| - The Scoobies must defend the town from demon bikers. Buffy has returned from the dead, but is she back to normal?
* And I Must Scream: There's hardly any air in her coffin so Buffy can't even scream.
* An Arm and a Leg: Razor and his gang chain the Buffybot's limbs to their motorcycles. The bikes take off, and the 'Bot is neatly quartered. Yuck.
* Anti-Hero Stole My Bike: Spike flying-kicks a demon off his bike, which he keeps throughout the season.
* An Axe to Grind
* Almost Dead Bot: The Buffybot survives long enough after being ripped apart to reveal to Dawn that the real Buffy is back.
* Badass and Child Duo: Spike and Dawn.
* Beware the Nice Ones: Tara hits a biker demon with an ax. Tara.
* Big No: Buffy on seeing the Buffybot torn apart.
* Bond One-Liner: Averted when Buffy knocks down the demon leader...and says nothing at all.
* Buffy-Speak: Willow gets "avoidy" when Xander starts grilling her about the magic she was using.
* Came Back Wrong: Buffy is frightened of the chaos around her, visibly traumatized and refuses to speak.
* Chain Pain: Two demons on bikes try to snare Buffy with a chain. She ducks and the chain wraps itself around the other demon's head, pulling them both off their bikes.
* Driven to Suicide: Buffy tries to reenact her death leap from Glory's tower. Dawn talks her out of it.
* Exotic Equipment
* Foreshadowing: Buffy asking if she's in hell, even though she's supposed to have been rescued from a terrible hell dimension.
* The original concept of the series was "High school is hell." (later "college is hell") This season will explore the concept of "real life is hell" or as Joss Whedon put it, "Real life is the Big Bad."
* Impairment Shot: Buffy's point of view is hazy as if she's not used to using her eyes.
* It's Going Down: Glory's tower collapses right after Dawn and Buffy get off it.
* Killed Mid-Sentence: Razor Neck Lifts Willow after she uses a curse to shatter his razor-claws.
* Let's Split Up, Scooby Gang
* Lotus Position
* Morality Pet: Dawn to Spike. There's an evil smile on Spike's face when he watches the demon bikers force their way into a house to attack the people inside, then he remembers who he's protecting.
* My God, What Have I Done?: The Scoobie realise they left Buffy to dig herself out of her grave.
* New Era Speech: Razor gives one to his gang, then commemorates it by having them rip the Buffybot limb from limb.
* No OSHA Compliance: Dawn has to talk Buffy down off Glory's tower which is on the verge of collapse.
* Protectorate: Buffy only reacts when her friends and sister are in immediate danger, though she appears to be functioning entirely on her Slayer instincts.
* Punch Catch: Razor punches Buffy in the face, an act that sent Xander and Willow flying. Her head snaps aside; her body doesn't move. Uh oh -- Razor throws another punch. Buffy catches it in her palm and uses her other hand to beat Razor unconscious.
* Rape as Drama: Implied
* Rape, Pillage and Burn: The demon bikers do all three.
* Revealing Hug: The episode ends with Dawn hugging Buffy, but only the audience sees her Dull Eyes of Unhappiness.
* Rule of Symbolism: Buffy returns in time to see the sweet Buffybot permanently destroyed when it's ripped apart by demons, showing Buffy's loss of innocence and the need to build herself anew.
* She's Back: Subverted; the Scoobies think this when Buffy starts kicking demon ass, but she's just acting on instinct, running away (leaving her friends to fight the demon leader) and trying to commit suicide.
* Spark Fairy: Tara uses one to guide Willow and Xander to their location.
* Tempting Fate: A played-straight version where Tara suggests that the bikers arriving just in time to wreck the raising was the Fates dishing out punishment for their hubris. And of course the traditional Buffyverse version with Xander saying the demon bikers will eventually tire of wrecking Sunnydale and move on -- Cut to Razor addressing his minions. "Say hello to your new home, boys!"
* Anya saying, "That's it -- no more surprises!" Then back-from-the-dead Buffy appears in front of them.
* That Came Out Wrong: Xander calling himself a man-witch.
* Two Part Episode
* Walk in Chime In: Xander is trying to communicate with Buffy.
* Wolverine Claws: Demon-biker leader Razor has metal extensions to his claws.
* You Have No Idea Who You're Dealing With: Willow tries this on Razor, who is unimpressed.