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- This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:
- Hit Die: d4.
- The highest art is arcane magic - often referred to as the Art. Its most advanced prectitioners are frequently Archmages, characters who bend and alter spells in ways unavailable to other spellcasters. The most famous Archmages are those who hail from the magic city of Dalaran, but any place which supports arcane learning will in time breed its own Archmages.
- A title bestowed on the most accomplished sorcerer of the Ivory Tower during the Elmoreden era, the Archmage handles the four basic elements flawlessly. Transcending the limitations unsurpassed by all other sorcerers, they achieved a daunting level of wizardry and were seen as a symbol of the power of strong magic. Following the fall of the empire, a true Archmage did not emerge for some time. But recently, the Archmages have begun to re-emerge, accompanied by rumors of the woman of the lake.
- The Archmage is the epitome of Power, the elite of enchanters, the creme de la creme of conjurers, the nonpareil of necromancers. Archmages are pretty hot stuff, in fact.
- Archmage is a title the ADOM community has bestowed on any character who can repeatedly bookcast the Wish spell indefinitely. The obstacles to this form of ultimate arcane power are quite extreme. The PC does not need to be a Wizard or even a spellcaster to become an archmage, but it is very difficult otherwise
- Większość Arcymagów była w Radzie Tirisfal, gdzie rada wysyłałą różnych magów na misję i doglądało porządku na Azeroth. Przykładem Arcymagów może być Khadgar albo Antonidas.
- The highest art is magic, often referred to as *the* Art. Its most advanced practitioners are frequently Archmages, bending spells in ways unavailable to other spellcasters.
* Hit Die: d4.
* Proficiencies: An Archmage does not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
* Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.
- Archmage is a prestige class in Faerûn whose members are arcane magic users who have become experts at manipulating and altering their spells often in strange ways. Most archmages are pure wizards or sorcerers, rarely multiclassing, so they may become masters in their study of magic. More generally, the term "archmage" may refer to any extremely powerful spellcaster such as Elminster Aumar or Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun.
- An archmage is a type of magic user in Sanctuary.
- The Archmage was a powerful-but-arrogant-and-greedy magician from Gargoyles. He taught both the Magus and Demona how to use magic, having once been a courtier at Castle Wyvern and he was the first person known to possess the spellbook called the Grimorum Arcanorum. He was voiced by David Warner.
- - Ο Σοφός της Haydrel, ο Αρχιμάγος (Archmage) του Λευκού Πύργου Νοτιοανατολικά της Avelorn, στις ακτές της Θάλασσας των Ονείρων (Sea of Dreams), βρίσκεται η Saphery, η χώρα της Μαγείας. Η καρδιά της Saphery είναι ο πύργος του Hoeth, η λάμψη του Θεού της Σοφίας. Εδώ βρίσκεται η κατοχή της μεγαλύτερης γνώσης μαγείας στον Κόσμο, που συντάχθηκε με το πέρασμα των αιώνων από τους High Elf μάγους και μαθητευόμενους, απο τους οποίους ακόμα πολλοί αφιερώνουν την ζωή τος στην ασφάλεια αυτής της μαγικής γνώσης. Οι ποιο δυνατοί από αυτούς τους μαθητές είναι γνωστοί ως Archmages (Αρχιμάγοι), και είναι ικανοί στο να χειριστούν όλους στους ανέμους της μαγείας, δημιουργώντας δυνατές μαγείες γνωστές ως Υψηλή Μαγεία (High Magic).
- ArchMage is an enemy within Breath of Fire III. On par with the Berserkr, it is known to be one of the strongest enemies in the game.
- Archmage was a term that referred to extremely powerful practitioners of magic. Prior to the End of magic, Alasdair Coames had been one.
- They are capable of using spells.
- The arcane defender of Earth, who guards it against mystic threats. Earth has not had an Archmage since 1908, leaving it vulnerable to occult menaces.
- The Archmage must have three spell levels in all four of the previous spellcasting classes. The Archmage is also strictly required to win The Destiny Knight, not the least because only an Archmage can become the eponymous Destiny Knight.
- Archmage is one of the 18 different Retorts available for customizing and empowering Wizards in Master of Magic. The Archmage wizard gets a flat +10 bonus to her Spell Casting Skill. She also improves her Spell Casting Skill 50% more efficiently than other Wizards. Furthermore, her Enchantments are twice as difficult to dispel as those of a non-Archmage Wizard. When creating a new Wizard, this Retort only becomes available if the Wizard has already selected at least 4 Spellbooks of any single Color.
- The Archmage requires that the Archmage Tower and Library have been built, so as a result, it requires nearly every building to have been constructed. This makes the Archmage a late-game unit, but one that can cause devastation if rushed from early on. It also needs a large number of resources, however, since it — like many of Magic's units — are created from morphing. In total, it needs 75 gold and 1 energy from the Initiate, another 75 gold and 1 energy from the Battlemage, and 150 gold and 2 energy for the Archmage. Because the energy is refunded, this brings the total cost to 300 gold and 2 energy, making them a risky and expensive unit.
- Archmage is an achievement in Fable III. It requires the player to cast every possible combination of Spell Gauntlets.
- An Archmage (of the Tiste Andii) was the description used by Tayschrenn to describe who he thought might be occupying Moon's Spawn. Hairlock then used the phrase 'the Master Archmage'. One can assume that these titles where used as alternative descriptions for someone of High Mage level and someone who might possibly be above that.
- Description: (PRESTIGE CLASS) The highest art is magic, often referred to as *the* Art. Its most advanced practitioners are frequently archmages, bending spells in ways unavailable to other spellcasters. Hit die: d4 Proficiencies: An archmage does not gain any additional weapon or armor proficiencies. Skill points: 2 + Int mod Skills: concentration, craft armor, craft weapon, heal, lore, persuade, search, spellcraft Base attack bonus progression: 1 BAB per 2 levels
- Mystical Hero, adept at ranged assaults. Can learn Blizzard, Summon Water Elemental, Brilliance Aura and Mass Teleport. Attacks land and air units.
- The Archmage currently has no role for your convergence. You may want to give the title to an active PvP member so they have the power to give up any Island owned by your convergence.
- thumb|300px|rightThe Archmage is one of the 2 end classes for the magician. This class is rather the opposite to the other end of the mage class tree. When it comes to attacking this class packs a punch. This class is able to summon demonic summoning. The first one burns the enemies around you, the other one apparently sucks the HP out of the enemy. Then their is the special attack where two black holes like portals appear above and below you and beams shoot out and raises the enemies around you and then smacks them to the floor and then it does the same thing once more.
- Archmages are arcane magic users who have become experts at manipulating and altering their spells often in strange ways. Most archmages are pure wizards or sorcerers, so they may become masters in their study of magic. Archmage is considered as the highest rank for a wizard. More generally, the term "archmage" may refer to any extremely powerful spellcaster.
- The Archmage was a powerful but arrogant and greedy magician. He taught both the Magus and Demona how to use magic, having once been a courtier at Castle Wyvern and he was the first person known to possess the spellbook called the Grimorum Arcanorum.
- The game's most powerful spellcaster. An archmage can learn rank 3 sorcery spells. A civilization can only have 3 Archmages at once and a Mage has to be at least 6th level before it can be upgraded to an Archmage Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The saying springs to mind quickly when considering the vaguely disturbing figure that is the Archmage. Even among the fortunate few laypersons they deign to interact with, it is hard to avoid a creeping feeling of fear mingled with awe.
- Archmagi are a type of powerful caster that represent the pinnacle of magical power. Most archmagi hail from the magical kingdom of Dalaran but can be found among other groups as well. Weaving their intricate enchantments, these magi defend themselves and their allies with all the magical powers they have accumulated through their broad and intense studies. Archmagi realize the benefits, not only of a powerful and attuned mind, but a strengthened and prepared body as well. Mounted atop their trusty steeds, the archmagi brandish magical blades and ancient staves that serve to enhance their abilities and channel their fierce energies in battle. Though they can appear gruff and slightly aloof, these experienced wizards are a heartening sight upon any battlefield where the fate of all hangs in
- “As the Archmage, you lay claim to being the world’s preeminent wizard."[PH:173] Prerequisite: 21st-level wizard Arcane Seclusion: When you complete your final quest, you retreat from the world to give your full time and attention to the study of the ultimate arcane formula, the Demispell, whose hyperplanar existence encompasses all the lesser spells there ever were or ever will be. To aid your study, you build a sanctum sanctorum. At your option, your retreat provides you complete seclusion, and thus could take the form of a tower lost somewhere in the Elemental Chaos. However, you might desire to retain a tie to the world, and thus build a sanctum with a connection to the world. In such a case, you might found a new order of mages for which you serve as the rarely seen High Wizard. Alter