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- Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown.
- Extraction is the process of turning any Weapon, Armor, or Accessory into Fortification Reagents. The item used will be eliminated, so it is wise to only do this to items you have no use for.
- "Extraction" is the first episode of Season 5 of The Shield. It was originally broadcast on January 10, 2006.
- It followed the further tribulations of Jason Blaine, now a more advanced field agent working for the FBI after the closure of CTU. His boss, Alton Maxwell is captured, and Jason strives to save him from the evil hands of drug kingpin Esteban Salazar. Six episodes were made, twice the number of the first two seasons. New episodes were released weekly.
- "Extraction" is the 19th episode of Thunderbirds Are Go!. It is was broadcast on December 5th, 2015.
- Extraction is
- In this episode, the rebel team of Macallan, Tulley, Harlequinn and Anton are trapped in the Nankatsu Advanced Materials Research Laboratory near Japan. They are seeking answers as to the connection between Nankatsu and The Blackdoor Group. But Macallan has been betrayed by Harlequinn and Tulley's injuries have left a trail of blood to be discovered by the scientists working in the facility. Guards are approaching and time is running out for the team to escape...
- An extraction is a form of transport in Just Cause and Just Cause 2.
- M3 - Extraction is a mission in Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
- Extraction is a blanket term for certain methods of gaining information from a captured enemy. Before becoming a Psy Healer, Festus used oversee extractions on captured enemies for General Tastidian. Apparently, extractioning is rather cruel.
- Extraction is an Adversary Mode featured in Grand Theft Auto Online added as part of the Executives and Other Criminals update.
- Now they have the information they are going for extraction from Virginia. They first escape The Pentagon then get to the National cemetery. They put up red smoke for extraction and they hold there own until it arrives.
- One set of is used per extraction. In order to extract, Right-Click on the Extraction Tools then Left-Click on the item you wish to extract from. You may only extract from items that can be enhanced. These are your chest, legs, shoulders, hands, shoes, primary weapon, and secondary weapon. When you extract from an item, that item is destroyed. Do not extract from items you wish to keep or use.
- Extraction is a short story featuring Aloysius Pendergast and his brother Diogenes as young boys. Pendergast tells Constance Greene the story of his frightening encounter with a recluse who lived in New Orleans' French Quarter near Pendergast's childhood home of Rochenoire.
- Candidates for Extraction are apparently chosen by Resistance members/leaders. Common qualities sought include a penchant for rebelliousness, hacking skills, and a subconscious awareness of the Matrix. In times before The One was found, many will also aspire (or at least hope) to discover him. Candidates are typically disqualified for Extraction if they are found to be overly mentally dependent on the Matrix or if they have reached an unspecified age limit. Attempts to free minds when these restrictions are disregarded result in the subject suffering severe psychological trauma.
- Extraction is a game mode featured in the Outer Rim expansion pack. It is currently only playable on the Outer Rim maps. At the start of the game, there will be 3 phases present at the top of the screen. The color will depend on which faction the player is fighting on, blue for the Rebels, red for the Empire. Hero pickups are present throughout the game, but unlike other modes that features heroes, the hero is automatically picked. The Imperials get extra points if they stop the shuttle at phase 1, phase 2, or phase 3. The lower the phase, the higher the point count.
- Extraction is a round-based objective game mode. Two teams of six players each fight over two active cells on the map. One team must defend the cells, and one team must steal the cells and take them to an extraction chopper at their base to earn a point. After the Seven Minute and 30 Second (7:30) Time Limit has been reached, the teams switch sides and roles. The team with the most points at the end of the two rounds will be the winner. Taking a power cell will earn the player 100 XP. Only the Secondary Weapon can be used while holding the cell. The player must then take the cell to the extraction chopper at their base to earn 300 XP and score a point for the team. When a power cell is taken, the defensive team must kill the player who's holding the cell, then “restore” the cell by standin
- An extraction is said to be an easy procedure, usually done by a healer, but can be done by any soul in an emergency. Wanderer once had to extract her friend of the Mists Planet from his bear host after he was attacked by a claw beast.
- Quand un lapis est serti il ne peut être extrait qu'en rapportant l'objet au Forgeron. Notez cepandant que le Forgeron devra enlever TOUS les lapis déja sertis sur l'objet. Le seul moyen d'enlever un lapis spécifique est d'utiliser un Extracteur.
* Fichier:Extracteur.jpg Extracteur 40% de chances d'extraction.
* Fichier:Extracteur.jpg Grand Extracteur 80% de chances d'extraction.