| - The General Assembly, Recalling the principles of the Charter of the League of Nations, Considering the restoration of the lawful rights of the United Commonwealth is essential both for the protection of the Charter of the League of Nations and for the cause that the League of Nations must serve under the Charter, Recognizing that the representatives of the Government of the United Commonwealth are the only lawful representatives of Australia, New Zealand, and other Oceanic territories to the League of Nations,
| - The General Assembly, Recalling the principles of the Charter of the League of Nations, Considering the restoration of the lawful rights of the United Commonwealth is essential both for the protection of the Charter of the League of Nations and for the cause that the League of Nations must serve under the Charter, Recognizing that the representatives of the Government of the United Commonwealth are the only lawful representatives of Australia, New Zealand, and other Oceanic territories to the League of Nations, Decides to transfer all the previous rights enjoyed by the United Socialist Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands to the United Commonwealth and to recognize the representatives of its Government as the only legitimate representatives of Australia, New Zealand, and other Oceanic territories to the League of Nations. Introduced jointly by the plenary representatives of the KINGDOM OF SIERRA and the UNITED STATES, 25 November 2014.