| - Yoshida's childhood life never really belonged to him. No, he lived to keep another man alive. Yoshida was born, or rather cultivated in a laboratory 100 meters below the Uchiha compound. Beginning as a simple collection of skin cells taken from a drug lord of the same name and injected into a cow, Yoshida was birthed as a human but seen as nothing more than cattle that was to be harvested and slaughtered. But that would be inhumane, right? Soon after his "birth", Yoshida was put under the care of Miyabi, a maid that worked for the drug lord Uchiha and lived in an isolated area in the Uchiha Compound. For the first 10 years of Yoshida's life, she fed him, clothed him, and taught him how to read, write, and etiquette. All of these, of course, were necessary for Yoshida to be up to the drug lord's standards. She saw all of these teachings pointless, however; she was aware of the fate that awaited Yoshida. How could she not? She had been through the process multiple times. A clone is created, given to her, and then taken to be harvested. When Yoshida had reached age 10, he had finally learned all he needed. His intelligence was enough to satisfy the drug lord's expectations. Despite his knowledge, Yoshida was still as inquisitive as a 10 year old could be. He began to wondered what lay beyond the walls of the his little home. Like a wish come true, Yoshida was given his answer when he heard laughter coming from outside. He ran to the window to peek and spotted two children running around like there was no tomorrow. He stared in awe until the two children noticed him, his look of awe turned to one of stupor. He froze, not knowing what to say or do. After an awkward period of staring, the children left, also leaving Yoshida in anticipation of their return. Later that evening, Miyabi returned from her routine day at work but was greeted with a worrying question. "Can I go outside?" She could have never heard a more terrible phrase escape his lips. Yoshida received a quick smack to the face, followed by a warm hug. Miyabi told him that he could never go outside. Naturally, Yoshida asked why to which Miyabi answered with a lie. She had told him that there were oni and Shinigami lurked in the streets, searching for children who shouldn't be wandering without their parents. Yoshida had then felt something he never felt before. His body shook, he was sweating, and his heart was beating so fast that he could feel it in his throat. He felt true fear. The next day, those same children were back again to watch Yoshida. Once again, they merely stared at each other. That is, until Yoshida remembered what Miyabi had told him. He began panicking, and scrambled to open the window to warn the children. Unfortunately, he had no idea had a lock worked. Determined to "save" the children, he went to the kitchen and grabbed a heavy pan. Launching it at the window, he broke it clean through. Being the inexperienced child that he was (and still is), Yoshida had never experienced pain and was entirely unaware of the danger of jumping into shattered glass. Buckling down as soon as he landed, Yoshida had passed out from the new and undesirable sensation. It was only minutes later that Miyabi had discovered Yoshida, bleeding profusely on the ground. She quickly patched him up and hoped that none of what happened was found out by the drug lord. It turned out exactly as she hoped it didn't. Yoshida's "attempted escape" had reached the old man's ears before she knew it and it was already arranged to have them live with the drug lord. Of course, heavy surveillance was placed on them. This put Miyabi slightly at ease since she didn't have to worry about Yoshida's early harvesting. For the next three years, Yoshida endured tough training. He spent hours throwing kunai, running through the forest, and shaping his chakra all for the sake of his original. But of course, Yoshida went along with blissful ignorance. He continued on this oblivious path up until the drug lord had noticed something. Yoshida's Sharingan, or his lack thereof, had set off a flag in the drug lord's head. A clone of his without the Sharingan was something he would not stand for. Using Yoshida's ignorance against him, the drug lord devised a plan. Miyabi was the center of attention in this plan. She was used against her will; the drug lord allowed his measly subordinate ninja to have their way with her while Yoshida was forced to watch. The sight of those smug ninja and Miyabi's screams made Yoshida finally snap and awaken his Sharingan. The drug lord set him loose on the ninja and Yoshida ripped every last one of those men to shreds, even mutilating a few beyond recognition. In the drug lord's eyes, Yoshida had finally become a field worthy of harvest, but in Miyabi's eyes, there could be no worse a damnation than awakening the dojutsu that she feared even more than death. For the next two months, Miyabi had intentionally kept Yoshida away from the drug lord. She taught him differently, trained him differently, and even went as far as to slightly poison Yoshida with foxglove in order to completely destroy any plans for the harvest of Yoshida's organs. This just so happened to be around the time the drug lord began getting sick. He had demanded that the harvest begin immediately. When scientists began to test Yoshida for his healthiness, they had discovered he had been poisoned and left to inform their boss. While the drug lord and his subordinates were in a state of frenzy, Miyabi took the opportunity to escape with Yoshida through one of the numerous underground tunnels that the drug lord had built for his own escape. It was then that he and Miyabi met Dan Inuzuka. In one of the tunnels, Dan and his partner, Konmei, had discovered the underground manor and laboratory, or what was left of it, and destroyed the drugs and killed many of the men working inside. This included the drug lord, Yoshida Uchiha who had been under the alias of Kyoshi Yamaguchi. Upon spotting them, Dan and Konmei attacked. Pinning him down, Dan questioned his origins stating the had smelled like the drug lord. Yoshida hasn't understood what he meant and responded with violence when Miyabi was hurt. Dan suggested that they head to Otogakure, seeing as it was a developing village at the time perfect for those wanting to start a new life. Yoshida made a promise with Dan to meet again in a few years and received a ninken from Dan as a memento from their meeting.