Bocoe (ボコー Bokō?) is a character from the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is one of Dr. Eggman's personal humanoid assistant robots, whom he aids in his schemes for domination.
Bocoe (ボコー Bokō?) is a character from the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is one of Dr. Eggman's personal humanoid assistant robots, whom he aids in his schemes for domination.
Bocoe (jap. ボコー Bokō) ist einer von Dr. Eggmans Robotern in der Animeserie Sonic X und auch in der gleichnamigen Comic-Serie.
Bocoe (ボコー Bokō?) is a character from the anime series Sonic X and its comic series published by Archie Comics. He is one of Dr. Eggman's personal humanoid assistant robots, whom he aids in his schemes for domination.
Bocoe (jap. ボコー Bokō) ist einer von Dr. Eggmans Robotern in der Animeserie Sonic X und auch in der gleichnamigen Comic-Serie.