| - Dallin H. Oaks is a current member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Image:Dallin H Oaks.jpg Dallin H. Oaks was born in Provo, Utah on August 12, 1932. His father died of tuberculosis when he was only eight years old, and three years later he began working to help his mother. His first job was to sweep at a radio repair shop. It was this first job that led the young boy to become interested in radios. Before he was sixteen years old, he had earned his radio/telephone license and gotten a job working for a radio company. Soon after, he was working regularly as an announcer. It was while Elder Oaks was announcing a high school basketball game that he met June Dixon. They later married on June 24, 1952, while both were attending college at Brigham Young University.
| - Dallin H. Oaks is a current member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Image:Dallin H Oaks.jpg Dallin H. Oaks was born in Provo, Utah on August 12, 1932. His father died of tuberculosis when he was only eight years old, and three years later he began working to help his mother. His first job was to sweep at a radio repair shop. It was this first job that led the young boy to become interested in radios. Before he was sixteen years old, he had earned his radio/telephone license and gotten a job working for a radio company. Soon after, he was working regularly as an announcer. It was while Elder Oaks was announcing a high school basketball game that he met June Dixon. They later married on June 24, 1952, while both were attending college at Brigham Young University. Elder Oaks worked steadily to earn a degree in accounting and then attended the University of Chicago Law School. His wife recalls him saying that although there were plenty of students at the law school who were smarter than he, none of them worked any harder than he did. Elder Oaks graduated with honors and earned the opportunity to serve as a clerk for Chief Justice Earl Warren of the Supreme Court. At the completion of this internship, Elder Oaks and his family moved back to Chicago, where he entered into a private law practice. In 1961, Elder Oaks was called to be the mission president of the Chicago stake and was also offered the opportunity to teach at the University of Chicago. Two years later Elder Oaks accepted a calling as second counselor in the Chicago South Stake Presidency. Along with his responsibilities in the Church, Elder Oaks had many responsibilities in other areas of his life. He was well known in his profession, and had served as the assistant state’s attorney for Cook County, Illinois, as the acting dean of the law school, as a visiting professor at the University of Michigan, as a legal counsel to the Bill of Rights Committee for the Illinois Constitutional Convention, and as an executive director of the American Bar Foundation. In 1970, Elder Oaks was asked by the Church to be the new president of Brigham Young University. While serving as the president, he focused on academic excellence and became a spokesman for private colleges and universities nationwide as the president of the American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities. On January 1, 1981, Elder Oaks was sworn into the Utah Supreme Court, and he continued to be offered many important federal jobs. In May of 1984, Elder Dallin H. Oaks was announced as a new member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. When he received this calling, he resigned from the Utah Supreme Court, so that he would be able to focus all of his attention on serving in the Church. This strong desire to serve has never wavered. Just after his calling was announced, the Washington Post’s Supreme Court reporter called Elder Oaks, because he was a likely candidate for the United States Supreme Court. The reporter wanted to know if Elder Oaks' new calling would mean that he would no longer be available for the position in the Supreme Court. Elder Oaks answered that he was no longer available. He further explained that even an appointment in the Supreme Court did not take precedence over the service he had just been called to give.