| - Issue 9 adds several new emotes, this guide revolves around the flight pose emotes. blah blah around before but were random blah blah resisted because emotes aren't supposed to override regular animations blah blah. Each emote must be used during flight. There is no banking animation, and they can easily be interrupted. flypose1: arms fully outstretched in front. flypose2: one arm in front, one arm pulled back to side, and one knee pulled upward, as if flying to punch something. flypose3: arms stretched forward and to the side in a Y-formation. airplane flypose4: head up and arms pulled back to side, in an "I dare you to shoot at me" pose. Imagine flex1 (flexa): Fists raised, flexing arms stance, except laying down, facing forward This article is currently a . As such, it may contain some editing notes in addition to information. Please be patient, it is being worked on and will be in a finished state before long!