| - Mnemosynis (ne-MOH-sin-iss) is one of the three Forbidden Arcanoi from Wraith: The Oblivion listed in the Wraith Players Guide. Users of Mnemosynis can trace and read the memories of others. Mnemosynis is by and far the most controversial art of the Arcanoi. It was the first to be banned, well before the Breaking of the Guilds. Prior to its banning, it was used by the judges of Stygia to ascertain the guilt of a criminal. With so much knowledge of dark secrets at their disposal, many Mnemoi became corrupt, and Charon and the Hierarchy were forced to outlaw them, lest they destroy Stygia. Some Mnemoi have managed to hide among the Monitors, as those who use Lifeweb have almost the same Guild marking, while others use their abilities as little as possible so they won’t attract attention to t
| - Mnemosynis (ne-MOH-sin-iss) is one of the three Forbidden Arcanoi from Wraith: The Oblivion listed in the Wraith Players Guide. Users of Mnemosynis can trace and read the memories of others. Mnemosynis is by and far the most controversial art of the Arcanoi. It was the first to be banned, well before the Breaking of the Guilds. Prior to its banning, it was used by the judges of Stygia to ascertain the guilt of a criminal. With so much knowledge of dark secrets at their disposal, many Mnemoi became corrupt, and Charon and the Hierarchy were forced to outlaw them, lest they destroy Stygia. Some Mnemoi have managed to hide among the Monitors, as those who use Lifeweb have almost the same Guild marking, while others use their abilities as little as possible so they won’t attract attention to themselves. The main focus of the few who dare use Mnemosynis is control. With its most basic uses, a Mnemoi can tell if another is lying, giving them a decided advantage in any negotiation or deal. Those who continue to use their powers to delve into the memories of other wraiths want information to lord over others with. That is not to say that all Mnemoi use their gifts for such dark purposes, but those who would use it for good are far outnumbered by those who peddle in knowledge and blackmail. There are some who say the Mnemoi have been falsely accused and that there is more to their exile than appears, but these are usually dismissed as random ramblings. A Mnemos who has their abilities go wrong is in for a horrific time. Not only have they risked exposing themselves as users of a forbidden power, but they may end up revealing secrets of their own that should have stayed hidden.