| - Slipping silently from the ramp of the Whipping Star, unlike some other people, Dareus was skipped by the normal crews of 'customs' for any inspection or checking of identification. Moving along the tarmac uninterrupted, the cloaked figure seems to vanish from time to time among the people which crowd the area. Something had drawn him here, inexplicably, however he stopped asking why of the force, and just accepted it, it would seem. Stopping near the edge, he turns, pulling the hood from his face, bathing it instantly in the harsh light as his eyes and senses stretch across the crowds of people. With a shower of sand and a backwash of hot air, the Red Sky lands in what can only be described as a hard touch down, nearly bouncing onto the landing pad. The landing lights flare for a moment, a metallic screech of sound, and the ship powers down abruptly at a speed that also is not advisable. It's a few moments later that the hatch cycles open, the landing ramp extended, and a dark haired woman swiftly descends the ramp. A glare is sent up at the sky, one hand running through her close cut hair before she tugs the edge of her cloak up over her head. Pausing to rekey the code to land the ship, changing the access code at the same time to a random string of numbers and characters, the ship is locked securely before she continues a single step further. Sweeping the area with her gaze, blue eyes glittering in the harsh sunlight, she begins to move through the crowd at a determined pace. The landing was easy notice, for anyone in the startport. But the Sith simply slips into the crowd, moving carefully while he keeps an eye on Lynaes' form but moving in a long line through the people so that he can come up behind her. Steps become careful and rather quiet while he slips in closer towards the woman, something he was becoming better at for simple necessity. His mouth opens to speak, but it remains soft enough to not attract too much attention; but it's purposefully resounding towards Lynae "The prodigal sister returns home, it seems." A small smile crosses his face as his steps don't slow "Just keep going, the starport has never been a safe place to really carry on a conversation." If he's armed, or intending anything other than a talk, nothing is hinting at it- though did he ever do such a thing anymore? Unlike Dareus, Axel doesn't give a damn if he's seen or not. There has been very little of the man hidden in the shadows over the years. The force didn't guide him here, and he wasn't following Dareus. Hell, after their last conversation, Axel came close to shoving the sith out of an airlock, along with his child wife. No, what drew Axel here was the sensor crew of the Dark Offering informing him of the arrival of the Red Sky. The only ships that were 'safe' to hot-boot were Axel's highly customized skipray and one of his snub-fighters. Wanting to make an entrance, he went with the skipray. Less than a minute passed from the confirmation of Lynae's ship and the launching of the 'Boomstick'. Part of him wanted to unleash immense amounts of firepower on the sskale, another part wanted to talk things over, either way he really wished the woman hadn't of come to Tatooine, but he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to find out what truly happened and why the NR and Jedi seem to know so much. (speaking in Basic) Lynae's eyes narrow as she continues walking, the set of her shoulders and her body language radiating tension and anger in nearly visible waves around her. Her jaw tightens and she appears to be almost about to say something, but she exhales softly and continues moving towards the exit at a steady pace. Too angry to do more than make note of where her ship is landed in relation to the other ships, her hands curl into fists but she nods, without glancing over her shoulder. The steps continue along the tarmac into Mos Eisley's city boundaries a bit deeper but the smile doesn't fade from Dareus' face "Surprised that I'd slip up behind you so quick? You set foot somewhere that you can easily be full aware that I am, Lynae." However cold and calculating they sound, there was something behind it because of the woman he was speaking with, mixed with a simple truth that she knew him, and sometimes could predict his actions. A gaze of his blue eyes moves along the streets silently, watching all those that pass "Just consider yourself lucky that it was me who stepped up behind you, or you wouldn't have got this far." "I did everything but shoot up a signal flare to tell you I was here," Lynae replies in a low voice. "If you hadn't noticed, I would've been forced to buzz the starport a few times more then land and walk around again." The 'Boomstick' finds a wide berth, the type usually reserved for small capitals or bulk freighters. With speed and grace, Axel sets the heavily modified ship down, much to the dismay of the dock authority. Of course, they weren't dumb enough to dispute the hotheaded pilot who commanded a small armada in orbit. No, Axel knew that he'd not do well finding the woman in a crowd unless she wanted to be found, it was better to make his presence known, maybe Lynae would come to him. Still though, he wasn't really sure why he wished to see her. (speaking in Basic) "It didn't take the sensors on my ship, necessarily, Lynae. You above all people should know that. I also keep a close eye on those as well, though; if you really need to know." Dareus hadn't expected or known that Axel would be arriving, however it would seem that it would be known soon enough. Stopping outside one of cantinas, his cloak blows softly in the breeze, while Dareus extends his gloved hand towards the door "This will have to do, unless you prefer to speak with me on my ship- though that wouldn't be the best idea, I can assure you that much." Tilting her head back slightly, Lynae turns abruptly and grabs ahold of the front of Dareus's cloak, "Are you threatening me?" she asks in the softest of voices. "First, one of His lap dogs comes to Caspar and tries to feed me a line of shit. I came all the way here to deliver the message personally, and you're threatening me?" She invades the hell out of his personal space, her hand tightening in the material of his cloak, "What the frak is going on?" she demands before releasing Dareus abruptly and brushing past him to enter the cantina. The crew ladder descends from the Boomstick, and Axel hops down, skipping most of the rungs as his feet hit the dusty ground. Using the computer attached to his wrist, he engages the ships security system and sets the slave ciruit to standby. "R2, best if you stay onboard. I'll stay in contact via comlink just in case we need to make a fast jump in pursuit. This may be a trap, after all." The droid gives a few warbles in reply from just inside the crew hatch. Axel checks the ammo on his weapons and then looks into the crowd. (speaking in Basic) While her fingers grab his cloak, two droids prepare to leap onto her, but a simple movement of Dareus' hand bids them to stand down quickly- she wouldn't be that insane. A simple smirk crosses his face "What line of shit would that be?" While they move into the cantina, a table is cleared for them rather quickly and Dareus seems to relish in her anger, keeping a small smile on his face "You above all people should know what is going on. There's a war that goes on behind the actual front lines of the Empire and New Republic. You can relax knowing that I have many things well in hand and have prepared for a lot of eventualities. It comes with the territory, Doctor." He meant to call her that, Dareus was putting his own feelings at some distance between them now. Chalmun's Cantina -- MOS EISLEY -- Tatooine Blaring jizz music, hazy smoke, and a threatening smell assault the senses. Combined with the relative dimness, this makes Chalmun's cantina a difficult adjustment coming from the oppressive suns found out-of-doors. A full bar dominates most of the room, that half-arc offering the bartender some degree of protection from the rowdy occupants of the cantina. Deep alcoves have been carved out of the edges of the room, circular booths filled with table, chairs and small lamps which cast a dim light. Two steps and a droid detector must be navigated at the entrance, which stands opposite a low-slung bandstand. Cheap tables and an extremely heterogeneous group of rough alien beings fill the rest of the room. "Oh please, do not even begin to attempt to insult my intelligence," Lynae fairly spits out in reply. "One of his lackeys comes to me and does this little shit of a dance trying to glean information from me about the CDU navy. Just a little bit, here and there he says. No serious espionage. Just a little bit of information that might be helpful in the days to come." Each spoken word is heavily laced with anger, "I know there's many layers to this war. It's a frakking onion, peel away one putrid layer and you find more and more and more until you slice into your own hand trying to get to the next level. " Well, if there was one place that had the highest probability of being where a meeting would take place, it was the notorious Chalmuns Cantina. That was Axel's first choice of destinations, and taking a pedi-cab, he arrives shortly after the walking Dareus and Lynae. As the smuggler enters the room, there is a very brief moment of silence. There'd been more violence than normal in this place, and Axel was known for just walking in and blasting a large hole in some innocent patron. Once again, the locals refrain from pressing the matter due to the large fleet of warships in orbit. (speaking in Basic) Lynae's anger was no surprise in that matter, however Dareus starts to laugh at it. "Who truly is in the right and wrong anymore, don't you think?" He waves a finger for a waitress to come by to take drinks, though she doesn't arrive just yet. Dareus' eyes stare her down, carefully- every movement of her lips and eyes is noted in his mind "The question that burns in my mind, is just how much did you tell them." His hand instantly waves off an answer until he's finish "Not about Caspar, even the Sith could care less about that want to be neutral power in the galaxy. Their introverted nature will see to their own self-demise." Leaning in slightly, his eyes never leave hers, almost unblinking "What did you tell them about us?" Her next words would dictate a small contingent of troops coming here to arrest and torture her, something, as much as he felt a connection to this woman; he almost welcomed. The silence was a short distraction, Dareus' eyes fall towards what could be considered a friend. Giving him a simple nod, the Sith can't do much more than that and simply add "Captain...how good of you to find us. Rather convenient that it becomes another meeting of old friends, except this time, it's on our side of the playing field." Ariana comes drifting into the cantina, a place to be out of Draga's direct gaze - even if she knows the chances are good there are at least a few of his people here that will be watching her. And possibly even one or two following her. The majority of the clientelle must realize it too, because they don't devote nearly the attention they usually would to an unarmed woman that barely looks able to fend for herself. She drifts towards an open table, preferably somewhere in the back. Though the place being crowded this evening, she takes what she can get. Only then does she truly start looking around the place. Lynae leans forward in response, not backing down so much as a square inch in the face of Dareus's question, her voice coming out tightly controlled with anger. "What did I tell whom about you?" she demands in return. "I should ask the same question, who the frak have you been talking to - about me? It's not enough that I walk around with a huge target painted on me, there's a frakking WAITING LINE to get off a shot at me or put my head on a platter like some sort of hunted animal. It's not enough that I have to offer up flesh and blood just so that I have the OPTION of where I can land my ship without getting immediately executed for the gall of doing so. And I find out that someone's carrying tales about me?" She speaks in a voice that is almost painfully low. "What the frak do you think I told them Dareus? I gave my word that I wouldn't return with a fleet at my back, and I didn't - did I? I paid my debts, I walked AWAY from this life and for what?" Not long after, in an unrelated fashion of course, strides Jadon. The dust of the outside world still clinging to his boots, he looks altogether at home in the Cantina. A few introductory glances fall his way, though nothing overly curious. Another man in another cantina, it's all been seen before countless times. Wary eyes examine the surroundings, Jadon searching for a spot of his own...likely out of trouble for now, but close enough to examine the actions unfolding. "If it's not one foolish woman, it's another. What have you been running your mouth about this time?" Axel's tone of voice wouldn't be that used between friends. For some reason, the pilot had been more and more hostile lately, to just about everyone, even those that he was normally jovial with. "The traitor returns to beg forgiveness, I assume, or are you monologuing like in some bad action vid where the evil boss has the good guy in binders with a blaster to his head? If it's not your Schutta for a child wife, you're filling in some other security leak with information." Not once does Axel look towards Lynae. No, her time would come. (speaking in Basic) Watching Lynae carefully for the time being, he doesn't flinch. "Cochran. That is, what was there was classified. It was shown to you in good faith and something which would bring you home to people who need you, who were on the verge of begging for your assistance." Dareus fist hits the table quickly as his face grows slightly red, once again the temperature around him seems to falter for the briefest of seconds as his anger comes to bear on her "You were my sister and you handed it to the New Republic like I was nothing! I shed my own blood right along side you to protect you from this, and still you run to Caspar and put on some idiotic uniform. Something that exist to stand in contrast to every ideal you've ever held in your life before." When Axels' words reach his ears, he stands up now, the back of his boot kicking the underside of his seat and sending it back a few feet while the full height of him rises to face what used to be friendship "Don't ever presume to tell me about women and life, Vichten. That child of a wife of mine is finished, I've seen to that personally for now, and have my own things to deal with. Just where the hell were you when I was laying mine fields at the base?" He couldn't care less, it was a short set of words that were fired out in pure rage that was building in him "Sit down and have a drink, it seems like it's the only thing that makes you remotely bearable anymore. You speak of traitors so easily, we're all in some way or another. Even you can't return to Caspar, anymore." Ariana's gaze has fallen on Dareus and his little gathering, the anger in the words of all three is a bit overwhelming in a lot of ways. She doesn't even notice the server that arrives for a couple moments, then looks over towards the woman, "Corellian Ale, and a shot of Eriadani Scotch, if you have it." Surprise suprise, the second isn't on the menu. "Corellian Whiskey then." She adds, then bites her lower lip to watch things unfold. She needs to know if it is going to be bad enough that she should bolt, after all. Lynae straightens abruptly and leans back in her chair a bare moment before Victen enters the conversation, heated words exchanged before Dareus stands and kicks his chair out of the way. "What are you talking about," she demands, rising from her own chair and leaning forward, hands braced on the table, her voice still pitched so low that it barely carries across the table itself. "I didn't tell them where the base was. After what I did at Cochran, you think I'd risk telling them what's going on there? They were ready to execute me without having additional information. Why would I put my head more on the chopping block?" she demands before turning her face slightly and pinning Axel with her gaze, giving him a studying head to toe sweeping look but biting her tongue to hold back the words that threaten to continue to spill out. "I can't go to Caspar because the man running the system, Thomas Mahon, siezed it in a traitorous way." Ax hisses as his cold blue eyes lock with Dareus. "So you do not point fingers at me. My loyalty is still to Caspar and the Caspian people, that is an oath I took long before I crossed paths with Malign." Still keeping his eyes locked in with those of the Sith, a hand reaches into a pocket and pulls out a cigarette, which he plops into his mouth. His other hand produces a small torch and lights it. A deep inhalation followed by a rapid exhale of smoke into the Sith's face. "My allegiance is not to you, nor is it to Malign. I follow my own path, remember that." Seeming to be done with Dareus for a moment, Axel looks to Lynae. "You go from us to the Jedi, spending how long? With constant supervision and guard everytime we come around? You're trying to tell us that you, the only person we can't account for aside from a certain pre-pubescent girl, spending all her time with the enemy willingly didn't betray us. You lie. You aren't with us, therefore you must be against us. I should have opened fire before you hit orbit." (speaking in Basic) Seeing the various...activities ensuing in the Cantina, Jadon doesn't waste any time. Getting a drink, that is. A glass of whiskey for him, and he's off towards the rear of the bar. No use in getting into useless trouble...but it's always fun to watch. As his steps take him cautiously towards a place to relax, he doesn't seem to notice any familiar faces just yet. "Oh stop being so full of yourself, Lynae." Dareus' eyes lock on to her once again quickly, the tension in the bar was quick to move around- everytime this Sith steps in, fights seem to break out or people simply seem to die. "You know as well as I do what information you had in your head was enough to save you from any Republic execution. With or WITHOUT the Jedi intervention." The anger seems to fade from his face, but not from the body in the least "I have ways of finding out, whether it has to involve you or not." A spy within the New Republic? It's not unthinkable, but he also leaves no room for speculation- they were known for lying to help suit their own purposes as well. "Maybe it was just another one of your friendly chats with them that allowed your mind to be split open like a cheap holonovel once again." Leaning towards her, the grin doesn't fade "You don't like that feeling, do you...someone ripping through your thoughts when they should belong to you. I could have it happen" his finger snaps for added emphasis "That quick. But did I ever think it? NO! Just who is your friend through all this, just who can you then and now consider family?" He seems to himself be done with his banter with Vichten, there was no point in this arguing, especially not in front of everyone. Or is there? Dissention among the Sith would serve many purposes. Though if it were real or false, that would be left for the various intelligence agencies to find out. "She never knew the location of Cochran and you damn well know it. I met her on Nar Shaddaa or here. To this *DAY* she doesn't know where I went all those nights. Meanwhile it's not even of your concern, that facility was mine to protect." Dareus leaves a short sigh and shrugs, righting his chair before taking a seat once again, a bottle of Corellian whiskey being dropped off by the waitress who seems to know him here as well. After a long sip from the amber fluid; he cracks his neck and simply adds "I"ll kill her tomorrow. I know where she'll be." Even now, love and family ties seem to be fading quickly, lost to things as easily as duty, honor; or even the more elusive such as the Dark Side. Ariana continues to wait for the eventual arrival of her drinks, suddenly wishing she'd ordered less ale and more whiskey. Oh well, it will be time to nurse things. Talk of killing, it seems to follow her everywhere, even when she isn't a part of it. Now her gaze moves around the room, who else is here? What else is happening? Jadon's face is noted with a slight crease of her eyebrows. Others as well, probably regulars, or the Hutt's men. Who can tell? Lynae recoils, visibly flinching at Dareus's words, her hands curling again into fists, white knuckled for the moment as she restrains herself through sheer will power alone to keep from tossing the table aside and launching herself at Dareus. A shallow breath is taken, held for a slow count, then released with a slow exhalation. "I gave Malign my word that I wouldn't share with the new republic the information shared with me. And I didn't. I told them I'd been offered a chance to command. I told them that I said no. That I'd turned it down because the shape of the Empire is not what I served all these years. That I wasn't ready to be part of something that will turn life as I know it on end." She glares at Dareus, "Never, ever, did I let them into my thoughts. You think I won't kill the next person who dares to again subject me to that?" She slams one hand on the table, "I didn't tell them." Axel looks from Dareus to Lynae then back to Dareus. He raises a hand, as if to point a finger towards Lynae's head and with a quick flick of the wrist, a streamlined custom hold-out flicks out of the spring-loaded wristsheath into the pilot's hand. "Look me in the eyes, tell me you said nothing to them." Already, a couple of patrons are moving for an area with better cover, just in case Axel has another one of his violent outbursts such as he had become prone. Maybe quitting spice wasn't such a good thing. One thing is certain, the man had changed, had changed a good bit. (speaking in Basic) Lynae lifts her chin slightly and makes her way around the side of the table and moves to within an inch of the blaster that Axel is aiming at her, then closes the distance until the end of the blaster is against the side of her head. "I didn't tell them anything," she repeats in a clear cold voice. "They were interested in data that I had about the fleet, about the medical experiments I've conducted in the last decade and a half. I told them NOTHING about what you fools are doing here," she states flatly. "They're most interested in getting ahold of some of my files. Isn't it nice to now that when you dig deep enough they're just as willing to play the same dirty game we are?" Dareus was sitting now, fingers tapping softly on the table while he watches Lynaes' reactions. She may not be that good of a liar, she really never was. And as much as she might be an enemy in some sense, she was family to Dareus. "Your thoughts betray you, Lynae. Every inch of you almost wants to snap my neck with all your precious medical knowledge...less than 2 steps and you'd be shot down dead in here and simply disappear." He didn't need the force, he couldn't read her as his master could. But Dareus could play a hunch. The fact of others not knowing his power was something that could be useful. A look of stoicism crosses his face briefly. "You look pathetic, Lynae. Flying here to track me down. You belong on the bridge of a Star Destroyer, not some puppet of the Caspian Government, if you can even call it that." The Sith takes another long sip of whiskey before he adds "This goes above the Empire. So much knowledge, I expected you could see that much, but apparently I was wrong." His eyes had moved to the floor before touching the glass, but they fall back to her, piercing and careful with each look. He could hear the blaster slide from Axels' sleeve, and it makes Dareus grin quickly- Vichtens greed and lust still kept him powerful in his own right, with emotions and thoughts that protected no one but himself. It was almost to be praised. Not leaving her eyes, Dareus simply states "I could care less for Caspar. I don't want their fleet movements, their command codes, or any useless bullshit like their encrypted frequencies." The Sith leans in towards her standing form in front of certain death "When I launch my campaigns, will my sister be by my side, or left in my wake wishing she was part of the future." Lynae's eyes move slightly, that's all, a cold look in her eyes, "Better killer than healer. You said that to me, Dareus," she replies in a clear voice. "You tell me, think I could kill you before your pets have a chance to kill me? Think I could do it before Axel here puts a round between my eyes?" She forces the issue and reaches out and grabs ahold of Axel's wrist, "So do it. Either believe me or shoot me, but if I find another one of Malign's boot lickers on my door step without showing the proper frakking respect I'm going to send his head back IN A BOX." There's a slight twitch in Axel's eyes as his fingers tense slightly. There was a moment when he came close to pulling the trigger, but he sets the safety instead. He maintained eye contact with the woman while his hands went through the tedious process of locking the blaster back into the spring system. "I didn't know you were flying for the CDF." Still, his voice holds that cold, almost daring tone. "Give Camrath my regards. I'm sure you've come across the Sar Admiral on more than one occassion in your training. He's a formal imperial lapdog like you and Dareus. He's also a fool, but he's the perfect pawn for Mahon's regime." There's a true sense of disgust when Ax speaks Mahon's name. You'd almost expect him to stop and spit afterwards to clear the word from his mouth. Finally getting the blaster locked back into place, Axel turns his attention back to Dareus. "Just remember this. I don't give a damn about the Empire. I don't give a damn about Vadim or his plans for the galaxy. I go the direction that fate pulls me, and if things go to the seven hells, then you may be staring down a volley of heavy firepower raining upon your precious Predator." Still, the legendary pilot and infamous mercenary stays standing. "Three Corellian Whiskeys, make them doubles and I'm going to shoot anyone who bumps into the waitress." This time, instead of the sleek hold-out, Axel's left hand goes to the hilt of the big-bore slugthrower on his hip. He doesn't draw it, though he does pop the securing strap loose. (speaking in Basic) Maybe she's a bit suicidal tonight. Who knows? But Ariana has a sort of courage overtake her as she gets her drinks, pounds back the shot, and picks up her glass of ale - she even takes a long draught of that, but then she makes her way over towards the Sith's table. She takes a deep breath once she gets there, looking between the three conversants. "Pardon my interruption of this not so amiable conversation," Ariana begins, "But frankly, I'd just as soon not have my chance to relax disturbed by any bloodshed." A pause for the briefest of moments. "I may not have any way to prevent it from doing so, I certainly don't carry any weapons or know how to fight. And I definately hold no ability I am aware of with the Force." The last part directed more to Dareus than anyone else. "As such, I hope my not quite charming looks and personality, and my rather pathetic attempts at having a quicksilver tongue will suffice when I ask that we all just settle down, and perhaps have a few more drinks to loosen tensions and have a much more friendly conversation." She finishes off her glass of ale, looking quite stunned at what she just said and did. "Further, I also hope none of you are going to engage in bloodshed directed at me for my impertinance in this interjection of your rather heated conversation." The light from the entrance way eclipeses for a moment and a jet skinned figure decends the stairs into the main room of the cantine. The maroon tabard flows and whispers across the floor as the figure pauses to regard the numerous beings present. Both familiar and unfamiliar. Malif has become a common sight on Tatooine these days, Gundark Industrial being the focus of recent Blatech attention. His long ebony hair is pulled back in a tight que, it hangs over his left shoulder. Dareus simply laughs, standing up and moving closer. If she would kill him, she could do it now, although at her own death as well- mutual assured destruction, it would seem. There was no emotion in his eyes, but he watches her still carefully. "You're a better killer because you know it's necessary. You took those lives because you were *ORDERED* to do it, not because you felt it was correct, and justified." An uneasy smile crosses his face "I'm tired of death, Lynae. You have no idea how it weakens us all in the long run. Fools like the past Emperors, annihilating planets because they might have been a threat....there's no place for it anymore. People will now follow us and into line because we embrace their differences and make them part of something better, not through fear." Still an Ambassador, it would seem, in some respects. Turning back towards Axel, his gloved hand falls on his shoulder "The Predator is a machine, a piece of equipment that will fall someday, or rust into oblivion in a scrap yard. Just like we will all someday blow into dust and become a faint memory in the minds of those that love us." It was enough for Dareus, it seems "Whatever your reasons, you're a good friend of mine Axel. Someone who hid me from Malign in the beginning and brought me back to him. I don't forget such things. You and your men have served this all very well, and in the end, even if our paths seperate, you might find yourself with another ally at your back when you least expect, but most need one." When Ariana arrives, a small bit of amusement moves through Dareus, but he remains quick to stand up. The Sith can still be gentlemen sometimes. Offering her his seat, he shakes his head before looking at her "Taking my words to heart finally...see what such things can accomplish for you, Ariana?" This was all well in hand for Dareus, she had basically and totally fallen into her own pride for once, and grown some courage inside herself "There won't be any bloodshed tonight, I promise." Moving to the side and a new chair, he slips into it carefully "Let me introduce a few old friends, Axel Vichten, and...." The hand falls towards Lynae, she could make up her own identity tonight, Dareus would see to that much. "I'll be sure to carry on the message," Laenira replies in a voice that's inches away from being pissy, "oh, wait, no, I won't. In fact, I won't tell him that I've seen you - either of you - at all. Or that I was ever here. Are the two of you finally, completely, off of what's left of your communal sanity?" she asks, clearly thinking that they've finally gone round the bend once and for all. She nods towards Ariana in greeting, squints briefly against the sudden wash of light into the room and spots Malif entering as well. "Laenira," she supplies the offered name for the sake of pleasantries. "I took the lives I took because I could. Because it was easy. And until your kill count passes mine, don't you EVER begin to even think about comparing your experiences to mine," she spits at Dareus. "Someone get me a drink before I start killing people to prove my point," she adds before dragging one of the chairs closer and dropping down into it. With a rush of heat sweeping in as the door opens and closes, Atton steps into the cantina. Stopping just inside the door he reaches up to push back the hood of his traveler's cloak. Turning from side to side he looks about the cantina, scanning the denizens. As his eyes fall upon the familiar form of the Sith he can't hold back a chuckle. Moving forward he weaves his way through the groups of customers and tables to the bar. Motioning for one of the barkeeps, when one arrives he leans forward to speak softly as he orders his drink. As the being departs, Atton turns to face the sith that seems to be in a heated discussion. Watching the man, he quirks an eyebrow studying the situation. Ariana inclines her head to Dareus. "Thank you." Then to Lynae and Axel she says, "Ariana Seri. Pleased to meet you both." Her voice much more pleasant, even accompanied by a smile - and her accent a strange mix of Corellian and something else. Though her eyes study the other woman more carefully now. Her bottom lip slips between her teeth and she bites down on it. As the three tall shots of Corellian Whiskey arrive at the table, Axel motions one each to go to Dareus, Lynae (or Laenira as she's calling herself) and himself. For the moment, Ariana just gets a quick glance. Looking back to Dareus, Ax speaks softly, though with a cold tone. "There are many things I've done that I wish I hadn't, there are many things I didn't do that I wish I had. Of all these things, bringing you before Malign in the end was one that I regret. You took the spot as his pupil, the spot promised to me. At first I was jealous, enraged even. Now, I realize that true power doesn't come from the force, but through experience. You are still as weak now as you were then. Albeit, not without your use or even strengths. When the time comes, and we strike at the heart of our enemies, I'll be proud to have you at my wing, but never once look down upon me as a hired hand or subordinate as you did at our last meeting. Next time it happens, you'll find out just how powerful a small strike fleet can truly be." With that said, he downs the contents of his glass, chasing it with a drag from the cigarette. Could this be for real, were there truly such dissensions in the ranks of the order, or was this all a show? (speaking in Basic) He ignores Laenira's words for now, keeping his seat and pouring himself another glass of whiskey. Gloved hands tap the top of the table softly before the liquid disappears down his throat once again. It was with some small measure of disdain that Dareus recognizes Atton once again, the man was like a pest that kept groveling at the table of the Sith, in some sorts- though there could be times the man might just prove useful. Only time would tell. Dareus doesn't offer more than a simple nod of his head towards the man. A short glance is given back to Axel. "I'm a man of passions now, Axel. I exist in the memories and hope that my life wasn't in vain and that some day, like you, people will remember me." Taking the shot glass in his hand, the Sith does offer some small measure of solace towards him "You're a smart man and a friend. You would defend your own family the exact same way, and you can't deny it. But this now goes above it. I was blinded, and for that much, I have already paid the price." Truly, Maligns' wrath was more than he would ever pay once again, the force shuddering and even screaming out while the memory echoes in his mind "To what end we go, I'll be there by your side." It was a careful little soliloquy, something that had to be careful in this place. Looking back towards Ariana he smiles and shakes his head, waving the spare hand as the shot is downed "Don't thank me. Just remember it someday. I might very well need a favour of yours." A finger snaps just after the empty glass hits the table "Actually, I'll need a new audience with Draga. I have new information for him that surpasses the usefulness of that damn Twi'lek." Ariana takes a deep breath and holds it in for a moment, looking over towards the Sith. "For the chair." She says back to the man, getting an all too impish looking grin to her countenance. Then she sits up more straight, folding her hands in her lap - a much too prim and proper posture for a place like this. "I'll let him know you wish to speak with him too. I doubt it'll be too hard to arrange." As the sith acknowledges him with a nod, Atton refrains from doing the same. His quirked eyebrow just goes up a bit more. Turning back to face the keep he had spoke with before he nods in thanks as the man returns with his glass. Sliding a few credits across the counter he takes the glass in hand before turning back to face the congragation. Bringing his glass to his lips he takes a sip as he watches with a bit of interest. Axel motions for another round of drinks. What had happened to the man to make him the way he is could be anyone's guess, and chances are, most guesses would hold some semblance of truth to them. One time smuggler, turned combat pilot and mercenary, high priest of a secret cult of Olum, the man has led a harsh existence. His name was common among spacers due to what used to be a flamboyant behavior pattern and wildly painted ships blazing around the galaxy at insane speeds. The self-made millionaire criminal had worked for everyone and noone at the same time. He was a war profiteer, a person who made money off of the ongoing conflicts of the galaxy, and regardless of current attitude, he was one of the best at his job. For now though, he remains quiet, just giving a pseudo-polite nod to the newcomer to the table while smoking his cigarette and waiting on more booze. (speaking in Basic) "You're also thanking me for something else Ariana." The grin doesn't leave his face until he takes another sip of whiskey "You're not hiding behind your hair or your posture anymore...I'd almost attribute it to a miracle, to say the least. Maybe for once I almost dare say that you've listened to someone who doesn't want to ruin your every dream or hope." Was Draga's men here? It didn't matter, Dareus had an ace up his sleeve for the Hutt even if his people should be listening. Worse comes to worse, Dareus would simply send an emisssary of his own towards the creature. The look from Atton is enough to get his distraction, though he still speaks to Axel for a second, "Entirely too quiet, old friend. We're among allies for once over here." The Sith rises to his feet once again, standing tall but watching the newer arrival carefully "So you decide to pay my own master respect, but for me it simiply fades into dust and does nothing." He smiles for a brief moment, pushing his emotions away. No thoughts of his wife of the new Jedi he'd come to actually love. Anger and resentment fill him, that is matched with discretion and caution as his blue eyes pierce tha man. "Draga's away on business. That helps." Ariana responds evenly with. "As for my hair... It can be nice to hide behind at times. I'm just not used to it long anymore, I kept it short for most of five years. I barely remember how to do anything with it." Then she purses her lips, "To be honest, I can't say things won't change again. I've always said if things were normal, I'd have been committed to an institution a long time ago. Others tell me different, but I'm not so sure." Malif moves with a silent manner, in this colorful crowd, he isnt likely to be given but the slightest of attention. And he knows well that there are those present who will no doubt attract attention. This leaves him free to find a quiet place as it were to sit and watch. The jet skinned being nods across the room to the cantina keeper and a server eventually arrives to get his order. Taking another sip of his glass, this one more slowly, Atton nods as he sets the glass down on the counter beside him. Turning back to face the sith he rises from his own seat to stand looking at the other being. In a neutral tone Atton speaks steadily, "Your master is a Sith Lord. His mere presence in a room demands respect. You? You seem to be the learner, the trainee, the undistinguished. Respect is something that is earned through deeds and motives. Those of you lucky enough to win the genetic lottery of force sensetivity have an obligation to use your skills for great deeds. Tell me sithling, what have you done to improve the galaxy in one way or another? Do you even have one of those coveted glowrods yet? Forgive me 'lord' if I don't seem respectful enough. I just know not of your accomplishments besides being that of an errand boy for your master between him and the local Hutt." Impudent little bastard. Dareus had no concern for him in the least. Instead, he shakes his head and takes a step towads Vaughan, his words remain ice as the dark side floods in even towards this apprentice. He had little place for this shit in the least. "Don't you ever try to sass me, boy. I'll simply remove your throat and use it to pain the door on my quarters." The eyes remain locked on that of the smartass for the time being, Dareus taking a deep breath, enough to keep him from killing the man on the spot, but he doesn't make any move towards the weapons just yet. "I'm a Sith. There's no such thing as an errand boy. *YOU* aren't even fit to be in such a position if you wished it in the least." Turning back towards the table, Dareus stops before giving him a half glance back "The next time we meet, I'll sever your spine from your body." It wasn't a threat now, it was nearly a promise. He was an apprentice, but Atton had no idea of how powerful he was- it was an advantage to be new, in some ways. Taking a seat back, he finishes the glass of whiskey quickly and slams it back on the table, shattering once again before the waitress brings it back, and he takes a long breath before looking back to Ariana and Axel "You'll have to excuse me. Some common people don't deserve the breath in their lungs." Still, Axel remains quiet, at least until his drink arrives and he polishes it off, along with another that was placed on the table in front of him. Finally loosening up a little, the former addict glances around. His lips still pursed together and the look on his face one of distrust and utter annoyance. He wanted to shoot someone, or cause some kind of anguish or grief in some manner. Ever since quitting the spice, his outbursts of violence had become more common, and much more brutal. "It doesn't take genetics to do great things, worm," Axel finally says, directing his attention to Atton for the moment. "I myself have performed great deeds, or horrific ones depending on your viewpoint, and I wield no laser sword or the ability to throw people across a crowded square with my mind. What it takes is determination and will, nothing more and by the gods, nothing less." (speaking in Basic) Ariana chooses this as a good point to be silent as she sits at the table that Dareus, Axel, and Laenira are at. She has a much more prim and proper sort of posture than the place normally sees. Her lips are pursed as Dareus stands up. Still, the self-reflective thought crossing her mind 'What have I gotten myself into?' is obviously crossing her face when he goes over there to speak to Vaughan. Suddenly, she looks down into her empty mug... What a time to not be topped off. Standing in that spot as Dareus takes his step forward, Atton simply remains quiet waiting for the shot he knows must be coming. But as it doesn't Atton listens, actually impressed right now. As Dareus moves off and takes his seat once more he can't help but chuckle at the end. Laughing outright now he nods, "Commoners. All those who don't have the benefit of knowing influential people in the Empire? I do not wish to have your powers, sorcerer. It is simply an observation. The simple fact that you are 'Sith' will not garner respect from me. I respected your master because of his deeds, not his powers." As a serious looks comes back over his face he appears to be more thoughtful, "I do admire your sense of self control. I know you wished to strike me down right this moment and it was admirable to see you control that rage, focus it. That is indeed inspirational." Turning his face look at Axel he inclines his head just a bit, "No, genetics is not a prerequisite for great deeds. But, it is like I said, respect is earned though them. Those with the sensetivity have a means of seeing and feeling something the rest of us do not. It is what they do with that gift that makes them...something more. These deeds you have accomplished, you have done them through force of will, of strength?" "Everything is a viewpoint Axel, good, bad. You and I aren't the judges of it. It exists in the minds of the people that we free. The very people the New Republic consider that we enslave." A twisted view? Somewhat, but Dareus didn't care. Looking between himself and Ariana he simply smiles, "Truths of the galaxy lay in those who write them, not those who sit by and wait for a miracle. We make our own places for the most part. Axel finally realizes mine, but that information is for a more confidential place, not here." It leaves a lot of speculation open, from the Apprentice, but he would not back down from anyone. The Sith were back, the Jedi knew it, and he would slowlly let it ring through the echoes in taverns as legend. As Attons' words return and move through Dareus, he'd had enough. The Sith stands up, withdrawing an AA-8 and putting the shotgun up to a range that is too close for comfort for anyone. The look on his face is simple. Had the man a lightsaber, would it be drawn? Did he even have such a weapon yet. "You think you know what the force means? You think you know what dwells in the hearts of anyone you simply lip off carelessly? Just because I have no desire to murder a billion people doesn't mean I won't spray the back of your face across that wall, boy." The finger slips onto the trigger softly, almost carelessly "I don't need or want your respect, you're some drunk in a local bar, nothing more insignificant than the chairs that we sit on." Malif chuckles quietly and finally speaks up at the exchange. "even the smallest grain is signifcant in the right place, Dareus." the near human raises a brow, his black within black eyes regard the apprentice. "Were it not for those view as insignifcant..you would not have gained your chance to walk the path you are now on." the drink arrives. "Force of all sorts tossed around on whim are a waste...be they of the higher order or the more mundane." he nods to the shotgun. Even as the sithling stands and withdraws the weapon, Atton does not move. He simply stares down into the barrel of the weapon that is now pointed into his face. As Dareus speaks now, Atton only half listens as in the corner of his view the finger of the sith slips down onto the trigger. Taking in a slow steady breath and then another, his chest rising and falling. Leaning his head forward he presses it against the barrel, "Then do it, 'sir'. If you believe me to not be worth life anymore then pull the trigger." "Always threats," Axel says. "You never accomplish anything with threats." With that said, there's a quick flick of the wrist and the custom hold-out comes into position in the palm of his cybernetic right hand. Without a second's hesitation, the smuggler's finger moves to depress the trigger. "You don't make idle threats. You just shoot. Does much better to get your point across." What did Axel care anyway? This guy was a nobody as far as he's concerned, and if there is a lesson taught, it might as well be one taught the hard way. (speaking in Basic) Not really caring if he hit or not, he was just trying to make a point. The blaster bolt was close enough to show that it was not a carefree shot. "Like I said, threats mean nothing. You do or you don't. I couldn't tell you how many times I've been threatened with death, prison, the gods only know what else. Where am I now? I'm sitting here, taking a potshot at some whino." Once again, Ax goes through the motions of locking the blaster back into the wrist sheath, securing the spring in place. It was called a gambler's rig, though rarely seen these days as the customizations to the pistol were more and more expensive when not used with archaic slugthrowers. Keeping an eye on the lucky man who dodged the blaster bolt, Axel finishes securing the pistol and motions for another drink. Fortunately, the heavy bar intercepted the stray shot before it caused damage to another patron. (speaking in Basic) "And I get accused of being trigger happy," Laenira says aloud as she looks up from pouring herself another drink from the bottle of Caridan whiskey she'd ordered. Having had no more than a glass of it at this point, and having been quiet for so long it's almost as though she's not been here. She arches one eyebrow and stares at Axel, "Some things never change, do they?" Her gaze moves towards Dareus, "and some things .... some things should." "Let it happen. These dregs aren't our problem in the least. They've been given enough help in the past and done nothing but piss it all away on spice and booze." The Sith stands up, and shrugs, gettting ready to leave, the hood pulled from his cloak back onto the body and looking towards Axel "You've seen nothing yet my friend. Give it time." A short glance is called back to Ariana, hte smile still prevalent "You...I'm sure to see you soon once again." With that, there wasn't much else. Dareus simply slips into the night and disappears like he does most other nights intio the air- lost to to the sands of time for the most part. The one known as Bailey, or atleast that was her former name. She slowly makes her way into the cantina and side steps as the blaster flies, an all to common step now. She looks curious and then shakes her head, slightly. She walks towards the bar, sitting down. Before Dareus can do his disappearing act, Laenira rises from the table as well and moves swiftly after him, placing one hand on his elbow and giving him two options, stop or drag her along with. "We're not quite done yet, old friend," she says in a low voice. Ariana's eyes go wide, and she tenses, looking ready to dive under the table and get the hell out of dodge if things continue to go south like they are. She's scared, after all, she's unarmed and being in the middle of a firefight is a damned good way to get hurt. Fortunately, things do not get worse, and she lets out a sigh of relief. She nods to Dareus. "Yeah. I'm sure. I'll be around." She says. The stop of his progression by Laenira makes him laugh until the figure stops and turns around, facing her carefully. Dareus had no time for this, and in appreciation of this, the dark side floods the bar, around the man and the table he was seated at, some people that were near them becomin guickly uneasy. The new look on his face was uninvited interruption, a new hatred which surrounded him quicklyt and spat itself at Lynae with his words "You're not done yet?" There were already other people moving into the bar, but there was no more from Dareus- but if she knew hinm at all, he was no fool. "Don't you ever presume to know me, Dr Caiton. I'm what you and your magical science couldn't comprehend. Love, the same that I have for you as my own family only goes so far." Leaning in softly, he sounds regretful for a brief moment "If you do this again to me. I'll have you killed and leave your ashes to spread across the desert." Realizing that he was alone, or at least without being surrounded by those he came here to speak with, Axel moves away from the table and towards the bar. Pulling out a wad of galactic cred chips, he tosses them onto the counter. "There's more there than enough to pay for the drinks and whatever hassels from the locals you get." With that said, the man turns and heads towards the exit as well. (speaking in Basic) Bailey, for the most part, isn't paying attention to the spat. She looks at the people at the bar and then dips her head as Axel leaves. An eyebrow raised, she does go to sit and waives her hand to the man,"Water.." She says, ordering probably one of the most expensive drinks on the planet. She sits back and takes out a data padd glancing over it. "Is this part of your new training?" Laenira counters with the beginnings of a tired smile on her face. "Grandiose grand standing? You've got the cloak. The incurable disease. All the angst to go with it." She does remove her hand from his arm, however, but that's more because she doesn't do casual touch to begin with, and has no intention of changing that aspect of her personality. "Try leaving without making a grand exit, or pick a better audience, you're not getting rave reviews from this one. There is," she reminds, "the little matter of the boot licker to be tended too. You want something, I wasn't something. Think it over, when you're ready to talk without the melodramatics, you know how to contact me." She too moves towards the door with the clear intention to step out into the heat of the planet, such a love ball of dust on the back of the bum of the universe. Continuing on his way, Axel makes it to the door and out. He obviously wasn't waiting on Dareus or Laenira. He was still in a foul mood, and what better place to take that agression out than in space with some unsuspecting freighter jockey coming into system in the hopes of picking up or dropping off a load of whatever it may be. (speaking in Basic) Ariana coughs as she stands up from her now vacant table. That suicidal courage coming back to her as she makes her way back between Dareus and Laenira. She actively walks right between Dareus and the now departing woman, saying rather resolutely, "Please... none of that. You said there wouldn't be." She says, though her hair has fallen from behind her ears to somewhat hide her face. "I know I can't stop you if you will do it... but I can ask." Dareus had served with many women. They all had earned distinction in the past before, but this one would have nothing on this man. "Just who do you think you are woman to step into a bar and into a conversation which holds you in nothing but the smallest regard?" Several thoughts pass through Dareus, a hand laying on his comlink to simply have her arrested and the skin torn from her body while she was kept alive. "Actually, someone like you isn't worth the effort. You're a pathetic excuse for everything." Stepping back to the table, Dareus takes a seat, motioning towards Ariana and Lynae, for them to take a seat. "Manners are dead in this sector, you'll have to see." It's no matter to him, Maligns' words resound in his head quickly, echoing like a painful lesson YOU MUST LEARN TO CONCENTRATE. Wiping his head for a second from the thoughts, Dareus takes several deep breaths, the Dark Side filling him quickly and carefully, monitoring it all for the time being, and consumed by it before speaking again "Children. They never learn." Whether Leirra sees it or not, Dareus' hand falls on the shotgun once again, but this time he was consumed with using it, to spray her very existance over the inside of the bar.eeeeeeeeeeeeee Ariana looks over, noticing a familiar face at the bar before she turns back to the Sith's table. Damn she's good at finding the most dangerous people to be around. If that could be called good in any way, shape, or form. She makes her way back to the table. "Perhaps. You'd think an armed society would be more polite." She bites her lower lip, "I guess that's why I prefer the club even with all the surveillance. People know better there. Though it's obvious she understands no one there is likely to try and stop Dareus or another Sith if they were to pull something. Thus, her dance on a razor's edge continues. Laenira narrows her eyes slightly at Dareus, his sudden acquiescence is enough to trip some of her warning senses, but.. she simply casts a look at Ariana then back at Dareus and catches the movement of his hand towards the shotgun at his side. "Hmmmph," she voices quietly, "I believe that's the one I borrowed a few months back, is it not? Fires nicely. Remind me to pick up one of those for my collection." She pulls her chair out and seats herself once more, moving quietly and angling her chair so that she has a view of the door. "...Quiet it down.." Bailey says her voice raising,"I don't care who you are.. either kill eachother or shut up.." She glances at them and then back at the bar tender,"Can you believe those outsiders? Gah.." She curses in corellian and orders some whiskey,"..I tell you, If it wasn't for idiots like that.." She goes back to her conversation. After an attempt to fly to other worlds, seeking her ship, Aleira sighs as she steps into the old cantina, where she could find some water at least on this gods forsaken world. she looks about, noticing some dangerous people she had once known. The collar on his jacket cinched around his neck to keep away the abrasive blowing sands of outside, Tyr ducks into the Cantina, just eager to get out of the heat and settle into a nice cool drink. Ambling up to the bar, he motions for a bartender, whom soon arrives. "Corellian Lum, straight up," he says to the server. With a curt nod, the other man rushes off to prepare the drink. Laenira's look at the shotgun doesn't concern him in the least, instead it gives nothing more than a simple shrug "Go right ahead...I'm entirely too exhausted with arguing with you and your pigheaded mind." The new voice draws Dareus' attention quickly, the laugh becoming all the more prevalent right now "Oh this is outstanding, what used to be a Moff decides to tell me just what to do and how to act in my own place where I'm the one who decides the level of courtesy." Turning back to his table, Dareus shrugs Bailey off, and simply finishes his whiskey "The times are changing too much that this is almost all becoming nothing but laughable." Malign was known for his entrances, usually there was some sort of explosion or him or another being flying through the air with the accompanied pain, but this time it was different. The Sith Lord glides into the room silently, but not alone several dozen cloak figures slip in behind him and the darkness he brings. His followers do not act human in fact some begin to scatter scaling the wall or leaping onto the ceiling crouching down like animals. They move quickly as the Dark Lord stands silently all of his features masked behind his heavy robes and hood a heavy gust of desert wind entering behind him and billowing as they lash out but yield no clue to his demeanor. A gloved hand raises politely moving toward the bar, the bartender would have all the time in the world to make a droid comment and about them staying outside, but instead he chooses to duck down behind his bar for protection, "So much commotion." He sighs heavily allowing his voice to carry with the aid of the Force, "It would appear my apprentice loves to feed on the animosity of the denizens in various locales." Malign gestures with a hand toward a chair as it obeys his call and slides forward giving him a place to sit, "Perhaps we can save our animosity for another time and discuss what is happening here, like civilized beings." He leans forward to light a smoke, the lighter illuminating his face briefly as he takes a draw the orange embers glowing brightly as he inhales. Ariana looks over towards Bailey if she looks this way, offering a sheepish looking smile of greetings. She takes a series of deep breaths and is about to say something... when the arrival of Darth Malign rather throws that for a loop. She fidgets with her empty cup somewhat uneasily, inclining her head towards the Sith. Etiquette being a rare commodity here or not. She'll keep it up in spades with that man. Especially since he seems to be talking with the most sense at the moment! "I agree." She chimes in after him. "Damnit.." Bailey softly says, after realizing what has happened. She recognizes the voice, and she definetly recognizes the guards - the droids were a nice tough and new. She idly lets her hand land on her hip, as if for feeling for something. She looks at the exit, now quickly gone. She could have dealt with Dareus.. He was more easily dispatched then Malign. Atleast, he was easier to deal with. It could be worse, it could be Korolov. She looks at her water, and decides that she will stay quiet for the moment. She hear's Ariana chime in and agree, and sighs as she shakes her head. She glances to Tyr, looking curiously,"What a time to come in, huh friend?" She takes the last drink of her water. While his feelings of anger and revenge consume him for the time being, he stops dead- mid sentence and it ends while another feeling overwhelms him to the point where he has no choice but to be silent and still. Dareus' master has arrived. Standing up quickly, he relinquishes the chair and leaves it for Malign, standing tall, he simply stays to the side of the seat but remains almost apprenehsive for any look that would be on his face. Dareus' gloved hand falls on Ariana, sensing her tension and fears "Realax. You're still useful." Before meeting Maligns', Dareus' gaze falls onto Baileys', but he still seems to speak towards Ariana "Others however...still have yet to learn their place. Even on independent worlds." Nonetheless, Dareus remains motionless. This wasn't his domain anymore, instantly and quickly giving up everythign as the presence of his master moves into the room, concealing his fears behind ambition and pride for now. His drink having arrived, Mr. Steiner tries to enjoy it...but that enjoyment is suddenly broken when he hears an intrusive, yet vaguely familiar voice. Looking to the source of the observation. Darth Malign. It has to be. Well, they've never met personally, but the former Commander had seend plenty of news feeds and heard rumors about the Sith member...or was it members...of the Command Fleet. Then again what does he know, he was one of the unlucky backwater Outer Rim commands. Shrugging it off, his attention is drawn to Bailey, "When are Cantinas *not* 'exciting' is the better question." (speaking in Corellian) "You're now claiming this bar as your own place?" Laenira remarks in a soft voice, clearly amused, "You might want to spruce things up a bit, maybe have the hired help shovel out a few decades worth of dust from the corners," she suggests. Her gaze remains on the door as she speaks, observing as Malign glides into the room with his entourage. Her eyes narrow slightly, clinical mind clicking into gear as she studies the way they move and scatter around the room, "I dare say you won't believe we were discussing the price of tea on Coruscant?" Aleira looks over to the barkeep, and notices bailey, nodding and waiting for the water, which soon comes. the comotion of the sith is great, and she looks over to them, shuddering slightly at them- not strong in the force, she none the less can hear the power. Smokes, Malign's sense of relaxation at the moment. His mind glides around the room with his steady gaze collecting information and listening to the faint imprints these beings leave on the Force, on top of being a Sith Lord he was an Inspector and Detective for CorSec and had abilities and experience both with and without the Force, "The price of tea on Coruscant, is set by the Galactic Empire's finance ministries, or some able body that answers to them or the Emperor." The Sith states plainly but allows himself to chuckle lightly, "But no, no there are too many blasters and hard feelings here to be a discussion about tea in a place where you certainly would not be able to find a glass of it." He waves a hand dismissively. "I am growing old, some might say that, that is both good and bad. Perhaps I am getting wiser and more reserved, willing to listen instead of act, but also I have little tolerance for foolishness and I must be a stalwart that protects my investments." A faint hand gestures toward Dareus. Malign sighs heavily and shakes his head. "The question will be useful, why should I allow any of you to live? What makes it more valuable for me to allow you to leave this bar? Why wouldn't it be easier for me to just erase you all from existence, not burdened to think about you ever again?" His hood comes back to show the room his hardened expression, he raises a single brow and takes another draw from his smoke it was done, he reaches for another and realizes he's out. So much for relaxation. The guards he brought with him begin to hum with raw energy. "A few reasons affect that.." Bailey says as she slowly begins to stand, glancing up to a droid above her. She side looks to Tyler,"Because there is no guarantee you can defeat us all.. You are the most powerful being here, that I have no doubt. But to defeat us all is to say that you know everything about everyone in this room.. Which I'm not sure you do." She watches him, her tone even,"But more importantly.." "You wont because all of us have some use. A dead person can not be as useful as one who is alive. We all have our assets.." She glances to the woman and then Ariana. She focuses on Laenira for a moment as if studying her, before looking back to Tyler,"Tyler, is this grandioso really necessary?" Her tone stays even, definetly no hostility - luke warm if you will. Useful. Pretty much the sum of Ariana's life. Useful to Draga, and it seems useful to Dareus as well. Well, run with it. It's life. She does her best to relax, she's not getting force choked yet, after all. So that decorum takes over in lieu of the fear. She sits upwards with all the dignity and grace she can manage. To Laenira she offers a quip, complete with an impish grin - though one still a bit nervous looking. But humor is another way to deal with nerves. "Probably not. The tea that makes it there rather sucks, why would we care about the price. Nothing like Corellian, Eriadani, or some of the smaller worlds out there." And she seems to be quick to answer Malign as well. "Perhaps, My Lord. Because of my Charming personality that you have yet to make a very good aquaintance of." Her tone is rather rapid though. Laenira begins to chuckle softly, a bare breath of sound before she reaches for the bottle of Caridan rum she'd left on the table and pours more into her glass. Quite likely it's the cleanest glass in the room, for the record, but with the high alcohol content it's at least sterile at this point. She continues to chuckle softly as Bailey speaks, letting Bailey offer some reasons as to why Malign might refrain from killing the lot of them. "It's terribly untidy, actually, to just kill us all. Oh, it'll do, but it's terribly untidy. I'm sure there's some use to be found, after all, or did you want to forgo the long winded prattling and begging that would ensue should you decide to line us up against the wall?" She leans back in her chair, puts her boots up on one of the empty chairs, curls one hand around the drink, and takes a nice healthy sip of the contents. There was next to nothing going on in space and Ax was for lack of a better word, bored. The man, feeling a sense of nostalgia, decided to pick up a rather illicit cargo-hold full of not-so-legal items bound for a sector of space he had a death warrant in. He hadn't been active in the smuggling circles in years, but he had kept all of his contacts, or at least those that weren't dead or imprisoned. While his modified GNAT was being loaded up, he had time to kill. Wandering the streets, he managed to make his way back to the cantina. So many galactic changing events started right here, yet most of those stories are unknown, even to the locals. The doors open and the pilot moves in. Still dressed the same, still packing the same visible weaponry and wearing the same high-tech armor. (speaking in Basic) Tyr shrugs and takes a swig from his glass. Keeping his voice a bit moreso to himself, he chuckles, "Besides, there would be no fun in simply wiping us all out here and now." Shrugging, he looks to Tyler, actually adressing him now, "I for one have no qualms about dying here and now, Lord Malign. I have done my duty to the Empire, and I am my own person in the galaxy now. But death comes when it comes, the means and time we do not know...but why fear it, for we cannot escape it. That is to say, however, that I don't fear you. Oh yes, I do fear you. I fear and respect the power that you so keenly command, a gift you have indeed sir, thus it is yours to do with as you will." Smiling, he downs the last of his Lum and punctuates his short speech by slamming the glass down onto the bartop. "Some use. The idea is laughable. You haven't the slightest idea of what use you could be until you step forward with something inside your sould which will allow you to be above your current pitiful lives and stations. Step out of what shadows your used to be and become something better." The words were simple from Dareus, but filled with spite for all but one who spoke near the table Still standing, the apprentice pulls the hood over his head and simply bows towards Malign "I have true business to take care of. Not hopes and dreams of local drunks that would wish for some life that exists outside of simple dreams and fantasies." Harsh? Maybe. But he couldn't care less. If someone should take the shot into his back either they would end up dead, or Dareus would. There was no other outcome aside from those two. He had been respectful to his master, but the common people and their own existances, petty arguments were drawing thin on him. Dareus does nothing more than to move towards the exit, a simple shudder moving through the force, only felt by one- he was certain. "Great," Axel says to himself as his glowing blue eyes scan the bar spotting the departing Dareus and then settling on Malign. "I leave and you show up. Figures I would leave too soon," he says, approaching the Sith Lord. "I hope that I am not interupting anything." He seems totally oblivious to the situation at hand, or he just doesn't really care. (speaking in Basic) Malign was not listening at first instead his fingers moved through the insides of his now empty package of smokes before throwing the remains to the ground with a light flick in the general direction of Bailey, "It would be such a tragedy for me to erase you from the galaxy over something as minor as showing a lack of respect to my true name." The Sith Lord shrugs, "I have killed millions for less." He stands up and turns reaching right into the now present Axel's pocket and draws out a smoke casually with a flick of his wrist and lightning it he places it in his mouth and ponders for a moment, "You may put up a valiant effort, but you misunderstand the nature of a battle that would happen with a Sith Lord." As Dareus pushes by Malign simply raises a hand toward his apprentice and allows him to be enveloped by dark energy, "No, Dareus, why would you day leave a bar where I am having a serious discussion about life and death?" he looked displeased and he responded by sending Dareus spiraling across the room at a crushing speed to find a home in a far wall. He sighs and returns to the task at hand, "Indeed." He points at Ariana, "You could be of some use to me, and you seem nice enough." He shrugs, "Confidence, it is in the air, not enough fear though. A shame really, Vichten everyone here is to be put into our custody and to be taken to my command ship. Our holding cells needs some occupants, I will measure these beings use. Yes, much too untidy, here to kill everyone that is." He had massacred hundreds of people here before though. His anger was overwhelming his body, enough to cause confusion and simple hatred to flow from each step and word he spoke. This was the primary reason that Dareus was moving from the bar at a rather regular pace. No matter what, his senses were moving thorughout the place quickly- there were several he'd prefer to simpyl have their heads removed on the spot, however he never forgot faces at some time or another. He would be back for them sooner or later. However, Malign had a seperate plan, something that Dareus had enough time to stop dead in his tracks and turn partially around to sense- though there was nothing he could remotely to do stop it. By the time the cold blue eyes fall towards Malign, his head is already slamming against the wall which hides the doors to the entrance of the bar, the body falling quickly to the ground and doing little else aside from remaining breathing. "I'm not.. much for being captured.." Bailey says, her hands raising as the commands are given. She sighs and glances at the others,"I really think it would be a waste of your resources to worry about capturing me or my compatriots anyway - I thought you found my useless?" She watches the man, and shakes her head. She glances to everyone else and to the droids. They didn't seem like to much, they probably could be dispatched with a little work.. and with Dareus being tossed aside that was one less sith to worry about. She sighs and rests on her back foot,"I bet Fleming would love to see this.." She mumbles, just waiting to see what happens - to see how many denizens resist.. Ariana's attempt at smiling and impish pleasantness fades into a bit more pale an expression. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She must remain calm now. What else can she do? At least she's not dead yet. She laughs sardonically, and the impish look returns - though it's far more nervous than before. "If I'm lucky, your cells won't be as hot as my own at Draga's palace. Maybe I'll get some sleep for once." Again her words come out extremely rapidly, the nervousness being battled by an attempt at humor. And in this strange case, a possible bright side! If she's lucky. Still, she isn't trying to bolt, and sits where she is stoically awaiting the oncoming march to captivity. Axel doesn't look too thrilled with the assignment, though he does smile at the sight of Dareus being tossed across the room. Reminiscent of Fountain Square on Caspar, where Ax did a similar bout of shipless flight straight into the fountain itself. "I'll call some men down to take care of the escort. You want them in the detention cells or confined to the observation deck?" This was a chore that the man obviously felt beneath him. They had crewmen for such an occassion, along with shuttles. Besides, the Predator was no longer under his command, thank the gods. He had his own vessels to tend to, none of which were suited well for possible 'long-term visitors'. (speaking in Basic) Laenira is on her feet by the time Dareus slams into the wall then slumps to the ground. She casts a look at Malign as she moves through the room and goes to one knee beside Dareus and checks the pulse at the side of his throat. "Steady pulse and respiration," she reports, then smiles faintly, "just like old times. Between him and Wolf I never was sure which one had the highest scar and wounded in action count." She peels one eyelid upwards and checks his pupils, "Don't suppose you'll let me take a sample of his blood while he's out?" she asks of Malign, all business, as usual. Tyr sighs, a bit buzzed, but still aware of the situation. He'd just come in for a drink, now he's getting taken into the custody of a Sith Lord. Fun. Quickly rummaging around in his pockets, he gets two fingers on his Imperial ID Card. Who knows, may save him in the end. Although his mind already is racing as to what possible "assessments" the Sith Lord could possibly have in store. Malign pauses to ponder for a few moments, "Axel, the observation deck will be fine." He smiles and moves quietly over to Laenira his hands reach down gently placing his hands on her shoulders and clenching lightly he leans forward to whisper into her ear, "His blood is on file in the Predator Medical Bay, come with me, I will give you total access. If you accept my previous offers." He smiles darkly allowing his cloak to wrap around the good doctor, "In fact, this is a fortunate day for all of you." He declares brushing his hands across Laenira, suggestively as he steps away, "All of you are going to be given a chance to prove your use to me. If you survive, you will naturally be rewarded. Do not resist my guards, resistance will shorten your life and the opportunity I am about to invest in all of you." He says darkly, "Axel, Dareus these men will be your guides along with me into a new world and potential life." He smiles, "So, let's go have some of that fine Coruscant tea everyone was so eager to talk about." Several long minutes pass before his eyes flutter a little and start to open; anything in the field of vision is really blurry or in multiples for the time being. By the time they focus, Dareus waves her hand away, "Get the hell off me." Laeniras' words echoed in his mind gently, he was unconscious before but they were still there in his head "You want blood, get in line." She was his doctor once, but no longer- they had droids for this work. Moving to his feet, he leans against the door while a few long breaths move through his body, controlling the pain softly while he also retains dominion over the emotions through his body. For what seems like a few long minutes he remains quiet, stoic but watching almost everyone with a vicious enough ferocitythat was just begging to be tested. Simple sounds were almost nothing in his ears anymore. He'd gone through the extended trouble of movin the fleet to be on the far end, hidden from other vessels, but he would not argue. His head was still ringing, however he'd be sure to seal the med bay before Lynae could come near it- Captains' perogative. Looking towards Malgin, he doesn't do much else aside from give a half bow "As you wish." There was no more turning his back, however once the time was right, he did, hitting the comlink, "Secure all the decks and put us on alert. I'll brief the crew when I return, Commander." He takes a half step towards the door, two droids seemingly slip from the ceiling onto the desert floor and flank the Captain carefully- they followed him everywhere, unless people noticed them. There were no more words- many feelings but they were left unspoken at best. "You sure about this Ty.. Lord Malign?" Still, Ax had problems calling the Sith by the 'new' name, having known him since before the rise to power. "Anyway, I'll do as you ask." Speaking into air, the pilot says. "Kath Hound to Mother Den, send in the pack, we're bringing dinner home." To most, it would appear as if the man were talking to himself, or pretending. To others who knew, they would realize he was accessing the expensive comlink implanted into his cranium. "Shuttle will be down in six minutes for transport to the Predator. There will be guards on post when we arrive on ship." (speaking in Basic) Ariana takes one more deep breath while keeping her eyes closed before standing up. She is not intending to resist, and carefully replaces the chair under the table before she puts her hands behind her head. Not much she can to besides play it safe. The guards won't find any weapons on her, since she has none. Not much she can do, and whatever happens... Draga will likely hear about it, for better or for worse. But now she needs to figure out how she can be useful enough to live. She tries to end up in the line close to Bailey, if she can manage it. Oddly, her bearing represents more of an acceptance than any real nervousness at the moment. And even more oddly, perhaps even some relief. Dropping a few credits on the table to cover his bar tab, Tyr is a bit shaken when he looks up only to come face to face with an emotionless guard, part of Tyler's detail. "Name?" The man doesn't portray anything...he's well trained. Tyr nods, "Tyr Steiner, Commander, Imperial Navy, retired." He produces a card from his pocket reaffirming the information. The guard looks over it haf-interested, then simply returns it to the man. "Follow me..." And all he had come in for was a drink. Lynae goes still and quiet as Malign approaches, her jaw clenching in response to the weight of his hands on her shoulders and his spoken words. His cloak brushes around her, obscuring the room for a bare moment, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he brushes his hands across her in a suggestive manner. A smile breaks out on her face as he steps away, giving her room to rise to her feet and turn towards Tyler. She closes the distance between them and without warning, preamble or anything that gives a tell-tale of what she's going to do, she lashes out with a kick aimed towards Tyler. It doesn't matter if it lands or not, there are rules and that's all that matters. "Do not touch me," she states in a flat voice, her blue eyes sparkling with anger. "No one touches me without permission. Not now, not then, not ever. Are we clear?" Bailey glances to Ariana and smiles faintly, she speaks gently,"Just keep agreeing and you will be fine.." She winces as the person goes to kick the sith, and already knows how that will come about. She stops and shakes her head gently, and looks to the guard,"I don't think you need my identification.. It's quite obvious to everyone who I am.." She smiles gently and doens't put up a fight. Everything was unfolding slowly around him, everyone for the most part was cooperating with his wishes. Suddenly Malign's senses go off as Lynae sends a kick into his direction. A gentle raise of his hand as a massive wave of telekinetic energy rushes forward creating a powerful resistance slowing the attack until he extends a hand and to make it look as if he deflects the blow with the tip of his index finger, "Lynae, you are truly a wonderful specimen." He says darkly, "Worthy of your own experimentation table. My good doctor, you see we have similar interest." His features darken as a hand lashes out onto her shoulder again, this time it was twisted with dark energy as the Dark Lord concentrates, he moves in again, "Only one being in this galaxy is worthy for me to ask him for anything. I take from everyone else." He hisses, "Understand your place." Dark energy begins to lash out around Lynae as it begins to slowly drain her of energy. Malign slips in to wrap his arms around the good Doctor incase she falls, it was only a matter of time. He leans forward again to whisper, "Understand Lynae, I haunt you because I care about you and find you to be useful." "Dareus, get them to the ship. I will escort the good doctor myself." He adds with a faint smile. Ariana nods to Bailey, before she looks over towards where Lynae is suddenly sapped of life, and hears the words that are said. Every bit of that horrifies her at some level. The use of the power itself. The implications of the Sith, both of his intentions and of what Lynae herself has done. She grows more pale. Starting to wonder at some level if being Draga's captive wasn't a bit more preferable. Her turn with the guard, "I.. have no card. But I'm Ariana Seri, Lord Draga's... Ambassador, of sorts, though slave might be a better word." She doesn't expect the guard to care a whit. But she's just trying to be honest. While Malign smiled, Dareus had nothing but the opposite. His head was pounding and he almost wished it was from a hangover. Too bad he was sober for it now. The doors to the Cantina are already opening, the well designed guards moving in swiftly, quickly following his direction as a comlink is opened once again "Activate life support on decks five and four, assign guards throughout the corridors, and send a shuttle down to the planet." The apprentice remains at the door for the time being, his fingers moving along the woolen cloak and bathing the face in darkness quickly- even he was somewhat exuasted from this- however he felt some solace in the fact he would be in his quarters shortly. "As you wish, my Master." A slight gritting of his teeth quickly is dulled with the noise of a passing breeze, though his eyes remain on the movement of their 'guests' towards his ship. Lynae knew that the kick wasn't going to land, it didn't matter. What matters is that the retaliation had to be made, there are standards. There are rules. She wasn't thought of as an Icy Bitch without just cause. The connection of her foot to the invisible wall around Tyler sent a jolt of pain up along her foot, lower leg and seemed to center rather nicely in her knee. She recovers enough to retreat to almost a crouch, but it's not far enough to put her out of reach. She sees his hand moving towards her again and, as much as she wants to get the heck out of dodge at this point, even though she begins to move slightly backwards as well, she's just no where near fast enough. The look on her face is not pleasant, and the words she manages are fairly straight forward, "I told you not to touch me," she reiterates, wanting nothing more than to muster her will and her strength and shove him away and walk out. His words seem to come from the end of a long tunnel, echoing oddly in her brain. Analytical to the last her training gives her a run down of the potential reasons to be feeling like she's just been hit by a repulsor sled. Lynae's head sags forward until her chin rests on her chest, eyes closed and arms draped over the arms of the pilots chair she's seated in. Shallow breathing is interrupted as her head lifts slowly, a frown forming on her face before her eyes open and her head snaps upwards. Slamming the back of her head against the padding of the chair she lets out a low voiced string of mutterings as she rubs the back of her head with her left hand. Staring around her she frowns even more, everything looks in order. Ship, check. Wallet, check. Only question, how did she get from the cantina to here? From the shadows, Malign begins to collect, stepping out as if he was separating himself from a larger organism. A gloved hand reaches forward over the chair, not touching Lynae this time but holding a small vile of blood, "Dareus' blood sample." He says plainly, "I keep my promises." He says darkly stepping forward to sit down in the co-pilot's chair with a smoke hanging from his mouth. He leans back and kicks his boots up onto the consoles. He sighs heavily, "You know Lynae, for someone who has managed to survive so much you think you would have lightened up by now. Human contact is not a sin, it is part of a fine and successful development, psychologically." He smirks lighting a smoke, "Rules are rules." He mutters. Taking the offered blood sample, Lynae holds it in one hand then lifts it upwards to examine the blood with the over head lights behind it, falling back into what for her is base operating mode. When in doubt, be professional. "Thank you," she says simply, giving the vial a slight shake before lowering it and turning slowly to study Malign where he sits in the co-pilots chair. "For the record, I didn't say it was a sin. Sin is a concept espoused by religious or cultural quirks. Neither of which I indulge in, personally. I do not, however, invite - allow - or accept casual contact. It's a personal preference, Malign. My space is mine, and mine alone." The Sith shrugs, "I subscribe to religion, it is in my title. I suppose in a way I am spiritual." He smiles darkly looking over to the doctor, "A woman of science, and a man of religion. We would make quite a team I would venture." He pulls his boots down and glances over more carefully, "I am not a good at respecting personal space, I am Corellian, besides you share your space with the Force." He says darkly, "And I am very intimate with the Force, the fact the energy field pierces through you may warrant closer relations." Malign stands from the chair now, "I will keep your supply up, on blood that is, but only on the condition you tell me what you are experimenting on." He turns to regard the woman carefully, "Be careful, the blood of the Sith by its very nature can be poisonous to your soul." "I haven't broken a vial containing a biological sample in more than a decade," Lynae replies, a strong note of professionalism in her tone of voice. "My line of research usually was in the field where little mistakes like that would potentially cost me the entire research team, and myself included. I don't make mistakes. Mistakes are for the flunkies that shuffle paper around the real scientists." She holds the vial securely in one hand. "So far, I'm trying to track the progress of the disease that he's carrying. I want to see if there's a potential cure to be found in his own antigens. And if not, then to at least track and graph the disease itself and work up a full model so that I can dissect that and figure out what makes it tic." She pauses and stares at Tyler for a silent moment, "The force is something you get - or have to , not sure which - deal with, Malign. Not I. If I can't duplicate it in the lab with independent testing and a double blind study, then it's not for me to muck around with." "Yes, Doctor, save your mistakes for your life not the lab." Malign shrugs, "I know two mistakes you made, one harbored enemies of the Empire that cost you your life and career, and two refused my offer to command my ships." He chuckles lightly, "We're all allowed a few mistakes, Lynae, but do not isolate yourself from reality. You are a doctor in some ways, but still very much Imperial. Do not lose yourself in a vain attempt to reinvent yourself. The only thing you will find is grief." Malign leans forward and looks the woman directly in the eyes, "The Sith, Lynae, do not fear us we are watching, yes, but we are here to protect you. You are useful to us and will be for a long time." He says darkly slipping into the shadows, "Enjoy your stay on Tatooine." With that he was gone.