| - Tellpah was a male Keshiri scholar, and Lost Tribe of Sith slave who accompanied High Lord Edell Vrai during a reconnaissance mission to the continent of Alanciar in 2975 BBY. During that mission, he served aboard Vrai's airship Candra, which was held aloft by a helium gasbag and powered by two uvak, winged reptilian beasts of burden. Tellpah survived a skirmish with the Alanciari air force which resulted in the destruction of the Tribe's three scouting airships and the death of four-fifths of the expedition. After making landfall about a kilometer to the northeast of Point Defiance, Tellpah and the five other survivors led by Vrai climbed a cliff which led to a fortified tower known as Point Defiance. While climbing up, the Human Sith Saber Ulbrick was badly wounded in the thigh by the Alanciari Wardmaster Quarra Thayn, who was defending her lover Jogan Halder with a hand-ballista. After the Sith disarmed the two Alanciari captives, Tellpah informed Vrai that Ulbrick was gravely wounded. Since the young Sith warrior was unable to walk without much pain, Vrai decapitated him so they would not be held back and to avoid the Alanciari taking a live prisoner. Tellpah was then assigned the task of hiding Ulbrick's dead body, which was dumped into a deep cistern. He then accompanied Vrai and Thayn into the signal tower, where they searched through Point Defiance's library and spotted the Alanciari boat, Mischance. The Sith then hijacked this vessel and used it to return to Keshtah Minor with their captive Halder. Tellpah was aboard the Mischance when the harvester made its first journey to Keshtah by sailing through the Southern Passage which led to the Sea of Flames, a small sea to the west of Keshtah. Meanwhile, Vrai and Thayn embarked on a ground-based reconnaissance mission of Alanciar. Thus, Tellpah helped contribute to the Sith conquest of Alanciar. In the end, the Sith managed to conquer Alanciar after they used Halder to convince the Alanciari that the Sith did not pose a threat to them.