| - Categoría:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categoría:Letra ]] Categoría:Videojuegos
- This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Until Dawn.
- Until Dawn is the 64th Honest Game Trailer.
- THIS TAKES PLACE AFTER TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR, AND SOME EVENTS IN THE CANON MAY NOT HAVE HAPPENED IN THIS FANFICTION. The dusty, grey and rundown minivan drove through the snowy road, carving its tracks through the thick layers through the snow storm. Driving it forcefully through the weather was a tough punk looking teenager, who had a tall green mohawk, multiple piercings, a choker, a black shirt with a generally harmless looking skull, along with navy pants and red converse. He smirked as he honked the car at a nearby deer, which moved out of the way just as it was about to meet its fate. The woman beside him in the front seat scolded him. "Damn it, Duncan! Can you just watch out?" She folded her arms onto her grey and white blouse, which matched her green pants as she usually dresses formally. She pushed her medium length brown hair behind her ears, scratching her tan looking skin. "You clearly have no respect for any human life at all." Duncan chuckled, coming back with a witty reply. "That's why I'm dating you, since you seem to have no life at all!" She rolled her eyes, and he gave her a short peck and then focused back onto the road. "You love me, Courtney." "Not for long." Courtney shot daggers at her boyfriend, and turned her head to the back of the minivan, where six very different teenagers were standing around, awaiting their arrival at the cabin. "Are you all surviving his terrible driving?" Glaring at her was an Asian teenager, who had long black hair tied up into a ponytail, a short light purple top, and green mini-jeans. She slipped on her sunglasses, and replied with her signature attitude which separated her from most of the school. "Yes Courtney, can you stop mothering us now? Gosh, you having parents that clearly despise you has really made you step up as an obnoxious human being." The Hispanic woman raised up her finger, ready to come back with a vulgar reply, but the man sitting next to her quieted Courtney's reaction with his charming personality. He had medium length brown hair, dark skin similar to Courtney's, and a sense of style to attract any gender, combined with his skill of flirting. "Ladies, I don't think this arguing is necessary. Let's just wait until we get to the cabin." "Thanks, Alejandro." Courtney sighed, and faced back to the front of the minivan. "At least someone in this car has some decency... HEATHER." Heather chuckled to herself. "Yeah, it's clearly not you you're describing." "Was that really necessary, dear?" Alejandro faced Heather, grabbing her hand and looking her deep in the eyes, causing her to blush. "Let this weekend be a peaceful and fun time. Besides, we don't need anymore Total Drama since that trip around the world ended, do we?" Heather turned herself away, not even dignifying him with a reply, but he turned her head back and leaned in for a kiss which she reciprocated, which disgusted the rest of the people on the bus. She gave them the middle finger while romantically making out with her boyfriend, and pulled away with a wicked smile. A teenage girl with a Gothic sense of style, with dark blue hair and lighter blue highlights, wearing dark tops a short dark blue skirt, stockings and tall boots which added to her scare factor, signaled a vomiting sign after seeing the two kiss. "Damn, guys. I'd rather not see what I had for lunch all over this van." "Oh, shut it, Gwen." Heather gave her a dirty look. "Why don't you and your boyfriend go make out or something? Should I remind him you drank juice out of a toilet bowl?" Gwen rolled her eyes, and looked over to the boy next to her. He had wavy black hair, was tall, wore a green shirt with a black handprint, and pants, and was relatively attracted. He had his guitar case by his side, and sat next to Gwen awkwardly. The goth girl chuckled, giving him an awkward smile. "Uh... Hey Trent. Heheh... Yeah, that's awkward." "Gwen." Trent sighed, looking down at his legs while trying to think of a way to save the conversation, and have a serious chat. "Can we just not do this? Let's forget how we've been in the past. Start over? Hi, I'm Trent Wentworth and I play guitar. What's your name?" Gwen smiled, still somewhat feeling something for him despite past events. "Hi, I'm Gwen Middlebrook, I'm seventeen years old, and I love to paint and suck the blood of children on Halloween. It's nice meeting you." "See?" Trent smiled while nudging her, "we can do this again." She nodded, but then let out a loud sigh. "We're almost there!" A blonde girl who had her long hair tied up in a ponytail, thick bangs, a light blue sweater with her hoodie down, blue shorts and brown sandals spoke, with a gaping smile. She spotted the old looking cabin through the window, which was hard to see due to the snow pouring down from the sky. "Finally. This trip has taken forever." The boy standing next to her with his arm wrapped around her cheered. "Woohoo! We're gonna' party and have some fun, ain't that right, Bridge?" He had slightly long blonde hair which was mostly hidden by his large cowboy hat, a pink jacket which revealed his chest and muscles, blue shorts and matching blue sandals to go with it, along with a smile on his face almost twenty-four/seven. "Mhm." Bridgette stole a kiss from her boyfriend, and took his hat off him, wearing it for herself. "Geoff, we're going to have a whole lotta' fun." His eyes widened along with his mouth, and was knocked over as the car hit an abrupt stop. "Oh my gosh, sweetie are you okay?" Bridgette helped him back up onto his seat, as he was still dazed by her comments, lost in thought. He nodded, and smiled while the other passengers looked at them in disgust. The minivan doors opened wide, as everyone grabbed their luggage and made their way out of the van, standing outside of the three story cabin, which was made of wood, and looked quite rundown, especially during the snow which seemed to have settled down. "We're here." Duncan smirked. "Now, if you guys are gonna' be doing the Dew, at least keep it down. This place echoes a lot... so you can hear the voices of your ancestors shaming you pigs!" Courtney rolled her eyes, punching him in the arm playfully. "Oh, don't be so gross." "I know you want it bad." Duncan playfully grinded on her, and she blushed, but pushed him away into the others, causing him to fall into the snow. "There's Snow way I'd do it with a pig like you." Courtney chuckled, and walked into the cabin with the others following, while holding onto her bag. She put her hand on the door knob, twisted it and walked inside. Without any warning, Heather screamed at the top of her lungs frightened by something mysterious, which echoed through the cabin and took everyone by surprise. "WHAT THE HELL, DUNCAN? I don't even get a single bar!" "Um," Gwen folded her arms, "that's kind of the point of the trip. You know, get away from the world which includes your delusional social media." "What the hell am I supposed to do all weekend? Talk to you freaks?" Heather scoffed at their ignorance, feeling highly offended. "I don't need this kind of negativity in my life. I'm going upstairs and then I'm going to take a hot bath, and not talk to any of you for the rest of the night. You hear me?" "Crystal." Courtney smirked, as Heather stormed upstairs. Alejandro attempted to follow her up the stairs, calling her name. "But Senorita... let me follow you." He eventually gave up, walking back down the stairs. Bridgette shivered, huddling up to Geoff to keep herself warm in the snow. "It's freezing. Can we turn on the heater or something?" "There ain't one of those hear, sweetie." Duncan replied in a mocking tone. "But, you guys can get the fire started if you want. I'm gonna' unpack first." Everyone started to unpack their clothing and heading up into their rooms. Duncan and Courtney shared a room, along with Bridgette and Geoff. Alejandro was finally let into his with Heather, and Gwen and Trent were shocked after coming to the realisation that there was only one room left for them to share. "Oh..." Gwen smiled nervously. "Hey Trent..." Trent smiled back at her awkwardly. "Oh, yeah, you have the room. There's a few couches downstairs, I can sleep on one of those, yeah?" "Oh, it's fine, Trent." Gwen sighed, opening the door. "It's a pretty big bed so there's enough room for both of us without y'know... being suggestive?" Bridgette walked out of her bedroom, shutting the door and looked over to Gwen, understanding her pain in the situation. "Gwen, you know you and I could share a room, and just let the two boys y'know, have that one. Let them do their male-male bonding as much as they want, you know?" The three laughed, and Gwen was relieved that she said that, but would feel bad doing so. "Yeah, but, don't you and Geoff want the night together and you know, boom boom?" "Gwen!" Bridgette chuckled, putting her arm on her shoulder. "It's fine, alright? Besides, I'm sure there's still other places we can y'know, settle into..." "Oh, stop, please!" Trent blocked his ears, trying to keep his cool during the conversation. "I'm just gonna go down stairs for a bit, alright?" "I'll go tell Geoff." Bridgette smiled, and turned away into her room to go speak to her boyfriend about the room changes. But before she could, Gwen got her attention and managed to sneak a few words in. She smiled. "Bridgette? Thanks. I owe you one, don't forget that!" "Oh, it's nothing." Bridgette replied. "Besides, you were always there for me, so I guess it's only fair for me to be there for you, you know what I mean? Besides... maybe we could relive some middle school memories." The two broke into laughter. "God, I'm just cringing remembering those." "Don't remind me..." Gwen smiled, then sighed. Bridgette grabbed Gwen's bags of her, and walked into the cabin room with Gwen following her. "Come on, let's get you unpacked." Meanwhile, Trent headed down the fleet of stairs two stories below, using his cell phone as a torch to navigate through the house. A few candles were lit to provide some help navigating the halls, but it was still without ease as he bumped into multiple pieces of furniture. Eventually he found himself by the lounge room, where there were three different couches and a fireplace by the wall, along with a mirror. Trent approached it slowly, putting his phone down by the bench and looked into the mirror. He fixed up his hair, and attempted to boost his own confidence. "Yeah Trent, you're hot." He spoke to himself. "Gwen knows it, that's why she can't speak to you. She regrets breaking up with you, bro." He chuckled, then looked down, sighing. "I miss her..." He looked deep into the mirror, and noticed a shadow approaching in the corner. "Huh? Who's there?" He turned around, and everything went silent. He could even hear the fire crackling loudly. He took a few steps around the lounge, peeking behind furniture, but couldn't see due to limited light sources in the room. "Oh, right, my phone..." He reached over to the bench, and moved his hand around to find it, but it wasn't there. "What the hell?" Trent spoke louder. "Who the heck took my phone? Not cool, man... Duncan? Gwen? Geoff? Come on!" He flopped back down onto the couch, sighing, before reaching into his bag he brought down with him, pulling out a canteen which contained unknown substances. "I need a freakin' drink." Trent smirked, taking many gulps. Suddenly, more of the group came down the stairs, holding bottles of alcohol and plastic cups, with music playing from a radio they found. "Who's ready to get fucked up?" Duncan cheered, holding Courtney as he slid down the steps. "Trent, you started without us?" Courtney chuckled as she took a sip of wine from a bottle. "You brought wine?" Gwen raised her eyes judgmentally. "Um, that's not particularly fun to get drunk off, Courtney, but whatever floats your boat. "Whatever." Courtney took another sip. "I don't care, just as long as I look somewhat classy." "You look like a bum, Courtney!" Duncan chuckled, as he opened the front door. "Let's take this to the snow, babe!" He groped her backside and she giggled, while the group walked outside the door, along with Bridgette and Geoff who were passionately making out while balancing their cups in the air. Trent tried to call out to get their attention, but they all walked off. "Damn it, where's my phone gone?" Alejandro walked down the stairs with his boot's echoing through the wooden planks, making it a mystery how the cabin is still in one piece, heading over to Trent. "Why aren't you with the others, senor?" "I... I think I'm better off drinking alone." Trent frowned, taking another sip from his canteen whiel cautiously staring at the his. "Why aren't you with them?" "Haha..." Alejandro replied. "I don't drink. My body will not allow such substances. And besides, Heather is quite high demand so I'm best off staying in the house to keep an eye on her. I think you should go and enjoy yourself." Trent wiped the remaining alcohol off his face, while letting out a deep groan. "I don't think it'll be fun. Too much tension." He ran his fingers through his dark hair while sighing, scratching at the small amount of dandruff he had. "Well, be my guest then." Alejandro shot him a smile, which made Trent slightly tense up, due to Alejandro's typical manipulative ways. Meanwhile, Heather shouted from upstairs which echoed through the house with her typical complaints and lack of respect for other human beings. "Why the heck is the hot water not working? SOMEONE. FIX THIS!" Her violent bangs against furniture could be heard from downstairs, while she took out her anger. Alejandro sighed at her complaints, knowing the fix to the solution. "Every time we're here, she keeps forgetting that you need to fire up the boiler before hot water can be accessed. Well, I suppose I'll head down into the basement and get the fixed. You, go and party." "Let me help, man." Trent stood up, dropping his canteen. "I can't just drink and forget all of my worries." "No, no." Alejandro replied. "It's fine, really." VIEWERS, THANK YOU FOR READING. NOW, YOU DECIDE IN THE REVIEWS. DOES TRENT GO DOWN TO THE BASEMENT WITH ALEJANDRO, OR WILL HE GO OUT AND PARTY WITH THE OTHERS? REMEMBER, THE CHOICE YOU MAKE COULD SAVE A LIFE... OR END ANOTHER. (THIS WAS ALREADY VOTED UPON ON FANFICTION.NET)
- Because of the immense success of the game, Supermassive is in talks about a possible sequel.