| - Robots and dinosaurs aren't the only reason creepy little boys enjoy Digimon; nor the only reason creepy 20-something webmasters enjoy Digimon. Hurhur. COOLEST EVOLUTIONS:There are many things this interesting monster can evolve from, including such spooks as Dokugumon and Soulmon, but I'd personally have to go with the equally albeit more innocently interesting Witchmon. As for what comes after Ladydevimon, you might want to put the kids to bed before Lilithmon shows up.Yeah, your six year old's favorite japanime card game carries references to a mythological whore. Or an owl, depending on who you ask. It's kind of confusing.
- LadyDevimon sind Gefallene Engeldigimon, welche weiße Haut haben und zerissene, schwarze Kleidung tragen. Sie nutzen ihren weiblichen Charme, um andere Digimon zu verführen und sie dann kaltblütig zu töten. Dabei nutzen sie die Macht der Dunkelheit, welche sie perfekt kontrollieren können. Ebenfalls lieben LadyDevimon es andere Digimon mit ihren scharfen Krallen zu erwürgen und zu quälen.
- LadyDevimon is a minor villainess in Digimon Adventure 01, Adventure 02, and Digimon Fusion. She started out as one of the servants of Piedmon.
- "Playtime is over!"— LadyDevimonLadyDevimon is a minor villainess in Digimon Adventure 01, Adventure 02, and Xros Wars. She started out as one of the servants of Piedmon.Contents [show] AppearanceLadyDevimon is an Ultimate Level Digimon that has the appearance of a dark witch with a big hand with long crimson claws and long black wings that act as a cape. In Digimon Xros Wars, LadyDevimon's appearance was slightly altered. One of them was wearing red instead of black.Digimon Adventure 01LadyDevimon made her first appearence when she served as a soldier of Piedmon. LadyDevimon confronted the Digidestined to punish them. Birdramon, Kabuterimon, Angemon, and Angewomon managed to put up a fight with LadyDevimon, but easily wiped them out with her Darkness Wave attack. During the battle, Angewo
- LadyDevimon is an Evil Digimon. It is a female fallen angel Digimon of noble stature. Because of its strength, due to the incomparable purity of its Dark Side Power, it is said that the limits on its spread and growth on personal computers is "0".