dynasty was restored. Although Kovir was officially neutral, Esterad helped the Northern forces by granting royal pardon to the prisoners in his kingdom, many of which later formed the Free Company led by "Adieu" Pangratt. He met his future wife and queen, Zuleyka, while in exile. Their children (in birth order) are: Gaudemunda, Heloiza and Tankred. He was killed on the stairs of his own palace by assassins, choosing to stay and protect Zuleyka instead of fleeing.
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