| - Goa is on duty, according to schedules -- but the mech seems to be taking a joyride across the trembling supports more than any particular patrol route. Slipstream is out on a flight patrol in her robot mode just so she can look for details like goofing off Goa below. +Roll: Goa rolls against his Awareness Stat and fails by 5! The total roll was 15. Slipstream lowers down slowly, trying to judge where Goa will move to next so she can land in front of him. Goa squawks audibly as he transforms to narrowly leap a gap to the pits below, folding back into vehicle mode as he clears the jump. Slipstream lands nearby, off to one side, watching what Goa is doing and then clicking her radio on to inquire, "Having fun?" Goa ungracefully drifts around to a stop, nearly rolling onto his side, but facing the arrival. "Am I under orders not to be?" Slipstream flexes her wings a bit, "I suppose not, but you are supposed to be on duty while doing so." Goa transforms and salutes, reassuming that tense guard pose. "Nary an Autobot in sight, ma'am." Slipstream smirks, then giggles at the salute. She shakes her head, "I'm your peer Goa, not like you need to salute me." Goa shrugs with his hands in the air. "No one tells me these things." He takes the hint, and relaxes, helmet slumping forward. "Aren't you supposed to be on patrol too? I mean, if you wanted to take the ground route for a change..." Slipstream nods, "I'm on patrol, yes. But nearly done with that duty. How about you?" she asks curiously. Goa taps the back of his helmet idly. "Remember what I said about no one noticing?" Slipstream hmms, "Yes, but why is that even important now? Megatron seemed pleased we had come to an understanding and would not pursue further fighting." "Nah, I meant my shift ended 40 clicks ago. No mech misses me in Polyhex -- fine by me." He smiles a bit absent-mindedly. "If yours is almost up, mind if I follow you?" Slipstream smiles a bit to that, "Actually Goa, I have a better idea for the use of our mutual off duty time." Goa tilts his head. "Should I start running then?" Slipstream chuckles softly, shaking her head. "Not at all. I think we need to do that cross training I mentioned before." "... I could teach you to do some pretty awesome jumps around here. Beyond that, I'm not sure what you had in mind--" Goa sidesteps away from a crumbling ledge. Slipstream hms, "Jumps would be a good start. But I'm sure you have other evasive moves you could show me as well. Goa looks progressively more distrustful of the ground for a few moments, then just engages antigrav. "I was kidding," he says, fumbling, "Not much point to that without wheels." Slipstream smiles a bit to you, "Well then, what about showing me what you would do in hand to hand combat?" Goa arms both hands with a scythe. "You want to do that here? Not fun falling through the slats," he points at the ground. "Or do you want me to flail around in the air?" Slipstream glances around the area and hmms, "Got a point there. Let's move to a more stable location." +Roll: Goa rolls against his Agility Stat and fails by 2! The total roll was 16. Goa tries to make a long, bounding leap at the seeker, but ... overshoots. He smacks into a ruined sign, hovering upside down. +Roll: Slipstream rolls against her Agility Stat and succeeds by 7! The total roll was 9. Slipstream hmms and runs a bit further before leaping, landing just fine on the other side without really needing her antigrav. Starscream arrives in the area unannounced. He finds a place to sit and watches as Slipstream and Goa seem to be sparring and he wants to watch. Goa cuts the engine and grunts as he falls on his head. "See what I mean?" Slipstream leans over to offer you a hand up, "I'm just more agile than you is all Gooey." Goa grabs the arm offered and clambers up. "Yeah, maybe off your feet." +Roll: Slipstream rolls against her Strength Stat and fails by 1! The total roll was 13. Slipstream strains to keep said balance as you haul yourself up with her help. "Heavier than you appear there Gooey." she remarks. +Roll: Goa rolls against his Agility Stat and succeeds by 1! The total roll was 13. Goa makes a sudden bound with his heel engines and swings around onto the flier's shoulders. "Really now?" Starscream continues to watch quietly, giving no indication he is there. Slipstream reaches up to Goa's feet, grabbing onto them. "See that's what I mean by moves, Gooey. Something that wouldn't be expected." Goa leans forward so he can look Slipstream in the face. "Moves? No... What was that word you kept insisting on using? Stupid? No, I think 'moves' are just the product of how stupid you are about the potential outcome." Slipstream looks up at him, smirks a bit, then sliding her hands up to his mid-shin she grips there and slowly flies up into the air. "Stupid is insisting on annoying someone and getting into trouble for it, Gooey." she transforms under him, "Now hang on tight, you are going for a ride!" Goa struggles, trying to spaz out and jump off -- but the change in altitude diverts his attention to finding a place for his hands. He hulls down and hopes his canopy doesn't catch too much air -- "What the slag are you doing?!" Slipstream keeps at a level plane until she is sure you got a good grip somewhere on her chassis. "Ever heard of jet judo?" she asks. Starscream shudders. The term brings up unpleasant thoughts. Goa seems to have found a place clinging to the jet's nosecone and rattling like a terrified sparkling. "Yes? Why?" He shouts against the wind, lacking the presence of mind to use the radio. Slipstream slowly pulls upwards, "Then this is a situation you may find yourself in... having jumped onto a flier, hanging on in order to land a hit of some sort upon that flier to do damage." Goa folds his helmet under his back plate. "I thought it only involved fliers. Not a third party." Slipstream begins a slow, purposeful loop with a roll so Goa is hanging off her nosecone underneath her. "You saying you don't want to learn it, Gooey?" +Roll: Goa rolls against his Strength Stat and BOTCHES! Goa loses his grip and sits upright upside down, generally frozen in terror. "Learning is good! Falling is not good!" Slipstream completes her loop and roll, now Goa is facing down yet again. She beings to plummet toward the ground now. "Learn quickly." she chuckles. +Roll: Slipstream rolls against her Terrify Software and succeeds by 23! The total roll was 17. +Roll: Goa rolls against his Courage Stat and fails by 1! The total roll was 13. Goa quickly unlocks the hinges on his scythes and hooks the blunt sides around Slipstream's wings. Slipstream shivers at the contact, coming down ever more swiftly then at the last moment she pulls up, comes even with the ground, then transforms. Goa is instantly clinging to the seeker's helmet as it transforms into place. "Was the loop really fragging necessary?" Slipstream shivers again ‘cause he brushes against her wings while hanging onto her helmet. "Yes." she manages to grit out, "Would you mind ... my wings..." Goa swipes the hooks from them and raises his arms in a hands-off posture. "Sorry." The mech's still rattling in place, but seems to be calming down. He shakes his helmet groggily and looks around, trying to get a bearing on where Slip landed. Or at least enjoying the high viewpoint. Slipstream turns toward you to see you are shaking, "I'm sorry if I frightened you Gooey." she tells you softly. Goa snorts, and shifts his heels out of their death-grip. "Frightened me? You sure I don't deserve it at this point?" He snaps his scythes back into their proper alignment in one motion, after some finagling. "What is it you were trying to show me, exactly?" Slipstream hmms softly at that, "I suppose so, but I have already forgiven you. Just consider it a lesson in how to deal with fliers. The Autobots may have one or two lurking in their ranks. Best to know how to deal with them beforehand." Goa stares down, "By snagging their wings until they hit ground?" Slipstream shakes her head, "Snagging on it one thing, hanging on to deliver damage another." she states, "For example, a punch or kick to the right place." Goa swings his legs back and forth, almost with an impatient gesture. "So that's jet judo?" Slipstream nods, "Yes, basically that's it." she moves back so you can come down if you wish, "Now it's your turn to surprise me." +Roll: Goa rolls against his Agility Stat and succeeds by 8! The total roll was 6. Goa props himself up on the jet's shoulders with his arms, swinging off behind her to land on the suspension of his heels. "Are weapons out of the question?" Slipstream hmms, "Not sure, even training together could be considering us fighting again...” she looks thoughtful, "But still I do want to learn how to cope with a grounder, so give me your best stuff." +Roll: Goa rolls against his Intelligence Stat and succeeds by 6! The total roll was 5. Goa starts to roll his shoulders, then pauses thoughtfully. "No sense pushing it. Though I'm curious -- do you fly in tunnels, or do you just have to walk?" Slipstream ahs softly, "A good question. Tunnel flying can be dangerous. It's better to walk unless you have no choice." Goa grins and bolts down a sinkhole, into a structure of cable and tunnel below. Slipstream frowns and moves to go down the same sinkhole. "You better not pop out and scare me Gooey." +Roll: Slipstream rolls against her Awareness Stat and fails by 8! The total roll was 18. You encounter a length of support cable wrapped with intent around your neck. "Rule number one of caves -- they're three dimensional too." Goa is suspended from the ceiling just beside the entrance with one scythe dug into a support strut, the other hand gripping the offending cable. Slipstream gacks on the cable as it digs into her neck, she reaches up to grab at it. Yeah, that surprised her. She tries to free it from her throat. +Roll: Slipstream rolls against her Strength Stat and succeeds by 2! The total roll was 10. +Roll: Goa rolls against his Strength Stat and succeeds by 6! The total roll was 9. Goa yanks the cable taut, pulling Slipstream up off of her heels slightly, then lets it go. "Any questions?" Slipstream squirms, wings flexing. She drops to her knees, rubbing at her throat. "No." she replies, sounding a bit hoarse. +Roll: Goa rolls against his Agility Stat and fails by 1! The total roll was 15. Goa starts to back flip to the ground, but misses the flip part and tumbles through a couple of beams, landing on his back with a thud. "Most of what I learned was guile, Slippy," he says, thumbing his blade for damage and replacing it to his shoulder with a click. "How to be out of the way. When I fight, it's just improvisation..." Slipstream grimaces a bit as you land hard on your back, she's still massaging her neck area as she kneels there nearby. "I understand." she tells you. Goa rocks on his canopy, trying to hide that he's beached while looking for something to grab onto. "You do? You don't seem like the improv type," he quirks an eye ridge, "All rote and such." Slipstream sees you are having trouble, she scoots over on her knees and gets a hand under you, "I've been known to be a bit clever when I needed to be, Gooey." she remarks. Goa props himself up, but eyes the hand distrustfully. "That must be interesting. Should we go find one of those Autobot fliers you mentioned?" Slipstream helps you get up and pulls her hand back, "No, you will need more training so I know you are ready for one." Goa climbs back up the debris, carefully poking his optics above the ground. "Aww." Throwing a leg over and climbing back out, he offers a hand down to the seeker. "Not even a little one?" Slipstream stands up carefully and then takes your hand, starting to climb up while minding her wings. "Trust me on this Gooey, you need to know how to deal with fast moving targets. Which means learning how to shoot at them when they heading toward you as well as moving away from you." Goa pulls upward, with a puzzled expression. "As opposed to just catching up to them? My weaponry's not made for tracking ... unless you know where I could find some magnetic grenades?" Slipstream comes up even with your face as she climbs up, looking you right in the optics she says, "You cannot catch a flier in the sky via the ground, just not possible. You'll have to learn to track visually and compensate. It can be done, just have to be patient." Goa only looks more quizzical. "Is there some reason you anticipate me having to fight fliers frequently?" Slipstream climbs the rest of the way, "Not frequently, but it is good you know how to fight them all the same." she states, she looks down at our joined hands a moment then releases her hand slowly. "I think it will be more me learning to fight grounders on the ground as well as in flight." Goa lets go, apparently not realizing he'd lingered that long. "I saw your report. I didn't know Autobots had access to those kinds of weapons?" Slipstream says, "I didn't either but there he was shooting a cannon at me." "That's ... disconcerting." Goa fidgets. "What were you saying about fast moving targets? Too fast for the drill hall...?" Slipstream hmms, "Maybe I should demonstrate. Stand here." she takes a few steps back then leaps up, flying up a bit then transforming. Goa points up with a finger, making a "pew pew" noise. "Well?" Slipstream flies off to the right, circles around then pours on the speed. Zipping past you at sonic speed... you probably will feel the resulting sound wave rumble past you a few seconds later. +Roll: Goa rolls against his Awareness Stat and succeeds by 1! The total roll was 9. Goa is already braced, frowning as the dust is kicked up around him. He thumbs his radio,