| - The single most popular student(s) in school. Beyond that, however, school idols can be a widely varying bunch. Though membership of The Beautiful Elite is generally mandatory, school idols can be academically accomplished (or not), great athletes (or not), or the nicest people you've ever met (or not). While more school idols tend towards being Aces than not, what really only defines this trope is massive in-series popularity; most common symptoms of which include being met with fawning adulation wherever they go, an Instant Fanclub or three, and/or a group of highly jealous and violently protective stalkers.
| - The single most popular student(s) in school. Beyond that, however, school idols can be a widely varying bunch. Though membership of The Beautiful Elite is generally mandatory, school idols can be academically accomplished (or not), great athletes (or not), or the nicest people you've ever met (or not). While more school idols tend towards being Aces than not, what really only defines this trope is massive in-series popularity; most common symptoms of which include being met with fawning adulation wherever they go, an Instant Fanclub or three, and/or a group of highly jealous and violently protective stalkers. Storywise, if the school idol is a secondary character, he or she is likely to be a Love Interest, most likely in a Single Girl Seeks Most Popular Guy setting; if (s)he's the main character, the story usually revolves around his or her struggles to keep up the perfect facade. This trope is frequent in Japanese media, where the character is often The Ojou, functioning as something of a School Princess. While the notion of "most popular student(s)" exists in the standard Western High School setting as well, Alpha Bitches and Jerk Jocks are generally portrayed in a much less positive light, and as such rarely have a similar cult of personality to the school idol. A possibly helpful distinction: is the student an idol (as in, is he or she idolized?), or "merely" wildly popular? For other kinds of idols, see Teen Idol and Idol Singer. Examples of School Idol include: