| - Usually, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" is standard... but what if you could make them join you? This is what a lot of Saturday Morning Cartoon villains have thought, anyway, and built a spell, artifact or machine that can invert the target's morality like a mirror. The hero subject to the Mirror Morality Machine will suffer a Face Heel Turn and go over to the bad guy's side. The Character Alignment of the hero will go from Good to Evil and Lawful to Chaotic. Alternately, it may simply "suppress" his conscience and give his ego free rein to do whatever mischief he wants. Usually this results in cheeky but harmless misanthropic antics, despite the villain's darker intentions.
| - Usually, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" is standard... but what if you could make them join you? This is what a lot of Saturday Morning Cartoon villains have thought, anyway, and built a spell, artifact or machine that can invert the target's morality like a mirror. The hero subject to the Mirror Morality Machine will suffer a Face Heel Turn and go over to the bad guy's side. The Character Alignment of the hero will go from Good to Evil and Lawful to Chaotic. Alternately, it may simply "suppress" his conscience and give his ego free rein to do whatever mischief he wants. Usually this results in cheeky but harmless misanthropic antics, despite the villain's darker intentions. Usually the effects of the machine will have a time limit, after which its effects will wear off and the hero has to clear his name for all the things he's done. However, his Sidekick will usually stop him before he does anything really bad and reverse the effects... or the bad guy will do it voluntarily because the hero is a better villain than he is! This applies when the machine is not an Instant Allegiance Artifact, and the hero-turned-villain turns on his "boss". Of course, this being a morality-reversing ray, if the hero turns it on the villain, the villain will spend the rest of the episode as a contrite, cheerful and helpful soul. Sadly, It Only Works Once and the heroes can't keep dosing the bad guy, something about it being "immoral" or something. Most of the time. The artifact version is Instant Allegiance Artifact. Compare Morality Dial. Examples of Mirror Morality Machine include: