Saloth Sar (born May 19th 1925) has had many aliases but he is best known as Pol Pot.
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- Pol Pot
- Pol Pot
- Pol Pot
- Pol Pot
- Pol pot
| - Saloth Sar (born May 19th 1925) has had many aliases but he is best known as Pol Pot.
- Pol Pot fu un contadino cambogiano nonché un buon giocatore di Hattrick. Nel tempo libero costruiva robot coi lego e faceva il dittatore. Dal 1975 al 1979 i server di Hattrick erano down e siccome non aveva niente da fare sterminò due milioni di cambogiani col benestare della Cina. L'Onu continuò a riconoscerlo capo di stato cambogiano per anni.
- During his long reign of Cambodia, he was said to have had 1.5 million hot chicks do his makeup for him. In 1970-something, he led an army of hot Asian chicks armed with guns into Phnom Pen (the capital) in order to create his own production company, Khmer Rouge Productions. He is well-known for wanting to kill everything that lived, even the trees. Just about the only ones who had a good time under his regime were the fish because he also killed fishermen.
- Natürlich nicht der Erfinder der Micky Maus, sondern das lebende Vorbild, dann von Walt Disney per Knebelvertrag Mundtot gemacht. Es folgte eine Suche nach diesem Walt in ganz Kambodscha, besonders intensiv wurde auf den sogenannten Killing Fields (Benannt nach den Killing-Früchten) gesucht.
- He was the Prime Minister of the country from 1976 to 1979 and became the de facto leader since 1975. Pol Pot tried to build an agrarian society. This idea was first sketched out by his colleague Khieu Samphan. Khieu Samphan, while at the Sorbonne University in Paris, in a doctoral thesis in 1959, analyzed the effects of colonial and neocolonial domination in Cambodia. To secure true economic and political independence, Samphan argued that it is necessary to isolate Cambodia and go back to a self-sufficient agricultural economy. In other words independence was considered so important that the Cambodian government was prepared to kill any number of enemies and reduce the whole population to a mediaeval level to achieve it. One of the revolutionary slogan was "we will burn the old grass and
- Han var en stor khmer leder - kampucheas store leder, som ville utvikle den vikelige sosialismen i samsvar med naturen. I 1975 befridde Røde Khmer massene fra imperalistene, og kamerat pol blei valgt til øverste politiske leder - dette var i massenes innteresser! alle imperalister/kapitalister blei endelig tatt ifra makten og straffes! Røde Khmer innførte "År Null) dette var ikke reaksjonært som mange mener, men dette var for at kommunismen skulle få en ny start - at Kampucheas folk skulle få en ny start, fri fra all kvinneundertrykking, imperalisme og slaveri!
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| - Saloth Sar (born May 19th 1925) has had many aliases but he is best known as Pol Pot.
- Pol Pot fu un contadino cambogiano nonché un buon giocatore di Hattrick. Nel tempo libero costruiva robot coi lego e faceva il dittatore. Dal 1975 al 1979 i server di Hattrick erano down e siccome non aveva niente da fare sterminò due milioni di cambogiani col benestare della Cina. L'Onu continuò a riconoscerlo capo di stato cambogiano per anni.
- Han var en stor khmer leder - kampucheas store leder, som ville utvikle den vikelige sosialismen i samsvar med naturen. I 1975 befridde Røde Khmer massene fra imperalistene, og kamerat pol blei valgt til øverste politiske leder - dette var i massenes innteresser! alle imperalister/kapitalister blei endelig tatt ifra makten og straffes! Røde Khmer innførte "År Null) dette var ikke reaksjonært som mange mener, men dette var for at kommunismen skulle få en ny start - at Kampucheas folk skulle få en ny start, fri fra all kvinneundertrykking, imperalisme og slaveri! Småborgerskapet, borgerskapet og byrokrater som lenge hadde fjernet seg fra massene skulle nå drives fra byene og begyne et liv på landsbygda for å Tjene massene - tjene folket! En Nasjon blir aldri helt sosialisert om det er en By-befolkning og en Bonde-befolkning, dette betyr i realtiteten klasser, altså imot kommunismen! I ingen land har alle klasser vært fjerna slik som under kamerat pol`s Kampuchea Vi må studere kamerat pol`s tanker så vi en dag kan skape et samfunn med fullstedig likestilling!
- During his long reign of Cambodia, he was said to have had 1.5 million hot chicks do his makeup for him. In 1970-something, he led an army of hot Asian chicks armed with guns into Phnom Pen (the capital) in order to create his own production company, Khmer Rouge Productions. He is well-known for wanting to kill everything that lived, even the trees. Just about the only ones who had a good time under his regime were the fish because he also killed fishermen.
- He was the Prime Minister of the country from 1976 to 1979 and became the de facto leader since 1975. Pol Pot tried to build an agrarian society. This idea was first sketched out by his colleague Khieu Samphan. Khieu Samphan, while at the Sorbonne University in Paris, in a doctoral thesis in 1959, analyzed the effects of colonial and neocolonial domination in Cambodia. To secure true economic and political independence, Samphan argued that it is necessary to isolate Cambodia and go back to a self-sufficient agricultural economy. In other words independence was considered so important that the Cambodian government was prepared to kill any number of enemies and reduce the whole population to a mediaeval level to achieve it. One of the revolutionary slogan was "we will burn the old grass and new will grow". It's not clear what that new grass would be except mediaeval poverty.
- Natürlich nicht der Erfinder der Micky Maus, sondern das lebende Vorbild, dann von Walt Disney per Knebelvertrag Mundtot gemacht. Es folgte eine Suche nach diesem Walt in ganz Kambodscha, besonders intensiv wurde auf den sogenannten Killing Fields (Benannt nach den Killing-Früchten) gesucht.