| - Female Aasimar Favored Soul 9/Heartwarder 4 CG Medium Native Outsider Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft. Languages Common, Celestial, Sylvan AC 28; Dodge, Mobility hp 67 (13 HD) Resist acid 5, cold 5, electrical 5, fire 10 Immunity None SR 0 Fort +8 (17), Ref +9, Will +13 Speed 40 ft. Melee +12/+7 Sune's Light (1d2+1d6 divine +1 piercing) Ranged +12/+7 masterwork light crossbow (1d8) Base Atk +9 Atk Options disarm (whip) Special Actions lips of rapture 6/day (+2 attack, +2 saves, +2 skill checks, +2 weapon damage, +2 vs enchantment effects for 5 rounds) Combat Gear sune's light, chainmail +3, masterwork light crossbow, mithril shield +2, wand of cure light wounds, wand of cure moderate wounds, wand of cure serious wounds, wand of cure critical wounds Favored Soul Spells Known (CL 13th): 6t
| - Female Aasimar Favored Soul 9/Heartwarder 4 CG Medium Native Outsider Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft. Languages Common, Celestial, Sylvan AC 28; Dodge, Mobility hp 67 (13 HD) Resist acid 5, cold 5, electrical 5, fire 10 Immunity None SR 0 Fort +8 (17), Ref +9, Will +13 Speed 40 ft. Melee +12/+7 Sune's Light (1d2+1d6 divine +1 piercing) Ranged +12/+7 masterwork light crossbow (1d8) Base Atk +9 Atk Options disarm (whip) Special Actions lips of rapture 6/day (+2 attack, +2 saves, +2 skill checks, +2 weapon damage, +2 vs enchantment effects for 5 rounds) Combat Gear sune's light, chainmail +3, masterwork light crossbow, mithril shield +2, wand of cure light wounds, wand of cure moderate wounds, wand of cure serious wounds, wand of cure critical wounds Favored Soul Spells Known (CL 13th): 6th (5/day) - celestial blood, greater sanctuary, heal 5th (6/day) - convert wand, fire in the blood, raise dead, righteous might 4th (7/day) - cure critical wounds, death ward, hammer of the gods, pancea, recitation 3rd (7/day) - cure serious wounds, darkfire, dispel magic, prayer, negative energy protection, searing light 2nd (8/day) - animalistic power, cure moderate wounds, divine protection, elation, endurance, lesser restoration 1st (8/day) - bless, command, cure light wounds, protection from evil, ray of hope, shield of faith 0 (6/day) - cure minor wounds, inflict moderate wounds, light, resistance, virtue Spell-Like Abilities 1/day - light (CL 13) Abilities Str 10 (13), Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 22 SQ sanctified martial strike (+1 damage vs evil, 1d4 damage vs undead and outsiders when wielding a whip) Feats Dodge, Mobility, Sanctified Marital Strike, Spell Focus: Enchantment, Weapon Proficiency (Whip) Skills Appraise +11, Bluff +13, Heal +9, Lore +15, Persuade +18, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +12 Carried Possessions combat gear plus amulet of natural armor +3, belt of hill giant strength +3, chaos diamond (confusion 2 charges/use, mage armor 1/day, magic circle against alignment 2 charges/use, word of faith 5 charges/use) cloak of protection +3, dwarven helm of defense (endurance 1/day, stoneskin 1/day), gargoyle boots (stoneskin 10 uses, +2 AC, +3 fortitude saves), gloves of concentration +3, magical ruby (metor swarm 1/day), mirror of enchantment (cloud of bewilderment 1/day, confusion 1/day, entangle 3/day), ring of fortitude +4, ring of sunite charm (red light, charm monster 1/day), ring of the ram (knockdown, knock 50 uses)