The fanfic series, Metroid: The Hunter Chronicles, follows the lives of Galactic Federation bounty hunter Samus Aran, and her longtime friend, and fellow hunter, Conan Guille, as they both face their greatest trial yet... one that could potentially, and critically change Metroid as we know it...
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| - Metroid: The Hunter Chronicles
| - The fanfic series, Metroid: The Hunter Chronicles, follows the lives of Galactic Federation bounty hunter Samus Aran, and her longtime friend, and fellow hunter, Conan Guille, as they both face their greatest trial yet... one that could potentially, and critically change Metroid as we know it...
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| - The fanfic series, Metroid: The Hunter Chronicles, follows the lives of Galactic Federation bounty hunter Samus Aran, and her longtime friend, and fellow hunter, Conan Guille, as they both face their greatest trial yet... one that could potentially, and critically change Metroid as we know it...