Spaced Out Bunny is one of four Bugs Bunny cartoons produced during 1979-1980, the first new shorts since 1964's False Hare. Spaced Out Bunny would also be the last Warner Brothers-released short to have Mel Blanc voicing Bugs.
Spaced Out Bunny is one of four Bugs Bunny cartoons produced during 1979-1980, the first new shorts since 1964's False Hare. Spaced Out Bunny would also be the last Warner Brothers-released short to have Mel Blanc voicing Bugs.
Spaced Out Bunny is one of four Bugs Bunny cartoons produced during 1979-1980, the first new shorts since 1964's False Hare. Spaced Out Bunny would also be the last Warner Brothers-released short to have Mel Blanc voicing Bugs.