| - A Hippopotamus (Hippo) is a large type of animal that is common in equatorial Africa. The Hippotist is a supervillain who is a hippo, or at least has the appearance of a hippo, with hypnotic powers.
- The Hippo of Set is available to Pharaohs worshipping Set, and is one of the largest animals the Pharaoh can summon.
- .The powers helps hippopotamus in his cowardly ways for excuse that he doesnt have to fight until musters up the courage to do it later on in the show.
- Hippos are mamals
- In Zoo Tycoon, the Hippo lives in the Savannah biome. It requires lots of fresh water and its preferred foliage is the Water Reed. Hippos are not immediately available in free form Zoo Tycoon games; they are unlocked about 9 months into the zoo's first year of business. Hippos are fairly popular among guests.
- The Hippopotamus is an African mammal that lives partly in water and partly on land. Although strictly a plant eater, the Hippopotamus has massive jaws with a formidable tusks and an unpredictable temper. This creature is a good medium-cost attack unit due to its high health and ferocious bite. Due to its highly social nature, it also has herding ability, making it more effective when used in groups of 4 or more. Decent armor, along with the ability to be just as effective in the water as on land, make the Hippo a good mid-level offensive creature.
- When the USS Voyager was stranded in the year 1996, Neelix, and Kes researched Earth television of that time period. On one of the many channels they watched, a running hippopotamus was shown. (VOY: "Future's End")
- Hippopotamus (ヒポポタマス) is a demon in the series.
- A species of mammal found in Maslo and Tarien
* Associated with the Olmakau
* Worshipped by the Flanchi city of Gorgops Source: Guide to Glorantha
- Hippopotamuses, or hippopotami, are large, amphibious mammals. Herbivorous, water-dwelling mammals, hippopotamuses live solely in bodies of water in Africa, most notably along the Nile river, where they commonly attack any animals perceived to be a threat to territory or offspring, including Crocodiles and humans. Hippopotamuses also resided in the Blue Nile river, which led out of Egypt and into Abyssinia.
- The only key hippopotami to appear in Sonic the Comic are Sammy, a former member of the Hidden Zone, who discovered Sonic the Hedgehog after he fell from Doctor Robotnik's Sky Fortress, The Yob, New Tek City-dwelling thief, and Mister Hefty, an invisble example of such.
- The Hippopotamus is a species of large mammal that can be found nowadays, in Africa. It weighs up to 4 tons, in the largest specimens, and can grow more than 10 feet long. It is semiaquatic and is so adapted to its underwater lifestyle, that it can remain underwater with only the tips of its ears, eyes and nose, sticking out, above the water's surface.
- Hippopotami are animals from "The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That".
- The common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), or hippo, is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africa, and one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae, the other being the pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis or Hexaprotodon liberiensis). The name comes from the ancient Greek for "river horse" (ἱπποπόταμος). After the elephant and rhinoceros, the common hippopotamus is the third-largest type of land mammal and the heaviest extant artiodactyl. Despite their physical resemblance to pigs and other terrestrial even-toed ungulates, the closest living relatives of the Hippopotamidae are cetaceans(whales, porpoises, etc.) from which they diverged about 55 million years ago. The common ancestor of whales and hippos split from other even-toed ungulates around
- "Large hippos have a hard time dealing with the scorching African sun, which is why they spend most of the day in rivers or lakes. They can even communicate underwater using special signals."Hippopotamus Map
File:Hippo map.png You can have a family of 4 hippopotamuses at your Zoo.Buying and Breeding Hippopotamus
The first male and female hippopotamuses are brought to your Zoo by helicopter when you buy them. The 2 baby hippopotamuses are bred in the Nursery and cost gems to breed. When you have collected a family you'll get a Tcash reward.Hippo Zoo Book Page
Hippopotamus Family Video
- Hippopotamuses, despite looking obese with small, stubby legs, they are much faster than the average human, they can run as fast as an olympic sprinter, so attempting to outrun a hippo would be the death of you if one targets you. Their bite force is known to be the strongest bite force of any mammal, excluding the jaguar. They can break a full-grown crocodile's armoured back with their jaws as though it were a candy cane. Although the healthy, full-grown hippo has no real predators besides humans, the young, the old, the sick, or the very badly injured are still susceptible to predation. They spend most of the day sleeping or hanging out in water and will go out at night to feed on plants, mostly grass. Hippos live in herds, and males will viciously fight for food, territory, or a mate. H
- There are two types of hippo: the Common Hippo and the lesser known Pygmy hippo. Common hippos reside in large groups consisting of one male and many females. Pygmy hippos prefer to live alone. Hippos are endangered species as poachers top prizes are a pair of hippo tusks. Male common hippos mark their territory by spinning their tail like a fan and flicking poo everywhere. Also, male hippos mark their water territory by omitting dung into their lake.