| - ANNOUNCER: The #1 conservative talk show in America. He's America's anchorman. The conservative captain of the Good Ship Freedom isn't free, proving we can shout down any dissenting voices. It's The Richard Bastion Show. MAN #1: I'd say more and more people need to stop breastfeeding in public. RICHARD BASTION: Absolutely! Breasts are filthy, cover 'em up, okay, don't make me pull out my boot knife and give you a masectomy. MAN #2: America is too concerned with birth control! We need to be making babies, we need to catch up with the Chinese. RICHARD BASTION: I'm with ya. Y'know, we've gotta monitor people's email. We gotta outlaw all the wrong religions, okay? Cause that way we can finally be free in this country. MAN #3: This is it. Continued precipitation in America. It's not okay for men to be hugging each other and crying and talking about their feelings. RICHARD BASTION: You know what? I disagree. I say feel, but feel with your fists, alright? Right there, the hammers that God gave you on the end of your arms, okay, you with me Bastion's Buddies? ANNOUNCER: And now, here's the man himself, Richard Bastion! RICHARD BASTION: Alright, thanks for joining me Bastion's Buddies here, and on 1400 radio stations worldwide. Welcome to the show. Now today we're talking about family values on the program, and I'll tell you right now, I'm married to two women. My wife, my lovely, lovely wife, with her beautiful hair and pretty face. The second person I'm married to, America. Now, here's my thing, I won't go down south on either. Why? Because it does not help with populating this great country with real Americans. It's about pleasure, not procreation, and that is pointless! Okay, now if you can't alliterate a real idea, it's too complicated and I will not blind you with science. Now, now I know why bigemy is illegal in most states. I-i-i-it's, you know, it's tough, it's tough serving two women. In my line of work, you need to be able to sing the National Anthem, or a uhhhhh, a spiritual showtune with equal amounts of enthusiasm. But remember, I ain't just whistlin' Dixie, cause nobody, nobody likes a whistler, or a whistle-blower. You know, it's like, ahhh, when you see, when you see two people kiss in public, especially ugly people. Good lord, keep it to yourself, folks, okay? Put the tongues back in their bags, I don't wanna see it. You know, you keep traditional values. Traditons. There are the-- there aren't too many of them around anymore, so we better fight for the few we got left. Alright, lemme tell ya, I love my country. I would love to tongue kiss the Statue of Happiness. You know, just reach my hand underneath that big smock she's wearing and just give her a nice freedom squeeze. Let's go to the phones, you're through to me, Richard Bastion. CALLER #1: Hi Ricky, I'm a Bastion's Buddy. (a horn call sounds) I've got a problem with what this country's become. Nobody gives a shit about holidays anymore! On Memorial Day, they don't remember the troops, they're shitfaced on pills and ball caps a sofa sale at the mall! And July 4th? They just wanna get drunk for three days straight and blow shit up! What's wrong with slaughtering the British, like we used to? RICHARD BASTION: What are you talking about? There are a lot of great traditions left, like, uh, like, y-you know, hating open-minded liberals and spreading unsubstantiated slurs about 'em. N-n-n-now on Independence Day, you know, I like to find a nice Indian casino and celebrate by trying to steal their shit again. That's what I'm into, traditional values. Kim, on line 2. KIM: You know what really concerns me about America? The educational system. First of all, the liberals are making our children learn things like geography. Who cares where the terrorists come from? If our children know about other countries, there's less time spent teaching them about America's superiority. We don't need geography to kill terrorists. RICHARD BASTION: Ugh, if I had all the time in the world that I've wasted on explaining things to women. Here, lemme explain something to you, alright? Public education is another lie. Okay, you see it in the bunk, tney're teaching science. Now science is good when it teaches you how to turn a million ungrateful foreigners into glass. That I'm giving a thumbs up to, okay? That's a great discovery. But don't tell me that anything that I do causes a problem. I don't wanna hear that. Cause you're the problem. You know why? Beacuse this is the land of the free, not the land of the free lunches for minorities. Okay? I don't care if they are the ones serving it. They shouldn't get it for free. (An alarm sounds) Okay, we've got a live terrorist sighting. Hello? You're on the Richard Bastion Show. CALLER #2: Yeah, I-I'm on the train, and I see a guy who's a terrorist! This guy's really suspicious. RICHARD BASTION: Okay, good, good, what's he doing? CALLER #2: He's sitting there, reading some religious shit. RICHARD BASTION: Okay, now how can you tell this shit's religious, what is it, what's going on with it? CALLER #2: Sure it is! It's in a different fucking language! It's Spanish or something. RICHARD BASTION: That is a sure sign, okay, now what you're sitting across from right there is "Al Con Queso". They're Spanish terrorists, the worst kind. Okay, they're already infiltrating into all our shitty jobs, you know, you see 'em outside, you know, various hardware stores waiting to just-- the next strike, okay? They're the most dangerous of all, I cannot stress that enough. Now, now, you know what you have to do, don't ya? CALLER #2: I sure do. I'm on 24/7. We're on a train, there's kids everywhere. Time to let fly with some bullets to see what this bastard is all about! Dude, thanks a lot Richard. Eat lead you Al Con Queso motherfucker! (The caller begins to fire bullets, leading the passengers of the train into a screaming franzy) RICHARD BASTION: That's great. Perfect! Now that, that is a true American. I just wanna give that man a Heartstopper from Burger Shot, shove a slice of apple pie up his ass and salute that guy. That son of a gun loves America. You see? Bastion's Buddies, we're everywhere, and we're all about keeping this country safe. Next caller. CALLER #3: You're always going on and on about homeland security and executing slow people. But, I mean, I don't really care about the issues! I've got a lot of guns, and a pretty impressive penis! RICHARD BASTION: Well, you know, I think that's all you really need! You know, that's the dream the liberal media is taking away from us. Now, you gotta trust me here. I've been fined a lot for talking about the size of my penis. I mean, it is closely shaped to a tennis ball container. I'm just gonna leave it at that. Alright? Now, you take the Liberty Tree, alright? Now this is a newspaper giving aid to terrorists by reporting on unconstitutional activities by the government! Okay, I don't wanna know what the government's doing, they're doing it right. That's all I need to know. They're doing it, and they're doing it right. Sometimes you have to go outside the law to catch a bad guy. Okay, you see it in movies all the time. What further proof do you need? Going to the phones. CALLER #4: Yeah, um, I wanna talk about that guy's penis. It sounds awesome! RICHARD BASTION: No. No, no, no. Next caller. MIKE MEEPLES: Hey, this is Mike Meeples, and I'll tell you what's wrong with America, man. Stupid people. RICHARD BASTION: Mmhmm, yeah, it is a problem. In old America, the America I fell in love with, we dealt with stupid people very discretely. Okay? Now, now I don't know if it's something in the water, or, or the lack of separate water fountains, but it's like a plague has taken over, I mean, I've, you know, I've had it with the homosexual agenda. No, thank you. Leave us the hell alone! And with that, we're out of time, we'll see you next... time, on the Richard Bastion Show.