| - Dante entered the federation after retiring from a special forces group. The name of this group and the locations they operated in are classified, as is the purpose of these missions. If we told you anything else, we'd have to kill you. In his first match in TWOStars he achieved the record for the fastest victory in TWOStars history by pinning a distracted Draven Cage. As he progressed further in his career he found himself in a hardcore match with Twiggie at Wrestlenova. After a brutal match, Dante ended up getting the win by delivering the Killshot from the top of a ladder onto Twiggie, who was on a flaming barb wire wrapped table. Twiggie gave Dante his hardcore belt, but as a matter of respect, Dante let Twigs keep it for a match well fought. After moving up the ranks he eventually landed himself in the WHC title scene. Dante finally won the belt by being the only person to make The Incredible Holt Tap. After a short title run, Dante lost the belt and then left TWO Stars all together. There is speculation as to why, and it is officially stated that he broke the wellness policy. Rumors abound as to why, and everything from he left to pursue a career in the NHL to he joined back with his special forces company. After a two year absence, Dante came back to at Midsummer Nights Destruction. He saved Angus from a beat down at the hands of MBR.