The mutant is permanently surrounded by a great swirling mass of flies. Opponents in close combat with the mutant are at -10 on all to hit rolls, as the flies buzz into eyes, noses, and mouths. The mutant is unaffected by his myriad tiny companions.
You are able to call on swarms of supernatural flies to fill the wounds of your enemies.
Slotted Passive
*Can be slotted in an Offensive or Balanced passive power slot
*Only active while in combat
*Deals toxic damage over time to enemies within melee range
*Deals toxic damage over time to enemies below 80% health which you have damaged
The mutant is permanently surrounded by a great swirling mass of flies. Opponents in close combat with the mutant are at -10 on all to hit rolls, as the flies buzz into eyes, noses, and mouths. The mutant is unaffected by his myriad tiny companions.