| - One early account by a priest described them “winged demons” sent from the “depths of hell.”Also referred to as the California Mountain Devil, the animal is said to be bat-like legendary creature or cryptid believed to inhabit the wilderness and mountainous regions of the American Southwest and Northern Mexico. TheLone Pine Mountain Devil is usually described as a large, furry, multi-winged creature with razor-like talons and multiple layers of deadly, venomous fangs. The scientific community considers the Lone Pine Mountain Devil to be a combination of folklore and misidentification rather than a real creature. Since 1928, there have not been any significant or credible sightings of the Lone Pine Mountain Devil and there are no existing images of the creature caught on film. It’s name may come from a combination of one if it’s alleged habitats in the Sierra Nevada mountain range outside the town of Lone Pine, California, and the brutal viciousness of it’s attack. The creature is believed to slaughter it’s prey by attacking the torso and head of the victim. Most wild animal attacks stem from the need to eat the meat of its prey, whereas the Mountain Devils are said to indulge only on the soft cartilage areas of the face and torso, while leaving the remaining meat to rot or for other animals to eat.