| - Mecannibals are mechanical lifeforms that "eat" other mechanical lifeforms. They are faintly reminiscent of spiders, except with only four spindly little legs attached directly to a rotund red body, which appears to be mostly toothy mouth, below a pair of malevolent yellow optics. Mecannibals reconstitute their prey back into their component parts (or at least, PARTS of their prey), which they have been known to sell on the black market to unwary or unscrupulous buyers. Their leader is Master Mouth.
- Faction: Mecannibal Species: Alien Function: HUNTER Mecannibals are a predatory race that feeds on other races, predominantly mechanical ones. They are generally simple and animalistic, but very clever and adaptable, improving themselves to meet any ecological or physical challenge. They are superb hunters, and have extremely keen senses, although they use a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum to see, allowing them to follow energy trails and movement easily, although making them unable to read most two-dimensional or still images. They are highly technical, and communicate over a unique form of subspace radio. Their design is ideally suited to hunt, kill, and strip their prey for parts.
| - Mecannibals are mechanical lifeforms that "eat" other mechanical lifeforms. They are faintly reminiscent of spiders, except with only four spindly little legs attached directly to a rotund red body, which appears to be mostly toothy mouth, below a pair of malevolent yellow optics. Mecannibals reconstitute their prey back into their component parts (or at least, PARTS of their prey), which they have been known to sell on the black market to unwary or unscrupulous buyers. Their leader is Master Mouth.
- Faction: Mecannibal Species: Alien Function: HUNTER Mecannibals are a predatory race that feeds on other races, predominantly mechanical ones. They are generally simple and animalistic, but very clever and adaptable, improving themselves to meet any ecological or physical challenge. They are superb hunters, and have extremely keen senses, although they use a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum to see, allowing them to follow energy trails and movement easily, although making them unable to read most two-dimensional or still images. They are highly technical, and communicate over a unique form of subspace radio. Their design is ideally suited to hunt, kill, and strip their prey for parts. The things seem to have delicate sensors to detect motion/sound, and energy/heat. Interestingly, their internals seem to be cobbled together from advanced systems that seem to follow the Decepticon engineering paradigm. Their eight legs are designed to move very fast, with a minimum of energy expended or heat generated. Their armour is thick and plated, but their tiny optics and sensor pits are weak points. They seem vacuum-capable, but appear to lack any means of aeronautic or zero-G propulsion. Mecha-fangs leads to energy-processing filters which are linked to an internal battery. Wastes from the conversion are shunted and dissolved in small tanks of concentrated acid, which can also be used to assist chewing through solid surfaces, and spit as a form of defense, if necessary. Most have stinger-tails barbed with a fuel-coagulating venom. One of the beasts you captured, interestingly, seems to have some sort of laser welder built into one foreleg, which doesnt seem to jive with its simplistic, minimal processor. The beast does seem to have a rather sophisticated communications array, although no form of verbal communication has been positively identified. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.