VII -Invitation to Madness- is an anime that was written, directed, and created by Akira Jotaro who also created the anime Musou Yami, Dokuganryu-hime, and Monster Parade. The story is set in an unnamed city in modern Japan; it is possible that the city could be Tokyo due to the many hints, such as mentionings of Tokyo Tower. The story is about a man with no memory of his past and tries to figure himself out as he runs away from the police and a secret government organization called Belief.
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| - VII -Invitation to Madness-
| - VII -Invitation to Madness- is an anime that was written, directed, and created by Akira Jotaro who also created the anime Musou Yami, Dokuganryu-hime, and Monster Parade. The story is set in an unnamed city in modern Japan; it is possible that the city could be Tokyo due to the many hints, such as mentionings of Tokyo Tower. The story is about a man with no memory of his past and tries to figure himself out as he runs away from the police and a secret government organization called Belief.
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| - VII -Invitation to Madness- is an anime that was written, directed, and created by Akira Jotaro who also created the anime Musou Yami, Dokuganryu-hime, and Monster Parade. The story is set in an unnamed city in modern Japan; it is possible that the city could be Tokyo due to the many hints, such as mentionings of Tokyo Tower. The story is about a man with no memory of his past and tries to figure himself out as he runs away from the police and a secret government organization called Belief.