| - Lukas ist der Ex-Freund von Sophie Krogmann. Als Sophie in Folge Liebeswahn Schluss machte, versuchte er sie in der gleichen Folge zurück zurückzuerobern. Er wird von Sandro Wenzing dargestellt. Kategorie:Charakter Kategorie:Nebencharakter Kategorie:Charakter 8. Staffel
- Lukas was a powerful Demonic Infector in possession of the Seven Deadly Sins. His goal was to infect people with sin, causing them to self-destruction and giving him their souls. When the Charmed Ones interfered in his business, he infected them and Leo with sins.
- Did you mean: Lucas
- Lukas (ルカ Ruka, Luka in the Japanese version) is a playable character from Fire Emblem Gaiden and its remake, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. He is 24 years old. He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai in the Japanese version.
- Lukas peut désigner :
* Un Mercenaire → voir Lukas (Mercenaire)
* Un PnJ → voir Lukas (PnJ)
- Lukas Is the Male Pokemon Trainer In Pokemon Diamond/Pearl as well as Platinum He Is a playable character in SMDC KART.
- Lukas is one of the main characters in Minecraft: Story Mode. He is the former leader of The Ocelots, who eventually joins Jesse's gang.
- Lukas (JP) is a playable character that appears in Fire Emblem: Gaiden and Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. File:Marth (Fire Emblem Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~).pngThis Fire Emblem related article is a stub. Please help by expanding it.File:Marth (Fire Emblem Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~).png
- Lukas ist der Sohn von Christine, der Bruder von Lily und Mariechen und der Neffe von Heinz Pasulke. Zusehen war er in Folge 237 und 238. Gespielt wurde die Rolle von Lewin Glitz.
- Lukas was the abbot of the Drowned Monastery, a depraved cult during the Dark Ages. During his life, Lukas was the son of a peasant and admired for his beauty. He used this for the sake of seduction and mocking those who had a worse fate than him, until he made the mistake to mock his future sire, who had disguised himself as a leper. Enraged, the Nosferatu drained him of his blood and embraced him, in a similar manner to modern cleopatras. Lukas despaired and went down dark paths to restore his beauty, eventually turning to Infernalism and adopting the Road of the Devil. Eventually, one of the infernal patrons returned his beauty to him, in exchange for corrupting one hundred souls within one hundred yards in one hundred years.
- Wenn man einen Namen hat, ist es egal, wie man heißt. Naja ausser vielleicht... ich will hier ja keine Namen nennen, aber... Lukas. Ne also wer is denn der Lukas? son freund vom flo der auf die wiesn geht, merkt dass er dort auf grund seiner minderjährigkeit wohl kein **** bekommt, daraufhin zum getränkemarkt geht und sich dort sein **** kauft. Muahaha lustig...