| - Am I the only one that sees the redundant irony in talking about Chat? -- Anajana How about the irony of an uncyclopedia banning not only one citizen, but her entire fucking state from chatting on IRC because they changed their nickname? I mean WTF! That jagoff Splaka must have some nepotistic connections to be allowed to behave like a fucking Hitler on the comedy channel! -- 04:59, 26 February 2006 (UTC)Citranella My dearest Citranella... First off, let me give you a bit of advise: such hostile behaviour will only act in your disadvantage. If you cannot act civilized, you're not worth listening to. But I'm willing to make an exception. Tell me, what did you change your nickname to? In fact, sketch for me the chain of events that led to you banning. Thanks. -- 05:07, 26 February 2006 (UTC) Dear MoneySign... Here's the sketch: First off, I went to IRC CHAT, you know, chat where people are supposed to get to know eachother and have fun, but everyone seemed to have a stick up their ass and get pissed off because I said {{hi}}, then after changing my nick a few times they offed and banned me along with the rest of my state apparently for life. Capiche?-- 05:14, 26 February 2006 (UTC)Citranella I knew I should have specified "objectiveness".... Ah well. I guess I get the picture. Though you didn't answer my question: what did you change your name to? Was it something offensive or insulting? Or did you change your nick multiple time in rapid succession? And why do you suppose they had a "stick up their ass", as you so colourfully put it? Are you sure you weren't being a bit of a "jerk" (kind of like you're acting now, but I guess I can understand your angered reaction a bit)?As for your entire state being banned, I don't think it is... The banlist has *!* (your IP) and one minute later *!*@*dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com . Neither qualifies as a state-wide ban. -- 05:33, 26 February 2006 (UTC) It might have been a random person with no power.--Killer 3.14 15:09, 4 August 2009 (UTC) ooh - I suggest flagging this a n00bs-only area. --Nerd42 17:33, 22 Nov 2005 (UTC) Offended n00b here. What do you mean by a - n00bs only area? n00bs are not monkeys, they are a species of perfectly silly imperfectly endangered fish, chartered by the UNcouncil for fish preservation to roam wherever they will at their whim. Please, do not offend the n00b, do not feed them while asleep, and do not make multiple copies of this protest. Any other opinion should be reffered to the international society for preservation of sushi dishes. Aditya Kabir 04:25, 5 July 2006 (UTC) irc://irc.freenode.net is no longer working, so now people are at irc://chat.freenode.net, in case anyone was curious about what was going on (although I'm probably the last person to have figured this out). Since this is a wiki and all, why isn't this information on the main chat page yet? .-. Mandaliet 04:07, 17 Dec 2005 (UTC) yikes --Nerd42 04:27, 17 Dec 2005 (UTC) testing惡龍 01:32, 1 February 2006 (UTC) Now that my 4-day uncyc ban is up, can you remove me from the block list on irc? -- 00:53, 9 February 2006 (UTC)