In years past, by means of the blackest sorcery, the arch-liche took many of his human prisoners and fused their torsos with the bodies of Giant Spiders. Cunning and fearsome fighters, these grotesque half-breeds are known to eat their prey alive. They are also fond of shooting their foes at range with magic arrows. Thankfully, they possess a natural vulnerability to fire. Luckily, Arachnians are rarely encountered off the Serpent Isle.
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| - In years past, by means of the blackest sorcery, the arch-liche took many of his human prisoners and fused their torsos with the bodies of Giant Spiders. Cunning and fearsome fighters, these grotesque half-breeds are known to eat their prey alive. They are also fond of shooting their foes at range with magic arrows. Thankfully, they possess a natural vulnerability to fire. Luckily, Arachnians are rarely encountered off the Serpent Isle.
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| - Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle
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| - This terrifying creature has the full body, head and legs of the giant spider common to our island, with the torso, head and arms of a man growing from just behind its spider-head. Speculation abounds as to the origin of these horrible hybrids; some claim the mad servants of Chaos created it in one of their endless foolish experiments, others say it was the work of a long-dead lunatic mage. Regardless of how they came to be, the Arachnian is perhaps the deadliest of all foes we face here at Serpent's Fang.
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| - In years past, by means of the blackest sorcery, the arch-liche took many of his human prisoners and fused their torsos with the bodies of Giant Spiders. Cunning and fearsome fighters, these grotesque half-breeds are known to eat their prey alive. They are also fond of shooting their foes at range with magic arrows. Thankfully, they possess a natural vulnerability to fire. Luckily, Arachnians are rarely encountered off the Serpent Isle.