| - Cypher (Douglas Ramsey) is a student at Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters.
- Cypher is the Brotherhood of Steel's spy in the raider camp of Freeport in 2197.
- Cypher is a shape shifting Grey master. His current where-abouts are unknown. He was last sited on Uvena hunting skole to take his revenge for ruining his life.
- The Cypher is a saucer-type unmanned aerial vehicle used for surveillance and communication support of land and marine operations.
- Cypher è la Mossa Speciale in Sù di Solid Snake. Sicuramente è una delle mosse di recupero più utili del gioco. Quando lo utilizza, Snake si aggrappa a una telecamera di sorveglianza volante chiamata Cypher, che appare dal nulla e lo fa volare verso l'alto. Dopo averla usata, Snake non può più effettuare il doppio salto. Il giocatore può annullare la mossa premendo il tasto di attacco o il tasto giù. Se viene premuto giù, la telecamera infligge danno se si scontra con qualcuno lungo il suo percorso. Se usata in combinazione con le C4, Snake può praticamente utilizzare il recupero all'infinito.
- Cypher is a Time element Master Quartz.
- Cypher was a Goth hacker.
- Cypher was a mind-controlling member of the League of Assassins.
- Cypher Reagan was the hidden secondary antagonist in the 1999 film, The Matrix. He was a human released from the Matrix by Morpheus. But he hated the real world, and after nine years on the Nebuchadnezzar, he decided he had to get back into the Matrix. He was portrayed by actor Joe Pantoliano, who also portrays Gabe Ugliano.
- Cypher, o La Voz del Emperador como lo llamaban durante su ayuda al Imperio durante la 13ª Cruzada Negra, es un enigmático y siniestro personaje. Cypher ha sido perseguido desde el final de la Herejía de Horus por los Ángeles Oscuros durante más de diez mil años estándar. Cypher es una leyenda en casi cualquier mundo del Imperio de la Humanidad.
- Cypher (Douglas Aaron Ramsey) a financial mutant superhero from Marvel Comics created by Chris Claremont and Sal Buscema. Cypher is a mutant the ability to understand any language and is a founding member of the New Mutants. His power of languages is so great that he can read body language and know what some one will do.
- Carrying too many cyphers will cause Cypher Sickness because of the interaction between the strange energies and secretions each cypher emits. Training in the safe storage of cyphers with the Cypher Use skill can help mitigate this effect, as does the Cypher Limit Incease ability. Cypher sickness comes in several stages of intensity, increasing for every cypher carried over the limit. These fettles stack.
* Cypher Sickness, Minor: -2 Might Pool
* Cypher Sickness, Symptoms Increasing: -1 Might Edge, -1 Speed Edge, -1 Intellect Edge
- No ha pasado mucho desde los eventos de X-Men: La Batalla Final; Ahora los mutantes que quedan se ven forzados a mantenerse escondidos de las autoridades humanas, las cuales se ...BLABLA
- Cypher was formerly a redpill and was originally a crewmember aboard the Nebuchenezzer. However, prior to The Matrix Online, he betrayed the resistence to the Machines, but not before he was killed. His legacy is in the form of a group named after him, who had similar goals of working against the resistance and working with the Machines in order to reenter the matrix. While Cypher was still alive, Salera met him while she was a crewmember under Captain Morpheus.
- Cypher is Snake's Up Special Move. He grabs onto the namesake flying reconnaissance camera to recover.
- Cypher (born Reagan) was a redpill assigned to the Zion hovercraft Nebuchadnezzar under the command of Morpheus. He was also the one who betrayed the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar to aid Agent Smith to help him achieve information on the Zion mainframe.
- Image:Cypher (Doug Ramsey) 002.jpg|Cypher (Douglas Ramsey) Image:None.jpg|Cypher (AIM)
- Cypher is the 34th level in Chip's Challenge 1. According to one of Melinda's special dispatches, there is a secret of some kind: Dear Chip, In some ways this will be the most important level for you. So, cypher, Chip, cypher! Secretly, Melinda. This is not in the actual game, rather in the CHIPS.HLP file, so finding this takes some attention. However, the title Cypher and some letters spelled out by floor tiles may clue the player into the secret:
- Szukający ciekawych filmów cyberpunkowych nie mają lekko. Jest kilka przykurzonych klasyków, trochę półamatorskich dzieł reżyserów zafascynowanych gatunkiem, wiele obrazów tylko nawiązujących do tego nurtu oraz po prostu średnich. Najczęściej oglądając te lepsze i gorsze czegoś brakuje - a to obsada niezbyt pasuje, tam muzyka kompletnie nieodpowiednia, tu kiczowate scenografie. Raz na jakiś czas zdarza się jednak wyjątek, film w którym (prawie) wszystko gra i dla lubiących tę estetykę jest jak szklanka wody na środku pustyni. Vincenzo Natali, reżyser pamiętnego CUBE podaje nam taką szklankę.
- Envoy Larionov and Judge Pax visited Mega-City One for a clandestine meeting with Chief Judge Hershey to discuss the situation regarding repatriation of citizens of East-Meg Two descent. The meeting was interrupted by a sniper attack, seemingly aimed at Larionov. Dredd and Pax gave chase, Pax using Hershey's Lawmaster while an H-wagon captured the sniper. The sniper managed to escape, crashed the H-wagon and stole one of the complement of lawmasters in the process. Having cornered the sniper in a mall, Pax and Dredd discovered that the sniper is a cyborg.
- Cypher became Code Wizard on July 28th, 2005 taking over for Darrien, the previous Code Wizard. It is his duty to keep a legacy of code written by many authors over a period of 15 years working smoothly for the enjoyment of the players, while adding new code to meet the MUSH's changing needs. Amongst his contributions to the MUSH are customizable ZIS-powered droids, casino games, the +what command, weapon terminals for manufacturers and vendors, inter-system shuttling for military personnel assigned to capital ships, improvements to swoop bikes, and the trivia game channel.
- El cypher es capaz de realizar despegues verticales y aterrizajes en espacios reducidos (3.5 metros). Para propulsarse Utiliza una corriente de aire que pasa desde sus rotores rodeando la la carcasa. De esta manera puede mantenerse en el aire unas 3 horas. El Cypher también cuenta con un sistema completamente autónomo que permite el seguimiento y el análisis de objetivos del tamaño de un hombre, con su patrón de vuelo contolado desde una estación móvil cercana. El Cypher transmite su estado y los datos de la misión a su controlador a través de enlace de datos.
- Tele-Viper troops are the radio and satellite communications specialists of the Cobra legions. The micro-miniaturized equipment built into their helmets and web gear includes a high-speed burst microwave transceiver, VHF and laser signal units, a random series digital encryption module, third generation passive jamming devices, a GPS receiver, a voice synthesizer and an FM receiver with automatic frequency control. All high-end Cobra command personnel have a Tele-Viper trooper assigned to them as their personal link to headquarters and as bodyguards. Each Tele-Viper trooper carries a multi-shot grenade launcher and a suppressed sub-machine gun as well as his communications equipment, which means that even while he is calling down an air strike he can be laying down his own cover fire. It i
- Cypher is a 2002 sci-fi thriller starring Jeremy Northam and Lucy Liu, directed by Vincenzo Natali of Cube and Splice fame. The story follows Morgan Sullivan, a bored and henpecked house-husband who gets a job as a corporate spy in order to add some excitement into his dull routine and annoy his overbearing wife. At first he's thrilled by the prospect of creating a whole new life for himself as a "secret agent" but soon finds that the realities of the industry are somewhat less interesting - recording presentations about shaving cream distribution and consumer trends in the processed cheese market.
- When Kitty Pryde moved to New York she attended Stevie Hunter's dance lessons. It was considered a good influence that she should meet & befriend other kids her age. One of those friends was Douglas Ramsey. It just so happened that Doug also happened to be a computer genius, on a par with Kitty's own intellect. So when she wasn't caught up in the X-Men's fights, Kitty began to hang out with Doug. Neither of them realised that Doug's natural gift for computers was due to his mutant ability to understand and communicate in any language. On one occasion they were using the computers at Doug's house to hack into something Top Secret. Kitty used Doug's natural ability to hack into the government computers at Project: Wideawake and activated a Sentinel. Doug innocently joked that he didn't want
- Since that time, the elusive Fallen known as Cypher has been on the run, eluding capture for nearly ten thousand years. During that time, Cypher has appeared in each of the five segmentums, materialising as if from nowhere. Wherever he surfaces, he brings with him death and destruction, although whether he is the culprit or merely a herald of woe is often unclear. Although the accounts are often tainted with bias, it appears that Cypher seldom instigates the violent acts that invariably occur when he is present; it is rather that he seems to act as a catalyst which fans the hatred and mistrust of those around him into a raging, uncontrollable fire. In each case, Cypher vanishes from the scene as abruptly as he arrived. Worlds burn in his wake, yet he leaves no clues as to where he will tur
- Cypher (played by Joe Pantoliano) is a character in The Matrix. He is referred to as "Mr. Reagan" by Agent Smith. In the first film of the trilogy, Cypher is one of the rebels from Morpheus' hovercraft, the Nebuchadnezzar. Cypher has grown tired of the Man/Machine war within the Matrix. Harshly disillusioned by the grim existence living on a hovercraft and tired of following Morpheus and his blind faith of the Prophecy, he soon starts to wish that he never learned the truth and left the Matrix in the first place. This prompts him to strike a deal with the Agents. At the beginning of the movie, he nearly has Trinity killed by Agent Smith in successfully proving to the Agents that he, "the informant", was legitimate.