| - "You are the living embodiment of nature’s power, a mighty primal spirit veiled in living flesh."[PH2:174] Prerequisite: 21st level, any primal class Mighty Among the Spirits: As you near the completion of your Destiny Quest, you feel the tug of something greater, some deeper force drawing you on and goading you to bring your mission to its conclusion quickly. Not long after finishing your final task, you walk from the world into the spirit realm, leaving your mortality behind. Freed from the bonds of your body, you join the host of spirits that protect the natural order and guide new champions to follow the trail you blazed.
| - "You are the living embodiment of nature’s power, a mighty primal spirit veiled in living flesh."[PH2:174] Prerequisite: 21st level, any primal class Mighty Among the Spirits: As you near the completion of your Destiny Quest, you feel the tug of something greater, some deeper force drawing you on and goading you to bring your mission to its conclusion quickly. Not long after finishing your final task, you walk from the world into the spirit realm, leaving your mortality behind. Freed from the bonds of your body, you join the host of spirits that protect the natural order and guide new champions to follow the trail you blazed. Primal Travel (21st level): When any enemy hits you with a melee attack, you can teleport 3 squares as an immediate reaction. Spirit Boon (24th level): After each extended rest, choose one ability score. Until the end of your next extended rest, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks related to that ability. Eternal Return (30th level): Once per day, when you die and have at least two healing surges remaining, you can will yourself back to life. At the start of one of your turns within 10 rounds of your death, you can spend two healing surges to return to life. You return with hit points equal to your bloodied value and free of any effects that a save can end. You then take your turn normally.