| - Paarfi has hinted (in Sethra Lavode) that Tukko is the author of the Book of the Seven Wizards, and has Tukko calling Sethra Lavode "Young One" -- this despite the fact that when Vlad asks Sethra how old Tukko is in Issola, she replies "Younger than I am". According to Paarfi, Tukko is the one who recognizes Morrolan e'Drien from the prophecy, and also is the one who clarifies what Sethra's focus should be in the upcoming struggle with Kâna. Paarfi depicts Tukko's behavior in private with Sethra Lavode as less formal than that of master and servant. Tukko's use of the term "Young One" is less than entirely respectful, regardless of the epithet's truth. He even presumes to dictate Sethra's choice of reading material at times. Ultimately we don't know if Paarfi is authoritative on these points, or even how he might know. At some point in far prehistory, Tukko might have been Sethra's mentor or tutor. This might explain his use of "Young One" even if she is in fact older, as well as his occasional patronizing attitude. Another hint in this direction is that Paarfi writes that it is Tukko who is tasked with teaching Morrolan on how to read the Dragaeran language, which might suggest a past as a teacher of some sort. Tukko has definitively claimed that Sethra is younger than he is, in direct contradiction to Sethra's own assertion on the matter. Presumably, there is some way, in his mind at least, in which this interpretation is literally true. One possibility is simply reference to Sethra's physical agelessness — since she looks young while he appears decrepit, he insists on using his greater physical age as the metric by which to judge. Alternatively, Tukko might be considering Sethra's return from the Paths of the Dead as a "rebirth", and therefore asserting that his continual existence for longer than that period gives him precedence in age. Additionally, as with all situations where the manipulation of time is a distinct possibility — either traveling to the past or future directly, or traveling to a universe where time flows at a different rate — the possibility that both Sethra and Tukko are indeed younger than each other, by different ways of looking at personal timelines, should not be discounted. Finally, it might be that Tukko is something other than an ordinary Dragaeran, with a vastly longer timeline. See below.